How I Met Your Father



Outside the small house in the country-side of South Korea the air was frigid and cold, snow piled inches high off the ground. Two boys laughed and played together, enjoying the winter wonderland that was outside of their country house whilst inside the warmth their mother cooked a warm and hearty dinner of beef stew with fluffy bread rolls and for dessert ooey-gooey chocolate chip cookies!

The young woman who was only in her late twenties hummed a soft tune as she made her way around the kitchen. She was content, her life turned out impossibly well and rather incredible compared to what she figured it would have been like as a young teen. She didn't come from money or even a good family name, in fact her parents had eloped when they were just eighteen and ran off to the United States in an act of unjustified rebellion. What were they running from was the question that still nagged at the back of Ana's head, because from what she knew her mother's father was a dead-beat and her mother a drunk whilst her father was an orphan boy, growing up with an elderly couple because they had a spare room and needed someone to be a care-taker for the yard and house. Through Ana's eyes it seemed her mother and father could have done just about anything they wanted and stayed in Korea instead of childishly running away to a foreign country they hardly spoke a word of the language and struggling even more to survive.

Ana was broken from the depressing thoughts of her late parents by a sudden Creak! Stomp stomp stomp! BANG! Stomp stomp! Creak, slam!

"Boys you better remove your boots before stepping any further into this house!" Ana shouted in the direction of the back door which her twin sons were entering from the cold. She was smiling though because the boys knew better than to ever dare entering the house with wet boots.

"WE KNOW!" They shouted back stimultaneously half-annoyed their mother still reminded them such things at their age. Ana chuckled under her breath, they were such little imitations of their father at times it was more than just comical, it was entertaining as hell!

"Well if you both know so much then where are my hugs, hmm?" Ana had her hands on her hips as the two boys entered the kitchen, stripped already from their many layers and now in matching sweaters and sweat-pants. The only difference was one wore a green version of the sweater and the other had on a blue one, Ana resisted the urge to roll her eyes at the sight because it was so like their "uncles" to buy them matching clothes. They weren't even identical twins!

"Ugh Mom!" The slightly older of the two groaned whilst the younger rushed over and attached himself to his mother's side.

"Mommy what's for dinner?! It smells so good!" Ana laughed as she hugged Sangmin.

"Beef stew with lots of veggies in it and some warm and fluffy rolls." Ana answered before kissing the top of the small boy's head.

"Oh my favorite!" Sangmin cheered which made Jinsang snort.

"Mama's boy!"

Sangmin gasped and Ana had to fight the urge from breaking out into a smile, the two fight like how Baekhyun and Tao fought back in High School. "Mommy tell Jinsang to take it back!"

"That's Hyung to you! I'm older!"

"By like not even five whole minutes!" Sangmin argued.

Ana did release a small laugh watching two of the most important things in her life argue childishly, it was a sight that most parents would have found unpleasant or irritating but for Ana she found it comforting to see the sparks of passion in her children's eyes as they debated and always tried to think of something more clever to say to the other in retalitation. Ana only stepped in once she noticed Jinsang looking near tears at something Sangmin said to him. The older may have been bigger than Sangmin and may have been like his father that he kept a cool cover however Jinsang was still pretty sensitive and although he could have beaten the crap out of Sangmin physically, the slightly younger boy could bring Jinsang to tears with his sharp tongue like his mother.

"Oh my darling Jin." Ana cooed as she walked over and engulfed her oldest in a warm hug. "Don't cry, Sangmin didn't mean his words." Ana comforted.

Jinsang sniffled, "He didn't?" he questioned.

"No, I didn't." Sangmin answered ruefully, he didn't mean to hurt the older the words just flew out from his mouth before he knew what to do. It was a trait he also recieved from his mother that like her he would need to learn to control in time. "I'm sorry Hyung!" Sangmin ran to his brother and hugged the older tight like Ana did so now Jinsang was being smooshed between the two.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Jinsang smiled before also apologizing. "I'm sorry too Sangmin."

