Chapter 6: Losing Temper and Trouble in Paradise

My Wife is A Gangster

My Wife is A Gangster Chapter 6:  Losing Temper and Trouble in Paradise. 


AN: ( hehe I couldn't resist a little drama.)


               Myungsoo stared at the paperwork on his table. He had three stacks of documents to look over before he could head home. Before he didn't mind staying overtime for work, but things started to change after he got married, and every day about an hour before work ends he just wanted to rush home already. Myungsoo began to type up his report with a faster pace. He was also picking up some food home, so he didn't want to take too long.

               "Myungsoo-shi the boss have a few more documents for you," Said Secretary Yoona.

               Myungsoo didn't say anything and motioned for Yoona to put the documents on top of the other three that's still waiting for him to do. Inside he was cursing at the lazy CEO for pushing all the work load to him. 

               On the other part of town the lights of Lee Credit Union flickered. Sungyeol was pacing back and forth impatiently, his shirt sleeves rolled up, and he was glaring at an older man sitting in front of his desk. The man sat in the chair as if tied to it, and he was trembling like a coward. Sungyeol was holding a letter opener and a piece of paper in hand.  His fingers played with the letter opener in a threatening gesture.

               "Ahhjushi" Sungyeol said slowly , " the last time we're going to be polite to you. Either you pay up, or I can't guarantee you leave this place in one piece."  Sungyeol tapped the man's cheek with the letter opener. The man shook frantically, tears and snot falling from his face.

               "P..Please Sajangnim...I've got wife and kids..."

               "Wife and kids? Hmpht!" Sungyeol snorted, and threw some photos the man's face, " If you thought about your wife and kids you wouldn't be gambling away all the money would you?!....But...I do believe that you won some back at the Casino didn't you Ahjusshi?"

               "S...SAJANGNIM!! PLEASE!! I WAS WRONG !!" The man cried.

               "Look! Whatever excuse you have I couldn't give a me ask you again nicely...WHERE ARE YOU HIDING THE MONEY!?" Sungyeol yelled grabbing onto the man's neck. "I DON'T ING HAVE ALL DAY!" Angry at the ahjusshi for not cooperating, he stabbed the wooden seat right next to the gambler ahjusshi, the sharp letter opener was inches from the man's left thigh.


               Sungyeol motion his head to one of his subordinates to finish up.

               "Take care of it." He said cooly, leaving the office and heading out the doors. It was time to 'clock out' for him, and he wondered if Myungsoo had gotten off from his work yet. There was a strange butterfly feeling in his stomach every time he thought about going home from a long day to see Myungsoo. He was both anxious and excited. He took out his phone and dialed Myungsoo's number.

               "Yeobeoseyo?" Myungsoo said on the other line.

               "Yeobo... I'm on my way back from the office. Are you out yet?" Sungyeol said sweetly. The driver couldn't help but snickered at the 180 degrees change in his Sajangnim. Just a few minutes ago Lee Sajangnim was a beast, and within seconds of talking to his husband he turned to a complete angel on the phone.

               "Anii I have a few more documents to finish up here." Myungsoo said, "Have you eaten honey?" The last question made his co-worker Yoona laughed.

               "No, but I want to wait for you, should I pick up your favorite on my way first?" Sungyeol said, he could here Myungsoo chuckle lightly. His coworkers all stared at him strangely, all the years since he's been working there no one had ever seen the usually stoic emotionless Kim Myungsoo could even chuckle let alone smile sheepishly while talking on the phone.

               Hanging up the phone, Sungyeol saw his driver giggling slightly.

               "YAH! What's so funny?" Sungyeol yelled.

               "N..Nothing Sajangnim." The driver denied.

               "Stop by Mama's Kimbap House I want to pick up some food." Sungyeol said rolling his eyes at the driver who was still trying to contain his laugh.

               "But Sir, you never eat there." The driver commented.

               "I've grown to like it, and Myungsoo likes their kimbaps and kimchi" Sungyeol snapped.

