Very First Babysitter

Drabbles on LJ

Title: Very First Babysitter

Pairing: KaiSoo, slight!SeLu (barely there)

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Word Count: 450~ words

Summary: One month is a big difference to one-year-old Kyungsoo. As the older one, he obviously has to take care of eleven-month-old Jongin. (continuation of Very FIrst Love daycare!au)


It was a quiet (or as quiet as it could be with a group of toddlers) day at Suho's Daycare, and the father of two found himself sitting cross-legged on the colourful carpet as he watched Sehun playing with Luhan.


A month had passed since Kris' last visit, and each boy had grown; Luhan could walk quite far without falling over, and even Sehun could pull himself up to stand in place.


The two were playing some sort game, or at least, that's what Suho can make out from the happy gurgling noises he can hear. Meanwhile, Jongin was napping in front of him, as usual.


The older of the two twins seemed to sleep his days away, always found snoring lightly with his thumb in his mouth. Today was no exception, and Suho wonders when his oldest son would find a playmate like Sehun had. Sure, it saved him multiple headaches when Sehun would kick up a fuss, little Jongin just sitting by and watching silently instead of joining the ruckus. But it also worried him, how introverted he was turning out.

"Jonginnie, wake up," coos Suho, shaking his son slightly.


Suddenly, a pudgy finger shushes the male's lips, a small 'shh' telling him to stop. Suho turns his head to see a well-dressed Kyungsoo waddling over to plop himself down by Jongin's sleeping form. Kyungsoo reached out a chubby hand, softly patting Jongin's head of hair.

"Hush, it's okay. Go back to sleep, Jong," he whispers (or that's what Suho imagines him to be saying, the only sounds coming from the little boy's mouth was a soft jumble of mumbles).


In Kyungsoo's mind, he sees sweet little eleven-month-old Jongin who needs to be taken care of by his one-year-old self. Sure, there was only a month between them, but to Kyungsoo, the difference between a baby whose age was in the months, and a toddler whose age was in the years is very big.


He brushes away the black bangs that have stuck to Jongin's forehead, wiping the drool away from the edge of his full lips. All the while, he makes small cooing noises, evidently happy with his handiwork.


Sadly, Jongin doesn't notice a thing, lost in his dream world of a colourful myriad. Suho, however, had his trusty smartphone in his hands, filming the cute little Kyungsoo busy around his son.

"Maybe he didn't need a playmate. Maybe, he just needed a babysitter," chuckles Suho to himself, zooming in on Kyungsoo with his heart-shaped smile and then on Jongin with his mouth wide open and drool flowing. "What a charmer my son is."

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2451 streak #1
LittlePhantom #2
Chapter 2: ohmygod...i really feel in love with daycare cute...especially part when kyungie say shuss...and pat kai sweet...i really wish this story can be continue with another cp too ...O_Ov..
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 3: Ok parent Krisho, baby Kaisoo and Selu are just the cutest things on the planet.
Chapter 3: Yep!! The daycare!au is really cute!! Please continue it!!!
Chapter 3: OMG you should continue the daycare!au it's too freakin' adorable <333