
My Bed

"KyungKyung ah. Good morning!"

"Tao. Why are you speaking informally."

"AH hyuung. But we're born in the same year."

"But I'm still older"

"Then why can Jongin speak to you in Banmal/informal language! Not fair" and Tao pouted.

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not Kris. Your agyeo does not work on me."

Tao pouted again. 

"If you keep doing that.. aish. get out. I'm going to brush my teeth."

"Yes. You really need to. Your morning breath stinks."


"OK OK OK OK ARASOOO. I just came in to tell you I saw who you slept with last night! Bye hyung!"

Tao thought he could escape but Kyungsoo was already stepped on his foot preventing him from leaving. 


Kyungsoo patted the space next to him on the bed. With his sulky face, Tao sat with his hands on his knees, like a little boy ready to be punished. Kyungsoo lifted his hand & Tao flinched. But the older boy only placed his hand on the back of the other boy's neck. 

"What did you see."

Tao attempted his pout face again. Kyungsoo sighed and wondered how the "fierce marterial arts Tao" came about. Kyungsoo squeezed the younger boy's neck a little. 

"I saw you and Jongin sleeping on the same bed." Kyungsoo didn't say anything so Tao got excited and continued..

"You know Jongin sometimes have sleeping problems right? Last night the both of you slept so peacefully! It is very cute! Is that why you didn't let me sleep with Jongin? Or why you didn't let me sleep with you? Hyung, you can just tell me. I swear on all my stuffed pandas that I won't tell anyone!"

"You do know we're both males right.. We don't like each other in that way.."

"and is that why the both of you had to hide the fact that you slept on the same bed? I decided to sleep with Minseok hyung last night and nobody said anything!"

"That because you're always too scared to sleep in your own bed.." but Tao ignored Kyungsoo's comment.

"You should tell Jongin about how you feel! I told Kris."

"You what?!"

"I told Kris how I felt about him. and-"


"No. Unfortunately. But we're connected in our dreams!" Kyungsoo was so done with Tao. He had no comments. "Our jobs prevents us from being together, even if that is what fans want.. but if you told him about how you feel. Both of you will feel that peace. Both of you know that you'll be there if anything happens. Because whether you're in a relationship or not, love will still take over your actions.. LIKE CHOI YONG DO. AND KIM TAN! (from the Heirs.)" One disapproving look from Kyungsoo and Tao knew he went a little too far. Tao was glad that Kyungsoo didn't deny anything so far. He heard someone shuffling outside the door. 

"HYUNG. TELL HIM OK? YAY!" and Tao ran to the door. When he opened the door Kai was standing there. Kyungsoo stood up. He was shocked to see him there. He was usually so sharp, but so lost into the thought, he didn't even notice someone outside the room. 

"JONGIN AH! KyungKyung hyung has something to tell you! ANYEOOONGG/Byeee!" He pushed Kai into the room and closed the door. He quickly went to distract the other members so that nobody could disturb the two. "YAH. I LOST MY PANDA. HELP ME FIND IT"


Kai just looked at Kyungsoo. "He isn't Kai", Kyungsoo said to himself. "Kai is a name and personality that was made up. This is Jongin... My Jongin."

"I heard everything Tao said.. You didn't deny anything."

"I realized that I couldn't."

"Is that why you had tears rolling down your face this morning? You heard me talking didn't you?"


"And you didn't stop me?"

"Jongin ah."

Jongin went over to the boy. Jongin looked into Kyungsoo's eyes and whispering "I love you. I've always had." He leaned in slowly and he could hear Kyungsoo's breathing. The shorter boy gasped when Jongin's lips touched his. Jongin pulled Kyungsoo closer and deepened the kiss. Never had a kiss felt so passionate to the both of them.  This time it's different. Jongin's hands cupped Kyungsoo's face and took the kissing to the next level. Letting his tounge slip into his mouth, and Kyungsoo immediately responded. Jongin was shocked at how good Kyungsoo was making him feel. Jongin pushed Kyungsoo against the wall as they tried to devour each other. This wasn't enough. They were running out of air and gasping but there was no sign of stopping. Jongin's hand were at Kyungsoo's waist, aiming to explore his body.. 