               Sungyeol tried his best to decorate the food plate as appealing as possible waiting for Myungsoo to come home. It was 7:45pm already and still no sign of Myungsoo. Sungyeol had dismissed his driver and bodyguards because he knew Myungsoo was still not use to them around. His phone rang loudly taking his attention away from the clock. Recognizing the number he pushed talk button.

               "Lee Sajangnim speaking." Sungyeol said in his tough tone.


               "WHAT!?? What are you talking about? ...hnnn I see...alright...calm down I'll be there." Sungyeol said heading out the door without calling for his driver.

               Myungsoo ran up the steps to his apartment. It was already 8:45pm. He was late, and he knew Sungyeol will probably have a fit. Eagerly he punched in the security code to his home.

               "Babe! I'm homee!" Myungsoo called out, but the house seem to be empty. He found saw that Sungyeol had set up the food for them, but where was Sungyeol? The food also looked untouched. Somehow in his gut he felt uneasy, and took his phone out to call his wife.

               *ringg, ringggg, ringgggg, ringgg* "The caller you have dial is currently unavailable. Please hang up and try again." The phone said. Myungsoo tried about eight more times, but still no answer.

               "Aish....Sungyeol...Where are you?"

               Quickly he remembered the driver's number was saved on his phone.

               "Hello!" The man on the line said, "No...I dropped Sajangnim off two hours ago. No I'm not sure where he might've gone..."

               "Alright, thank you Driver Shin." Myungsoo thanked the man. In panic he grabbed his coat and headed to the door.

               The door opened abruptly and he was eye to eye with Sungyeol who was looking a bit stressed.

               "OH GOD ! YOu scared me." Myungsoo said pulling Sungyeol into a tight hug. "DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!"

               "Yeoboo I...I can't breathe." Sungyeol cried, and Myungsoo let go of him. Sungyeol could see Myungsoo was still angry. "My phone died" He said putting up his phone to show Myungsoo. There was a gash on his arm staining his sleeves red, and Myungsoo was quick to notice this. He grabbed Sungyeol's arm to inspect it, causing his wife to yelp in surprise.

               "What happened?" Myungsoo scowled.

               "....There was some minor issues that came up at the office." Sungyeol said, " I had to come in to handle it..."

               "That's not what I'm asking." Myungsoo said coldly  eying the cut on his wife's arm.

               "...Oh..this?" Sungyeol lifted his injured arm, "It's just a minor scratch...nothing big."

               Myungsoo didn't say anything and dragged him to the restroom to clean up his wound. Sungyeol could tell Myungsoo was really angry.

               "I'm sorry...I'll be more careful next time." Sungyeol said apologetically.

               "Next time?!....Yeol-ah What if next time it's more serious!" Myungsoo snapped. "WHY CAN'T your people handle it themselves, why do you have to go in?!..A..Aren't they trained to do that?!"

               "....As a leader I have to!" Sungyeol retorted. "..Myung-ah it's not like you didn't know what I do from the beginning!" Sungyeol cried.

               "UGH! IT'S BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT YOU DO!" Myungsoo yelled in frustration slamming his fist in the mirrors causing the glass to crack, and Sungyeol to stay silent.

               "I just...I just don't want you hurt!" With that, Myungsoo left the restroom. Sungyeol notice blood was trailing after  Myungsoo.

               "Myung-ah..." Sungyeol called after him. They sat by the dinner table in silent for twenty minutes. Sungyeol was scary when he is angry, but Myungsoo is scarier. Myungsoo's hand stopped bleeding, and the blood was drying on his fingers. Sungyeol took out the first aid kit and wiped the dried blood away before bandaging his husband's hand.

               "I'm sorry for getting mad....and losing my temper" Myungsoo said, "...It's because...of what you do...everyday...when I leave for work...and I don't see you...I'm just  really afraid...that something bad will come, and take you away...or something bad will happen to you..."            

               Sungyeol could feel hot tears well up in his eyes.

