sacrificing sleep for Seunghyun

BigBang and Bunnings

They shook hands as Daesung and Seunghyun trudged up the bank.

“Is she still alive?”  Asked Seunghyun, reaching down to massage his calf muscles tiredly.  His hair looked as though he had just rolled out of bed and he looked half asleep. 

“Of course I am.” Snapped Bethany in Korean.  “What did you think he was going to do to me?”

Again Seunghyun froze while his face showed that he had forgotten Bethany’s knowledge of Korean.  Finally he straightened and looked around as if wondering where he could hide for his blunder.  “How you knowing Korean?”  He inquired finally, almost gingerly as if she would snap at him again.

After explaining that she had begun learning Korean soon after becoming a YG Stan all three men argued for the front seat in the car.  JiYong won and climbed in looking smug.  Bethany too climbed in wondering at the difference in their attitude from a few hours ago.  Soon everyone except Bethany was asleep and Bethany had trouble staying fully alert herself.  When she finally dropped them off at their hotel she was glad of an excuse to get out of the car and wake herself up.  It was almost four am.  For a moment they stood in an awkward group, not knowing how to say goodbye.  Finally Bethany cleared . “I really should go home…”  A yawn mangled her words.  “Good thing I can sleep in tomorrow.” 

“Soo, we can go your house tomorrow?”  Asked Seunghyun.

“Muo???”  Gasped Bethany and the others laughed at the incredulity flashing across her face.

“We want to seeing big dog.”  Explained Seunghyun, as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world. “And we wanting you for tour guide us for dhe holiday. All of dhe holiday because you knowing English and Korean.”

“Um, sure.  I’ll ask my mum when I get home.  Ring me sometime tomorrow and we’ll sort it out.  Don’t bother ringing before 10am though.”  Seeing the shock on Daesung and JiYong’s face she sighed.  “Ok, 9am then.  Goodnight weirdos.”

With a quick wave of her arm Bethany turned to go back to her car, inwardly wishing she could turn around and hug them all before leaving.  She almost yelped when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her shoulders and Seunghyun had turned her around so he could hug her properly.  For a moment Bethany had nothing to think about besides his arms wrapped so firmly around her as Seunghyun leant on her in the same way he might hug his younger sister.  Daesung shoved his hyung jokingly, telling him in Korean to get off her before she thought he liked her and Bethany snorted.  Seunghyun let go of her, looking down with his shy, dimple deepening smile.  Daesung looked at her questioningly then hesitantly stepped forward to hug her as well. His hug was gentle and held none of the easy brotherly affection of Seunghyun.  Daesung hugged her gingerly and Bethany realised he was treating her as a new acquaintance whom he liked and respected rather than simply a fangirl who wanted to be hugged by THE Daesung.  The knowledge made her almost pull away from him and Daesung looked slightly puzzled as she hastily said goodbye again, included the off-standing JiYong in her farewell and left. 

Thankfully Bethany’s mother was awake when Bethany got home.  She had been asleep but had gotten up a little while before Bethany got back and was slightly worried about her daughter. 

“I went to the beach.”  Started Bethany, suddenly realising this wouldn’t be quite as simple as it had looked in front of the boys. 

“By yourself?? At this time of night??” 

“No, no of course not.  Uhh, you know that Kpop band, BigBang that I like?” 

Bethany’s mother stared at her.  She was half asleep and Bethany had never really talked a lot about BigBang or 2NE1.  KPop was Bethany’s own personal escape and she guarded it rather jealously from the reality of her other life.  None of her other friends understood her love for Korea and Bethany found it easier to simply shut up about KPop than deal with the raised eyebrows and mocking questions.  “Well anyway, I met three of them tonight! They’re in Australia Mum!!  They wanted to go to the beach and they didn’t know how to get there so, I took them.  Anyway… they were wondering umm, if they could come to our place tomorrow?  They want to meet the dog.”

“They want to meet the dog?”  Repeated the older woman sceptically.  Bethany nodded eagerly and her mother’s expression lightened into ruefulness.  “So, these three strange men took you to the beach and now they want to come visiting?”

“Well, technically I took them to the beach.  But yes basically.  They aren’t really… strange men Mum. I know who they are.  Their names are Daesung Seunghyun and JiYong.  JiYong needed a break from… life.  So they came here.  Isn’t that great?? I’ve wanted to meet them for ages.  And they’re right here!”

