Chapter 2: The First Meeting

My Wife is A Gangster



My Wife is A Gangster: Chapter 2- The First Meeting

               *Ring, ring, ring, ring* The phone rang throughout the apartment. Kim Myungsoo hurriedly ran from the showers with wet hair, and a towel covering his bottom half.

               " Yeoboseyo? Ah..Abeoji I just got back from work....." The young raven haired man answered his father. "Yeh...yeh..I know Abeoji..yes I've been eating well...wait..WHAT?!" Myungsoo eyes widen at the elder man on the other line.

               "Son...the farms been doing Appa lend some money...and you see...Now they want it back...and the groceries store haven't made enough profit to cover the money that I owe them..." Sunggyu confessed over the phone.

               "...Abeoji... I told you not to lend money...I could send you guys money." Myungsoo complained.

               "Ahh but you only make enough to pay for your own living expense in the city...Appa and Umma don't want you to have to worry about us too." Sunggyu complained.

               " much do you owe them?" Myungsoo asked.

               "....well...are you asking...with interests or without interest?" Sunggyu asked. "I borrowed....850,000..."

               "850,000 !!! A..ABEOJI!!  I don't even make that much in 4 years! Is the farm doing THAT BAD?!" Myungsoo yelled in the phone causing Sunggyu to cringe.

               "...A..ah...c..calm down Myung...Appa already made a deal with them..." Sunggyu tried to ease the situation.

               "What kind of deal?"Myungsoo said in suspicion.


               "Abeoji...what kind of deal?" Myungsoo scolded.

               "Ahh...I'msorryMyungsooAh.InorderforthemtowipeawaythedebtscompletelyIarrangedtheSajangnimtobeyournewwife....!" Sunggyu let the words roll off his tongue. "BUT Pleasedon'ttellyourUmma!"

               "ABEOJI! HOW COULD YOU!?"Myungsoo screamed again, this time his was rubbing his face in frustration.

               "Appa is sorry! Appa had no choice!"

               "...Wh...what back up a bit...did you lend money from a loanshark?!.....Ughhh...!" The young man grawled. "Abeoji!!!...Do you know what you're doing to me right now!!!?"

               "I'm sorry ! I'm sorry...but please help Appa with this..." Sunggyu begged.

               ".....What other choice do I have...Abeoji...They'll kill you if I don't." Myungsoo sighed.

               There was a short moment of silence between the father and son, but it was cut short when Sunggyu spoke up again.

               "...Also...Appa arrange for you to meet him tomorrow night. can sign the marriage proposal." Sunggyu added in fear that Myungsoo's mood might change for the worst.

               A loud grown can be heard from Myungsoo's side. Woohyun entered the room and went towards Sunggyu.

               "Aigooo is that my Myungsoo on the line? Yeobo let me talk to him!" Woohyun said enthusiatically.

               "Ah...No not now it's late dear we were finishing our conversation. He'll be sleeping soon since he had work tomorrow." Sunggyu tried to convince his wife.

               "...oh..I see....What were you talking about?!" Woohyun frowned.

               "I'm having him meet his new fiancée" Sunggyu reassured his wife. "ALRIGHT SON! Goodnight! Appa will stop by the city tomorrow to pick you up to the meeting place. REMEMBER wear one of those fancy work suits you have! OH, and bring your salary statements!" Sunggyu said cheerfully to the phone.

               From the other line Myungsoo made a loud grown and buried his face in his hands. After ending the devastating conversation with Sunggyu, Myungsoo sat there still with wet hair and unclothed sat in silence. He was trying to recollect his thoughts, and trying best to not have a mental breakdown. In one loud sigh he got up and proceeded to his bedroom.


               Myungsoo got off work promptly at 7pm, however, because it was Friday night traffic was horrible. Looking at the lock he grown in frustration. Sunggyu had called him 6 times already. He was meeting his father so they can go meet up with his new wife to talk about some marriage agreements.

               Myungsoo was an average salary man, making roughly a $3000 a month. His salary wasn't bad, but living in the city had it's disadvantages sometimes. The city was crazy expensive compared to the countryside.

               He was meeting his father and the potential wife at some fancy Italian Restaurant. He guessed that the loanshark must have a lot of money to waste to be eating out at such a fancy place. He only go to these kind of places during company sponsored parties, or holiday parties with the boss. His car came to a stop at the valet station, and he got out of his car. He was looking stunning with his 'best' suit as instructed by his father.

               Myungsoo entered the resturant to see Sunggyu waving at him, with a heavy sigh he proceeded to the table.

               "L..Lee Sajangnim ...This is my son Kim Myungsoo!" Sunggyu introduced.

               Upon first look Myungsoo's heart seem to skipped a beat. The person that was in front of him was beautiful, it wasn't at all like how Myungsoo had imagined. The slightly older man had a fierce expression. All positive thoughts were demolished when the older man spoke.