               "I'm sorry ....I promise...I promise you...I will be really..really careful from now on." Sungyeol said. He felt Myungsoo's thumb caressing his cheek, and wiping off the tears.

               "Come on, let's eat...the food is probably really cold right now." Myungsoo said taking Sungyeol's hand in his and caressing it.

               A few days after their argument the couple to  worked out a compromise. Myungsoo had bought back up batteries for Sungyeol's phone, and Sungyeol is to let him know where he is going if he had to leave suddenly for 'work'.

                Saturday morning Sungyeol woke up feeling nauseated as he rushed to the bathroom. It must've been the weird spaghetti Myungsoo brought home last night, just the thought of it made Sungyeol want throw up again. He must've spent 10 minutes in the bathroom spilling his gut out. Sungyeol have been feeling strange lately, he was often nauseated in the morning, and some days it feels like he can't get out of bed.

               Returning back to his room to see his husband was still sleeping like a log. The sight of it pissed him off a little and with a foot he pushed Myungsoo off the edge of the bed. A loud thud could be heard and a grown.

               "W...what was that?" Myungsoo said half asleep now on the floor. He perked his head up to find Sungyeol wrapped in a ball of blanket on the other side of the bed.  "...Why am I on the floor?" Myungsoo thought to himself in confusion.

               Their morning was interrupted with the loud ringing sound of Sungyeol's phone. Growling from within his blankets the older one reached out to answer it.

               "Yeobeoseyo?" Sungyeol said, still growly from morning sickness, but he sat up abruptly as soon as he hear what was said on the other line.

               "W..What do you mean Appa got arrested!!!???" Sungyeol screeched waking up Myungsoo from his scream." Umma...s..slow down...I can't understand you."

               "He got caught buying off politicians...and blackmailing...there was a spy in his group...and..Aiigoo...I..I told him not to get mix with ...Th...They're withholding all of our property...Everything is locked....and...aigoo..they took him away...early in the morning...A..ahh our partners are withdrawing their investments and stocks....I..I think soon they might be investigating your branch...Appa...said he need to see you...!" Sungyeol's Umma cried over the phone. " ...I..I can't say more on this j..just stop by the manor Aegi-ah!"

               "Alright Umma, just...just stay put until I get is Sungjong doing?" Sungyeol asked with worry.

               "...I...I sent him to Jeju for a while...Appa told me to meet Jongie there soon..." Dongwoo said.

               "Ok Umma, I'll be on my way." Sungyeol said, hanging up the phone.

               "What was that?" Myungsoo asked staring at Sungyeol's pale face.

               "...M..My Appa got arrested..." Sungyeol said getting up and putting on his slacks and dress shirt. "I have to go to my parents house right now and talk to my mother."

               "I'll go with you." Myungsoo said, getting up as well. Myungsoo drove them up to Gangnam to the Lee's manor. Along the way Sungyeol's phone every few minutes. There seem to be some problems at Lee Credit Union as well. A few officers were station for investigation in front of Sungyeol's house.

               They met with Dongwoo who was pacing back and forth. Upon seeing Sungyeol he rushed over to meet his son.

               "Aeegiii-ah..." Dongwoo cried, pulling his son into a hug.






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Continue this pleaseeeee
Hi, this story is great, why you do not continue writing? I miss reading this
Blackcoffee12 #3
Chapter 16: Please update this author-nim
Chapter 16: OMG!! Twin!!
Chapter 16: Aww come on! I just started and I have to wait for the next uodate? Nonetheless, great story! I'm looking forward to see their twins! OmG I'm liking this too much. Lol at hilarious Woohyun. poor Yeol have strength baby u gonna need it.

Looking for the next one! Fighting,♡
infinityyyy #6
Chapter 16: did u abandon this fic alr?h uhu ok i just missed this
Chapter 16: My feels are just everywhere
Like twin babies t-twin babies!!
Chapter 15: Gwwaaawww Myung apps shhoouu cuuttee~~