Chapter 6

Hate? or Love?...
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Luhan and Sehun were walking home after their movie date.

"You were such a scaredy cat!" Sehun said to Luhan, referring to when Luhan was screaming because of the horror movie they just watched. Luhan whimpered when a scary scene came up, he buried his face in his Sehun's chest while squeezing his eyes. It made the younger chuckle at his cuteness.

"No I wasn't!!" Luhan objected, "I told you not to choose a horror movie!!"

"But I wanted to, so I can protect you," Sehun said as he held the older's hand.

"Y-yah!" Luhan's face turned bright red as he slapped his boyfriend on the arm.

"Hehe you're so cute," Sehun pinched his cheeks and pulled him closer to plant a soft peck of the other's cheek.

They both stopped in their tracks when they spotted a couple kissing on the street, blocking their way.

"Wait..." Sehun said when they were about to go around them, "those boys look familiar..."

Luhan looked closer too. Both of their eyes widened when they realized the two boys kissing are...

...Baekhyun and Chanyeol!!


Sehun covered Luhan's mouth to stop any sound from coming out. "Sshh, watch," Sehun said, and they watched in silence with their mouth hanging open and eyes as big ad a ping pong ball.

"Since when?" Sehun asked.


When Baekyeol noticed Hunhan, it was awkward silence.... neither pair said anything and just stared at each other. Hunhan were surprised, but Baekhyun was stunned! His face went from light pink to deep crimson red for he had just been caught red-handed.

Chanyeol walked up to them and Baekhyun followed closely behind.

"Uh... so I see you two made up..." Luhan said awkwardly.

"More like made out," Sehun added, which earned a smack in the head from his lover.

"Its- its not what you think it is, let me explain" Baekhyun quickly said.

"What else could it be? You guys kissed!" Sehun said, which earned another smack on the head from Luhan, this time much harder.

"Ow~~" Thehunnie whined and looked at Luhan with aegyo.

Omg he is so cute~, luhan thought, but no, he has business to do.

"Its ok," Luhan smiled at Baekhyun, "you can explain." Baekhyun had no idea where to start, so he looked at Chanyeol, his eyes pleading for help.

Chanyeol got the message and decided to say, "well... um... yeah... um we uh kissed..."

No, omg, no pabo! Baekhyun thought and mentally face palmed himself.

"Ok this is what happened," Baekhyun told Hunhan everything, but he left out the part where they kissed this morning which caused Baekhyun to drop his phone. They listened and when Baekhyun was finnished, Luhan squealed like a little girl.

"Omg so he took you to meet his family and said you're his boyfriend and then kissed you?!!! Omg omg omg," Luhan skipped all the important details and jumped up and down from happiness that his best friend finally got along with his boyfriend's best friend.

"Omg that means we can have double date!!" Luhan suggested and Sehun nodded in agreement.

"No! No it's not like that! We're not da-" Baekhyun was

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Beau1996 1370 streak #1
Chapter 2: Pillow fight leads to more kisses!
Beau1996 1370 streak #2
Chapter 1: SURPRISE💋!!
Chapter 12: Omo theres a sequel!!! Omg omg omg this was so cute authornim and chapter 6 is still my fav, the tea-scene! Omg
Chapter 1: Omo. They were so cuteeee! And the kiss? Omgggh
Chapter 12: This was so cute, such a nice story. Thank you for writing it ^^
Chapter 6: Chapther6: I laughed so hard :D
Chapter 9: I love this so much <3 It's so fluffy and sweet x3 I rate this...."10"!^^
MarinaA96 #8
Chapter 1: nice story :)
bami1756 #9
Chapter 6: They're not failed humor.. I actually laughed z lot. Hahaha.. Good job dear!