Now,I'm in my 18 years old,a senior high school student,instead of being proud to be the senior high school student,I'm just hate this senior life because the bastard became even more irritated.For once,I thought I could escape from him after 15 years old since we will start choosing our own favorite course that we will be taking.For a matter of time,I thought I was manage to escape from him.

Yes!This year going to be the greatest year.I'm no longer to be bugging around by the bastard,making fun of my height.It couldn't be that coincidence he will be taking the same course as me.He ,of course doesn't know what course I will be taking for my senior high.After 3 years being bugging around by him,I finally can escape from his hand.

With happily,I enter my new class in which I'm taking art and music course for my senior high.This isn't any parental decision,this was my decision because in my 13 years old age when the bastard start to bugging and irritating me around,I feeling so tense but music got into me ,help me to loosen my tense of being humiliated by the bastard.I found myself to be in love with music and start to built interest about it.Hence,I decided to take art and music course for my senior high and furthering it in a majoring art and music college in the future.

That bastard couldn't be have any music interest and talent like me.

I greeted with bowing to my new classmates as I walked into the class,"Annyeonghasaeyo,I'm-"

"Hey!shortie!"someone interrupt for my greetings to all , the voice sounded familiar.This is the voice that had building up hatred for all these years.It couldn't be him..COULD IT BE?

"You!"I blinked as I lifted up my head and I first sighted was that bastard sat on the table next with other girls who wore all hip hop style.

"I didn't know you will be that surprise to see me.You really like to be with me,isn't it?"he get off from the table and proceed towards me.

I step back,"Why are you here?Who's want to be with you?you such a bastard,loser!"I touched the cold wall,nowhere to go because the bastard lock me in between him.He leaned closer as I move back and back.What does he want to get that close to me that I felt his breath.

"Get off me!"I yellled and yanked my hand to get him off from getting closer to me.He grabbed my both wrists and lean closer with serious look.I felt his breath blow on my face now.It's disgusting.I want to get out frm here right now,right this moment.I shut my eyes tightly ,he lean closer.

Suddenly,I felt my plump cheeks being squeeze quite hardly,"You're indeed piggy,you know.Such a chubby chee you got there,shortie,"I open my eyes and saw the bastard put his both dirty hand on my cheek and pinchng me like some kind of teddy bear.I'm not fluffy plushie teddy bear.

"Get off your dirty hand from me!"I yanked off his hand away from me.

"Yah,shortie,we should get well together because we are going to be classmate again for this senior years,"the words from him make my heart strike for a moment .What was that ?i was still going to be with him even in senior years?I thought I manage to escape from him.Why does he in into art and music course here.He doesn't even look like interest with it.

"Who want to get along with you,"I shifted his dirty hands off from me,he keep touching me like had know me for so long.Here,he did again,acting in front of new classmates,probably act out for those girls he spent together just now.There're many empty seats right now ,I should choose a better place to get rid from him.This time the lecturer won't probably in into such a small matter of sitting place,is it?

You all probably thought again,I can get off from the bastard by being seated at different seat from him.I thought so as well for the first time .But,who's know even he doesn't sit next to me,he still can bugging me around like flies.He still doesn't stop teasing me.

We don't sit next to each other yet the one who sit next to me was actually his friend,so he could sit next to me anytime when he want.This is nothing different from sitting next to him because most of the time,he just exchange seat with his friend.This is the biggest joke ever,I could escape from him at all.He is everywhere.I thought I was watching some drama to have such an epic things happen to me.

"Sungjae-ah,let's exchange seat for next period ,"I eavesdropped of their conversation.It's not like doing purpose but he just asking out loud,who didn't heard it.

I draw off all my stuff from getting out to SungJae's table because if that bastard going to exchange his seat with SungJae-goon,then he will keep bothering with my things.In case he have that chance to I seek all my things and tried to not cross the line.

"Shortie,"I ignored him and continue my work,"Hey,shortie!"he finger tip me on my arm,poking me like some statue couldn't move."Shorti-"

"WHAT!"I happen to blurted out in the middle of lessoning.The lecturer was talking in front and turn around to me when I shout out.Not again,this is hesitating.

"Any problem,ChangHyun-ssi?"Mr Bang the music major lecture turn to me and ask.

"No,not a problem,"with embarrassment I hid my face at nowhere,I dare not to look at Mr Bang's eyes because he had a pair of fiercely narrow eyes.

"Hey,shortie,you have guts,to make noise in Mr.Bang's class,"the stupid bastard whispered out,insulting me.

I gritted my teeth and glared at him,"Shut up."

"Listen up,shortie,I have an important question to ask you,"if I didn't listen he surely will keep bugging around e for the whole period of Mr.Bang's class.


"I have always wonder of something.I still couldn't figure out it because I'm not you and I didn't even experience it,"he get serious tone.I had no idea what does he talking here.I just listen even though I don't want to.

"Shortie,"I hate it when he called me shortie.

"Are you going to ask or not?"

"How's exactly the air above there?"

The boiling point reach to the peak,I stood up in the middle of lessoning and slapped on the table,"YAH!STOP BUGGING ME AROUND AND STOP CALLING ME SHORTIE!"Mr.Bang and the whole class look at me.Everyone sigh were at me.

My embarrassment had nowhere to hide now,I stormed out from the class to skip for the lesson today.

"Yah!One thing you don't know,I'm 168cm now!"I turn around before leave the class.

"I HATE YOU!CHOI JONG HYUN !YOU BASTARD!"I shouted out when I leave out the class to the corridor.I don't care to be heard.


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LittleMissStar #1
Chapter 1: Ermm I think the plot is interesting but there's quiet a lot of grammar errors. And In my case I usually can't carry on reading. I'd understand if english is not your native language but I'll carry on reading and see how it goes.
may I ask what site you did to your poster? so that I can make my own for my stories.. TNX ^^
Chapter 6: Ahh gawddd..cute cute cute cute cute cute...they r freaking lovely.
41 streak #4
Chapter 6: that's so cute.i don't even know myself i am crying when changjo confess his fault. this story is so great.
piejacukey #5
Chapter 4: update soon...
Chapter 4: good job author-nim,,, next chapter please!!!
JisuJisu #7
Chapter 1: The best! Lub chu <3 c;