“Wonderful.” Was the only comment.

“So can they come tomorrow?”

“I suppose so.”  Sighed her mother and Bethany instantly sprang out of her seat and across the room to bear hug her mother.

Thank you Mother darling, they’re really nice, wait ‘til you meet them.” 

Her Mother sighed as she patted Bethany on the back.  “Bethany dear?”


“I hope, they aren’t bad…”

“No mum. They’re not.  Really they aren’t!  They’re really nice.  They might look a bit weird but really Mum, they’re really nice guys.  And JiYong needs us Mum, he’s unhappy, you need to pray for him.”

Her mother nodded and stood up to kiss her on the forehead.  “Good night then.”  She said with that unique combination of ruefulness, affection and don’t-say-I-didn’t-tell-you-so in her voice.

When Daesung rang the number Bethany had given him the night before, the other two members of BigBang were hanging over his shoulder and he himself was feeling slightly nervous.  Last night they had been in a haze of uncaring freedom and going to the beach with a complete strange hasn’t seemed at all odd.  In daylight after a few hours’ sleep however all of them were wondering what YG would think of the night before.  JiYong looked like he had a hangover despite being fully awake and Seunghyun was still wrapped in a blanket as he draped himself over Daesung’s shoulder.  Neither of them said no when Daesung asked if they still wanted to go to Bethany’s however so he found her number and dialled it slowly. 

It rang several times and Seunghyun had stopped rubbing his face against Daesung’s shirt to stare at the phone when Bethany finally answered, sounding half asleep as well.  She was actually still in bed and up until her phone had rang under her pillow, had been asleep.  Her voice when she answered was soft and heavy with sleep.

Without understanding the relief and sudden cheer he felt at hearing Bethany’s voice Daesung reacted to any other good morning he usually got.  “Good morning sunshine, you look cheerful!”  He said with good-natured sarcasm in Korean.

“Thankfully you can’t see me to see if I look cheerful or not.  But why an earth are you so cheerful at this ridiculous hour of the morning?  Go back to sleep for a couple of hours can’t you?”

“Naaeee!”  Agreed Seunghyun from Daesung’s shoulder and Bethany suffered momentary cardiac arrest as she heard the deep-throated growl rumbling in easy complaint from his chest.  

“umm, good morning Seunghyun and JiYong?”  She inquired and Daesung chuckled as Seungyun lifted one hand and waved at the phone. 

“Yes.  Dey is here too.”

“Please tell me they’re as tired as I am still.”

‘Naaaeee.”  Said Seunghyun again and Bethany was only slightly more prepared for the sound of his voice. 

“You should tape that and release it as a single.  The fandom would die.”  She commented without thinking.  In the motel room JiYong made a noise of disgust and left the room.  There was silence between the remaining people in the conversation then Bethany apologised.  Daesung sighed and opened his mouth to answer when Seunghyun suddenly jerked into full wakefulness.

“Don’t worry about him.”  He said energetically in Korean.  “He’ll get over it.  When can we come over?  Did you talk to your mom?  Does your mum know who we are?  What’s your dog’s name again?”  There was silence then he added embarrassedly. “Ah sorry, umm I meant, is it ok if we come over?  I’ve… never seen a Great Dane in real life before.” 

The two men looked at each other in understanding enjoyment as Bethany exploded into giggles muffled under her quilt.   “Dude, you have issues with that Great Dane.  Anyway, didn’t 2NE1 have a poodle in their “I’m The Best” music video?  That’s kind of the same.  They’re both big dogs.”

Bethany tried to listen while Both Seunghyun and Daesung explained why they hadn’t “met” 2NE1’s music video dog but their combined English failed to make much sense.  Or perhaps she was simply still too tired.  Finally they arranged that the boys would give Bethany an hour to get out of bed and make herself presentable.  Bethany’s assent was mumbled around a yawn.

Daesung slipped his phone back into his pocket and followed Seunghyun’s trailing blanket into the kitchenette where JiYong was rather vengefully making breakfast.

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Misaki123 #1
My Dad loves Bunnings... You have absolutely no idea how many times I'm been dragged along...
And finally! A story set in Australia!