Ana smiled proud that her sons were able to forgive and move on so easily, Ana didn't know who in the family that came from so maybe it was just a trait all from the twins themselves. "Alright did you wash your hands?" She asked them and both nodded. "Then it is time for dinner!" Ana exclaimed before picking a son up in both arms and carrying them to the table. The boys giggled and wiggled and once they were placed down near their seats they clapped and quickly sat down.

Ana went to get the bowls of stew she prepared from the counter and came back quickly to place them in front of each of her children. "Dig in!" Ana chirped as she seated herself with a bowl of steaming stew and large water to drink.

Jinsang didn't need to be told twice and he started eating his dinner as fast as he could after blowing on his spoon multiple times. Sangmin on the other hand looked nervous and a little sad, Ana didn't miss this and soon asked, "What's wrong Min Baby? I thought you just said this was your favorite?"

Sangmin bit his lip and the youngest looked down at his hands. "I did..." He nodded.

"Then what's wrong?" Ana asked concerned, putting her spoon down in her bowl and giving her full attention to her child.

"I-It's just... You shouldn't have um..." Sangmin trailed off for a moment.

"I shouldn't have made your favorite for dinner?" Ana questioned with her eyebrows knitted together. "Why?"

Call it twin-telepathy or whatever you want, Jinsang in the next instant was also donning a crest-fallen facial expression matching his brother's. "No, not the food. He means you shouldn't have picked us up like that..." Jinsang's voice sounded half-broken to his mother and Ana immediately wanted to embrace both her kids and tell them to smile and never frown again, but she couldn't because she knew better than anyone that you have to have rain to appreciate the sun.

"Why shouldn't I have?" Ana asked in a very gentle voice, now looking at her oldest for answers.

"B-Because of your condition!" Sangmin cried out before placing his arms on the table folded and sobbing into them with his face buried.

"Y-YEAH!" Jinsang agreed a second later and mimicked the actions Sangmin did.

Ana felt her heart crack watching her two children sob uncontrollably into their arms at the dinner table. This trip to the country was supposed to make things calmer and happier for everyone, a different environment to ease the tension everyone has been feeling as of late.

"Darling, Baby..." Ana called out for her children with the endearments she graced them with. "Please stop crying, Mama doesn't like it when you boys cry. It makes me want to cry too." Ana said in her soothing voice, hoping that would offer up enough comfort for the two to cease their tears and come to her. Ana would have gotten up and hugged both of them but she suddenly felt very weak and tired, probably from all that standing she did in order to cook dinner. "Come here both of you please." Ana said and both boys stood with runny-noses and tears still streaming down their chubby cheeks.

Ana used all her strength to pick Sangmin up and place him on the limited space of her lap and pulled Jinsang over to be situated between her side and under her one arm. The boys' sniffling was all Ana could hear and that alone was enough to break her heart.

"Now boys, I want you to know that no matter what happens I will always love you. Both individually, as who each of you are. I will always be proud to call you my sons and no matter what happens you will always be my Darling," Ana squeezed Jinsang closer, "and Baby." Ana leaned forward to peck Sangmin's temple. "Understand me?" Ana asked for confirmation that the two understood her.

They nodded. "Yes Mama." They said as both wiped their tears with their sleeves.

"Here." Ana laughed, albeit a little sadly, as she reached for her napkin and wiped both her sons' runny-noses. "Now go back and finish your dinners. After I have cookies we can eat for dessert!" Ana reminded happily which managed to bring the smiles back to her children's faces.

Inside Ana felt a faint heart beat pounding with life, clinging to it, anticipation building for that moment Ana knew was coming near. As each minute passed Ana was taking a step closer to a moment in time that would change her family forever. She just hoped it wouldn't leave her kids broken.



author's notes:This starts off a little sad, sort of, haha but I promise that it will be a good story and that I will end it with a very satifying ending! :)

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