Very First Love

Drabbles on LJ

Title: Very First Love

Pairing: SeLu, parents!KrisHo

Genre: Fluff

Rating: G

Word Count: 900~

Summary: Working at the daycare was the perfect job for Papa Suho, the father of two eight-month-old twins. It happens to be ‘Bring Your Father To Daycare’ day, and Daddy Kris joins his partner to witness the happenings of an adorable first love.


“Kris, I think you put that jumper the wrong way round on Sehun.” The day had barely begun, but the Kim-Wu household was already up and bustling, preparing themselves for a day at the daycare. Each father had been tasked with a twin, Sehun with Kris whilst Junmyeon took care of Jongin. Unluckily for Sehun it seems, since the corporate businessman was still clumsy at taking care of the young babies, his large hands fumbling with the small buttons and zippers on Sehun’s clothes.

“What? No way.” Kris refused to believe his husband. I mean, what person couldn’t even put on his son’s clothes properly?

“The hood is by his chin. Honey, please.” Junmyeon sounded unamused, but the twinkle in his eyes revealed how incredibly funny and laughable he found the situation to be. Sehun was grabbing onto the hood with his chubby hands, lifting it up to his face until it covered it completely. At the sudden disappearance of his fathers’ faces, and the darkness that the fabric created, Sehun began to whimper, his muffled cries for ‘Papa’ becoming louder.

“Oh right. Sorry, babe,” laughs Kris, pulling down the hood and stripping the poor baby of the jumper before putting it on the right way round. “Peek-a-boo,” he sings, making his usually deep voice high-pitched and playing with Sehun to appease him. “Sorry, my cute little son.”

“I think Jongin is jealous,” says Junmyeon, cradling the other twin in his arms.

“Jongin’s sleeping. I think it’s you that’s jealous, my angel,” retorts Kris, placing a kiss on Jongin’s forehead before moving on to Junmyeon, placing one on his nose.

“Let’s go, we don’t want to be late,” mumbles a red-faced Junmyeon, grumbling about tall towers being too cheesy for his heart. Kris just chuckles, following his shorter husband out of the door.




Right from the get-go, one could tell that Sehun and Jongin had to be twins by their looks, but their personalities set them apart. While Jongin chose to spend his days sleeping, quietly lying in his Papa’s arms, Sehun liked to move around, crawling on all fours on the colourful mats of the daycare. Kris followed him around, Junmyeon unable to move just in case he jostled Jongin too much.


Just then, Sehun stopped, his face tilting up in awe. Kris stopped too, just before bumping into his baby, wondering what had caught his son’s attention.


In front of them stood another toddler, Luhan, who was four months older than the twins. Luhan was already waddling around the daycare, his short legs supporting him, and Kris felt a pang of innocent jealousy at the fact that his babies still couldn’t walk yet. On the other hand, Sehun was captivated, gurgling at the older boy with his hands outstretched. Luhan tilted his head, blond locks brushing his eyes, a confused sound leaving his lips. Sehun continues to whine, pulling himself forwards towards the older, chubby fingers gripping onto Luhan’s pants. He smiles victoriously at the other, eyes in the shape of crescents. Luhan giggles, his face mirroring Sehun’s, and Kris whips his smartphone out quicker than you can say ‘Smile!”. Junmyeon glanced over at his husband right then, and was about to scold him for taking work out on his day off, but he noticed that Kris’ attention was on the two babies, snapping away pictures like the paparazzi. He smiled, watching their adorable interaction.


The two babies continues to babble to each other, Sehun on his stomach whilst Luhan remained standing above him. Suddenly, Luhan’s legs seemed to give out, and he landed with a small thud on his backside. His face registered shock, and Kris gasps as he sees tears gathering at the corner of the small boy’s eyes.

“Oh no, no, no, no, don’t cry,” says Kris, about to rush over to comfort the boy. But before he can even unfold his long legs, Sehun had already taken action, pulling himself onto Luhan’s lap.

“Wub.” It sounds like gibberish to Kris, who looks on with confusion as Sehun nuzzles into Luhan’s stomach, unable to lift himself up. Luhan looks surprised too, but soon hugs the small boy in his arms, his tears disappearing like they were never even there. The two boys just continued to sit on the floor, cuddling and rolling around whilst giggling to themselves. Kris made sure to record the moment, vowing to show it to Sehun when he grew up.


“Wub,” repeats Sehun, and Kris’ eyes widen in realization.

“OH MY GOD. JUNMYEON.” He turns to his husband, flustered. “I think Sehun just had his first love!” he exclaims, wincing when Junmyeon hushes him.

“Jongin is still sleeping,” he hisses, but his expression softens when he spots Sehun finally napping in Luhan’s arms, thumb in his mouth. “He sure works fast though,” laughs Junmyeon, rocking Jongin from side-to-side. “I wonder when this little sleeper will find his first love.” He peppers Jongin’s face with kisses affectionately.




When it was time to leave, Kris had to face a crying Sehun, who wouldn’t let go of Luhan’s sleeve. Luhan seemed to be slightly better at dealing with the separation, patting the younger’s head before swooping in to give him a quick kiss on the lips, giggling when he pulled back. Immediately, Sehun stopped crying, the smile from earlier returning.



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2456 streak #1
LittlePhantom #2
Chapter 2: ohmygod...i really feel in love with daycare cute...especially part when kyungie say shuss...and pat kai sweet...i really wish this story can be continue with another cp too ...O_Ov..
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 3: Ok parent Krisho, baby Kaisoo and Selu are just the cutest things on the planet.
Chapter 3: Yep!! The daycare!au is really cute!! Please continue it!!!
Chapter 3: OMG you should continue the daycare!au it's too freakin' adorable <333