Chapter 9

Hate? or Love?...
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A/N: This is the last chapter~ enjoy!



"What are you doing?!"

Baekhyun and Chanyeol turned around to see Chanyeol's father standing on the porch of the backyard, arms on his hips with an angry expression. Unsure what to do, they scrambled out of the pool and tried to act natural.

"Um... uh.... um... nothing, we were... just swimming," Chanyeol stuttered.

"Uh huh," Chanyeol's father raised his eyebrow suspiciously, recognizing Baekhyun from the other night.

His father walked up to Baekhyun and gave him a look as if he's a disgusting creature. It made the smaller back up from fear, the way Chanyeol's father stared at him.

"G-good evening sir," Baekhyun finally got together the courage to talk first.

"What are you doing here?" His father asked, ignoring the other's greeting, his voice fierce and stern. He noticed both boys were shirtless.

Baekhyun backed up even more, feeling uneasy and scared. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun's hand to reassure him and pulled his lover behind his back, standing between his father and his lover.

"Don't interfere with my love life, father," Chanyeol said and gave his father an equally intense stare.

His father let out a laugh, "Don't interfere? I'm your father, I have complete control over your love life, son."

"Why are you suddenly getting into my business when you never cared about me?" It's true, his father had always ignored him. To his father, all the racket Chanyeol makes is childish and not worth his attention.

"Of course I cared about you! I just didn't have tim-"

"Where were you when I got arrested??! It was the butler who showed up to get me out of the ing prison, not you!" Chanyeol let out the bitterness of being ignored by his own father.

He was arrested for painting graffiti on the side wall of a building, but the only person who showed up was his butler with a buttload of money to get him out. His father didn't even come home that week, he never asked about it until a month later. His father said he was busy, "busy". An excuse he's heard so many times.


"ENOUGH! I'M TIRED OF HEARING THE SAME EXCUSE AGAIN! COME UP WITH SOMETHING NEW THAT WILL ACTUALLY CONVINCE ME!!" Chanyeol screamed, letting out the anger that's been building up for weeks of being ignored.

With a loud sigh, his father said, "sorry."

No one said anything, not even Baekhyun, who was being ignored completely.

Finally, Chanyeol's father turned his attention to the smaller boy.

"Who are you to mess with my son? If your family is not rich or famous, then don't you dare touch my son," the vicious man said to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun fell silent for he was neither of the things he just mentioned, he doesn't even have a family! He feels like a nobody, someone like him doesn't deserve someone so handsome and rich like Park Chanyeol. But here he is.

What Chanyeol said next surprised the smaller, "he is Byun Baekhyun and thats enough."

The heartwarming sentence was enough to make him smile on the inside, despite the situation they're in right now.

"PABO! If other companies found out my son is head over toes for a backgroundless guy, they won't ever do business with us! You have such a big future in front of you, are you going to throw it away just for him?" His father yelled.

Chanyeol looked at his lover by his side, hesitating, but the answer came quickly. You can say he was blinded by love, but love is a powerful thing. Just when Chanyeol was going to say his answer, Baekhyun interrupted.

 "It's ok... I'll leave."

It was only 2 words, but it hurt him like a thousand knives, stabbing his heart. It hurts for Baekhyun to watch his giant being scolded because of him, Chanyeol didn't deserve it.

It's all my fault, Baekhyun thought.

But it hurts even more to let him go. Even though it was the best, he still wanted Chanyeol for his own. Heck he just started to fall for the giant but now hes going to be taken away?!

The words stung like poison to Chanyeol's heart. They were finally together after much convincing of the smaller, but now they have to break up? He waited so long for the Baekhyun to accept his heart, it finally happened, but now it's already over?

"Baekhyun," Chanyeol called, hoping the older would take back his painful words.

But all Baekhyun did was look at him with eyes full of sorrow.

It's for the best, Baekhyun tried to say through his eyes. His eyes started to water and tears formed on the edges, so he looked down to hide it.

"Good," Chanyeol's father said, regardless of how harsh he sounds.

After Baekhyun changed back to his own cloths, he walked towards the door, each step a painful stab to his fragile and sensitive heart that was just starting to open up. He was about to walk out the door when Chanyeol forcefully pulled him back by his wrist. He was pulled into the giant's arms that enclosed him in a bone-crushing hug. Tears rolled down his face.

"Don't go," Chanyeol whispered, his voice deeper than usual, while he hugged Baekhyun from behind, fearing of letting go.

A sob came out of the smaller, "I'm sorry Chanyeol, I have to."

He struggled out of the giant's arms and ran into the open air, away from Chanyeol's house, away from that bitter sweet place.

"Pathetic," Chanyeol's father said with disgust at his son now kneeling on the floor, heart broken. He was quietly sobbing, tears in the corner of his eyes, threatening to pour out any minute.

That night, Chanyeol didn't talk to his dad at all, he spent hours locking himself in his room, regretting that he actually let go. If only he had been stronger, if only he held on tighter, Baekhyun would be in his arms right now, sleeping peacefully. Instead, he is alone, the silence killing him every minute. The absence of the smaller seemed stronger than ever.

Finally, exhaustion over took him and he collapsed on the bed, letting the tears fall freely onto the sheets.

It was the first night in his life that he cried himself to sleep.




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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 2: Pillow fight leads to more kisses!
Beau1996 1374 streak #2
Chapter 1: SURPRISE💋!!
Chapter 12: Omo theres a sequel!!! Omg omg omg this was so cute authornim and chapter 6 is still my fav, the tea-scene! Omg
Chapter 1: Omo. They were so cuteeee! And the kiss? Omgggh
Chapter 12: This was so cute, such a nice story. Thank you for writing it ^^
Chapter 6: Chapther6: I laughed so hard :D
Chapter 9: I love this so much <3 It's so fluffy and sweet x3 I rate this...."10"!^^
MarinaA96 #8
Chapter 1: nice story :)
bami1756 #9
Chapter 6: They're not failed humor.. I actually laughed z lot. Hahaha.. Good job dear!