When they heard Junmyeon giving instructions really loudly. 

"Luhan get up. You definitely heard your alarm since it is set on an HOUR of snooze! Don't pretend! Chanyeol don't do that to Baekhyun, I'm pretty sure he still wants to be a father in the future. Sehun, don't put that panda in the mircowave and help Tao find his other panda unless you want to hear him complain the whole day. Kris. You're a leader too. Just incase you forgot. Tao honey, I know. Sehun is helping you find your panda. RIGHT SEHUN? Minseok hyung, you're the best. I love you. Chen don't bite that. He's one of the faces of our group.. " 

Before the leader and grandpa of Exo could burst into their room, Kyungsoo quickly left to brush his teeth.

"KYUNGSOO. ARE YOU NOT READY? I'm disappointed, out of everyone, you? Jongin don't smile like an idiot. Go change. AND put some lip balm and comb you hair! You look like you're ready for ! urgh."


That night, there was silence in their room, the lights were off. They could still hear Lay making wierd noises in the living room and Baekhyun and Chanyeol talking non-stop in their room. But the silence between them never felt this loud before.

"Jongin ah."


"About this morning.."

"Are you going to pretend it never happened?.."

"No, not that."


" I didn't say it."

"Say what?"

"I love you too."

There was a silence.

"em. That all. Nothing else. Thats all I wanted to say to you, I love you too.. so.. good night Jongin."

Kyungsoo turned to face the other way. He heard Jongin moving. Suddenly Jongin's hands were around Kyungsoo's waist.

"Good night Kyungsoo"



In the morning when Kyungsoo woke up, just as he hoped,


Jongin was still there. 



TADAAA. Because I love you guys so much, I quickly wrote the epilogue. I know how painful it is to wait. It's longger then the real story.. Maybe because my version of Tao talks too much.. 

& HELP! Should this be Rated M? I'm not sure at what level does "rated M" starts at DD: 

Also! Please please please tell me what you guys think! Those who commented or responded to my story, you guys really really made my day yesterday. I slept with a smile on my face! THIS EPILOGUE IS FOR YOU <3

Stay safe guys! I love you for even giving my stories a try!




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kaisoo_92 #1
Chapter 3: "Kyungsoo, nothing is going to stop me tonight.",,,,,jongin you are so adorable,,,,,
silversea108 #2
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, you can bite whoever you want. Just don't bite me (i have skin and bone only, not tasty at all).
BTW SUPER SWEET story. Love it. Kaisoo belong together.
Chapter 2: Damnit!!!!
Too much feels
Chapter 3: aaaa i like this story...btw.u know that kai injury waist recently...and d.o acting schedule.can u make a sequel with this..d.o dont hv time to take care of him or something like that and jealousy happened.u know wht i mean? haha i like seeing them being jealous each other..
ShimShimYdee #5
Chapter 3: OH MY GAAAAD!!! my feels!!! nice one Jongin..wahhahhaha <3 <3 <3
and Sehun..LOL haha
great work author-nim ^_^
Chapter 3: OMG I wasn't expecting another chapter but we are so lucky to be blessed with another one. Tao seriously needs to get Sehun on board the Kaisoo ship. I totally didn't see that tshirt change (Tao's mighty observant even with dark panda eye bags) and Jongin's ingenious idea to steal the keys in the end. Desperation breeds creativity! Again, I swear on Tao's stuffed pandas (and Brownie) that your story's so funny and cute that it steals my heart. The banter between the members are hilarious and sweet! When you have the time and inspiration, please please please consider writing us an amazing *ahem* fireworks ending ;)
Chapter 3: Moreeee omgomgomg Kim Jongin u boy!!!!! Ahhahahahaha. If you decide to put a sequel eheh i'd be happy to read it. XD i guess Jongin wanted author ssi to write a rated m *ehem ehem* for Kaisoo. Hehehe, thanks for the update!!
GenKaiSoo #8
Chapter 3: Ow ! I didn't notice -_- Completed already ? But .. Sequel ? Whaha ..