               "I thought you had more manners than that. It's the first time you're meeting your new wife  and you're late." Lee Sajangnim remarked rudely. The arrogance in his voice irritated Myungsoo.

               "...E..excuse me?! Are you calling me rude? Sajangnim!" Myungsoo retorted.


               "Ahh ahh kids, kids, calm down....Myungsoo...don't misunderstand...Sajangnim actually came out quite early and waited a long time for you. And Lee Sajangnim...Myungsoo just got off work, and please forgive him, it was not his intentions to be live in the city too, you know how horrible traffic can get at this time." Sunggyu tried to calm the two fiery boys.

               Myungsoo pierced his lips tight and took a seat in front of Sungyeol.

               "Abeoji you're the elder here, why are you calling him Sajangnim?!" Myungsoo scolded. "If he is marrying into our family he should respect the father of this house."

               "....Why..You!" Sungyeol tightened his fists, but was pulled back by Sunggyu. Sunggyu gave him a few rubs on his back to calm him down.

               "Aiigoo..Myungsoo ah, Appa doesn't mind, and you shouldn't be so nagging to your fiancée."

               "Look Kim Myungsoo, I'm only hear out of generosity to this Ahjusshii here. If you know what's good for you, you pay me some respect." Sungyeol said.

               "Hmpt!" Myungsoo scoffed and folded his arms glaring at Sungyeol.

               "I'm not here to fool around, because of personal reasons I hope that you would be compliant to my proposal." Sungyeol said placing a thick document onto the table. "Please read at your own expense and sign. Oh and before we review the documents, please hand over your salary statement."

               Myungsoo hesitantly handed the paper to Sungyeol. Lee Sungyeol stared at the paper and scoffed.

               "Well established!? Yah Aahhjusshii you said your son was well establish! He makes $3000 a month!...My father makes that in an hour...are you joking with me?" Sungyeol threw the paper on the table.

               Internally Myungsoo wanted to teach this 'bride' some manners, but all he could do right now was hold in his anger.

                              "What a brat...Even though he's really pretty...but...aigoo..." Myungsoo thought to himself.

               Myungsoo stared at the inch thick documents that presented itself on the table. There were just too much for one to handle with one read. His head was beginning to spin.

               "If it's too much for you I'll make it simple. On here it states the legitimacy of the marriage. I am not going to lie to my Umma and get into so sort of FAKE marriage with you, so from point 1, know that this is a real marriage, meaning if you ever cheat on me all your assets, plus your parents' assets will belong to Lee Credit Union. Two, if any time in the marriage you are upset with me, or if you want to a divorce all your property, including your parents property will be split 80:20 with me. Me being 80 and you having 20. Three, I shouldn't be expected to give anything belonging to my parents, or to Lee Credit Union if I was the one to initiate the divorce. 60% of your monthly salary will be turn over to your spouse, and the other 40% you're allow to keep. Your spouse's salary is theirs to keep. And if at any given time any of these postpositions have been violated the past debt of 850,000 plus interests will not be forgotten, and expect the billing statement mailed to your door two weeks later. Once you've concented to this we can talk about the wedding plans." Sungyeol stated in a very professional manner.

               If Myungsoo didn't have enough self control his jaw would be dropping on the table at the outrageous demand. He couldn't even feel angry at Sungyeol. He looked to his father in hopes he would say something, or propose a compromise for the two party. Sunggyu shrugged hopelessly and motion at the pen.

               "Ah!...Really...You...Ahghh..." Myungsoo shook his head at Sungyeol. Sungyeol was the most impossible, and possibly the most unreasonable person he had ever met.

               "...S..sign it Myungsoo." His father said meekly.

               With a shakey hand Myungsoo took hold of the documents and imprinted his signature. Before the ink could dry Sungyeol collected the documents from the table.

               "Thank you for your cooperation Kim Myungsoo." Sungyeol smirked, " And I'm glad that you are quite handsome. I hope you'll treat me well in the future."


               "Great! Now that we have the proposal out of the way let's enjoy the rest of the night, eat some food, and you guys can enjoy the live music and dancing." Sunggyu said enthusiastically.

               Sunggyu took his leave after eating with the young couple. Before leaving he stared back at his son, studying his movements. Sunggyu could tell that Myungsoo was falling for Lee Sajangnim, as much as he protests the other's actions.

               "Don't worry my son, Appa will make it up to you...and help you work out this marriage." Sunggyu whispered to himself.

               The two sat in silence having a sort of staring contest. One after the other took sip of the wine. Sungyeol could feel his face getting hot from the alcohol. The longer they sat there, the more attractive Myungsoo became. When he had a first look at him he already knew his heart fluttered, but he had choose to ignore it, after all a loan shark should not fall in love so easily. If not for his Umma he wouldn't have agreed to this marriage so easily.

               The music changed creating a more romantic atmosphere. Sungyeol got up clumsily, tilted his head at Myungsoo and smiled a little. The wine was getting to him but he didn't really care.

               "Aren't you going to ask your new fiancée for a dance?" Sungyeol suggested playfully. Myungsoo rolled his eyes and continued sipping his wine. This angered Sungyeol but he didn't want to make a scene, after all, many of his father's business partners eat at this resturant.

               Sungyeol sat down violently pouting. He didn't know why he was behaving like this, usually he wouldn't even initiate the interaction. He didn't know why Myungsoo was having so much of an effect on him, so he blamed it on the wine. Myungsoo didn't even take a glance at him, and continued drinking. Sungyeol was feeling even more frustrated, and decided to order more wine. They had finished three bottles, and now going to the fourth. Sungyeol really wasn't that much of a drinker, being in the business he could hold his liquor, but not to this amount. He stared at Myungsoo, who was still ignoring him. Sungyeol was burning a hole in Myungsoo's head with his eyes. His vision was distorted, but he didn't care. He was making an enough fool of himself for one night. He felt like he had to get out of there as soon as possible. He didn't want to admit it but he really wanted Myungsoo to like him.

                Quickly getting up he was about to go towards the exit, but he stumbled on his own two feet and fell forward. Sungyeol felt a pair of strong arms grab hold of him. His heart rate hasten itself as he looked up to see Myungsoo. Myungsoo's eyes were still cold, but it seem to be less harsh.

               The morning light shown through large windows of the hotel. Sungyeol woke up a foreign atmosphere. His head ached as he look around the environment to see a figure standing a few feet from the mirror. He young man had his back to Sungyeol, and was facing the mirrors knotting his tie.The robes covered his bare skin. Sungyeol noticed the suit he wore yesterday was replaced a white bathrobe. He was laying in a position with legs spread apart. In panic he grab hold of the covers and pulled it over himself.

               "Why aren't you a shy Sajangnim..." Myungsoo said cooly.

               "...Y..You...what ..What did you do to me?" Sungyeol questioned.

               The young man shrugged and remain silent.

               "Ya..Yahh I might be in the 'business'....but..but this is my first time!" Sungyeol pouted.

               "Hn.." Myungsoo chuckled at him. "You...sure don't remember anything?"

               "...St..stop it...A..Answer me...what did we do?" Sungyeol yelled.

               "Sajangnim...why are you so concern. Soon we'll be married, it not like it matters." Myungsoo smirked evilly.

               ".....S..Stil..we're NOT married yet!" Sungyeol argued, holding the collar of his robes together to close the gap that was revealing his chest. "Yahh Kim Myungsoo! Answer me!"

               "Hmpt...Don't worry... all I did was change you." Myungsoo reassured, and went back to fixing his tie, "You made a mess yesterday. Don't drink too much if you can't handle it. I had the hotel people wash your clothes."

               Sungyeol turned red. This Myungsoo was making fun of him.  

               "Where are you going?" Sungyeol asked eyeing the younger man.

               " Work." Myungsoo answered shortly.

               "A..aren't you going to me back?" Sungyeol questioned.

               "Are you a girl? Why would I need to do that?" Myungsoo said bluntly, leaving Sungyeol speechless.

               All his life no one dared talk to him the way Myungsoo had, and all his life he had never acted so childish or embarrassing like now in front of anyone before. Myungsoo picked up his briefcase and headed out the door of the hotel room.

               "Yah! Yah! Kim Myungsoo!" Sungyeol called out to the raven haired man. The doors slammed shut leaving Sungyeol in silence. He stared around the room, studying his surroundings. The room was a nice suite, but he noticed there was only one bed.

               "...Did...we sleep sleep together?" He said to himself staring at the other side of the bed. There were ruffled pillows and shuffled blanket as if someone else had use that side of the bed. Sungyeol felt his cheeks getting warmer, and his heart beating rapidly.

               "Aiish...Lee Sungyeol! Snap out of it you're 24 years old already...stop acting like a high school girl!" He said to himself while shaking inappropriate thoughts away.




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Continue this pleaseeeee
Hi, this story is great, why you do not continue writing? I miss reading this
Blackcoffee12 #3
Chapter 16: Please update this author-nim
Chapter 16: OMG!! Twin!!
Chapter 16: Aww come on! I just started and I have to wait for the next uodate? Nonetheless, great story! I'm looking forward to see their twins! OmG I'm liking this too much. Lol at hilarious Woohyun. poor Yeol have strength baby u gonna need it.

Looking for the next one! Fighting,♡
infinityyyy #6
Chapter 16: did u abandon this fic alr?h uhu ok i just missed this
Chapter 16: My feels are just everywhere
Like twin babies t-twin babies!!
Chapter 15: Gwwaaawww Myung apps shhoouu cuuttee~~