Chapter 4

Hate? or Love?...
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"Chanyeol, get up, its 10 a.m. already," Yura said as she knocked on her lazy brother's door.

She's finally home after a 6-day business trip in China.

"Uuuuuuggghh whatever," Chanyeol groaned as he reluctantly got up from his warm bed. After he washed, he sat down next to Yura at the table, eating the usual breakfast made by the chef.

His sister was on her phone as usual, texting probably.

"So how's my little baby brother~?" Yura said in his sweet, sisterly voice, without glancing up from her phone.

"I told you not to call me that, I'm not eight," Chanyeol whined, much like an eight year old.

"Yes you are, my cute little brother," Yura pinched the giant's cheeks, pulling his cheeks in various directions.

"Yah yah yah!!" Chanyeol tried to swatt her hands away.

"Haha sorry, anyways what's up?"

"Eh nothing much."

"Master Park," a maid said cautiously, knowing that he is very grumpy in the morning.

"What?" He said, slightly annoyed. Yura gave him a death glare which means be nice!

"One of the maids found this in the living room while cleaning," she said as she held out a white Samsung Galaxy S4. He recognized it instantly, its Baekhyun's.

He remembered Baekhyun dropped it on the floor when he kissed him out of surprise.

Ring ding dong, ring ding dong, ring digi ding digi ring ding ding.... Chanyeol's phone started to ring.

(A/N: the phone conversation will be in bold)


"Annyeonghasayo, is this Park Chanyeol?" An oddly familiar voice asked.

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Its Baekhyun, idiot!"

"Oh Baekhyun the idiot! Hey! Whatsup? How did you get my number?" Chanyeol asked with excitement.

"Yah! I meant you're an idiot! And I asked Luhan to get your number from Sehun."

"Why? Did you miss me already?" He smirked. Yura looked at him suspiciously.

"No! I lost my phone and I'm wondering if you have it, I'm calling with my home phone right now."

"Im holding it right now." Chanyeol heard Baekhyun sigh of relieve.

"Thank god! Hold on to it, I'm coming to your house right now to get it!"

"No actually I'll come over to your house." Chanyeol offered quickly.

" sure?"

"Yeah, just tell me your address."

"Um... ok... *blah blah blah Baekhyun telling his address."

Yes! Chanyeol cheered on the inside.

"Ok I'll be there in about 30 minutes. See ya."

"K bye."

After he hung up, he was smiling like a big pabo (idiot) while he quickly finnished his breakfast.

"Who was that?" Yura asked suspiciously.

"A chingu," he was still smiling widely like an pabo.

"Uh huh..." she raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, "tell me, I'm your sis, I should know about your love life."

"Yah! My love life is my business, not yours!"

"So you do like him! Ha knew it! And dont you ever talk to me like that, I'm your noona. Our parents are out of town so I'm currently in charge," she scolded the dongsaeng.

"Whatever," the younger said as he rolled his eyes. But before Yura could say anything, Chanyeol already ran into his room to get changed.


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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 2: Pillow fight leads to more kisses!
Beau1996 1375 streak #2
Chapter 1: SURPRISE💋!!
Chapter 12: Omo theres a sequel!!! Omg omg omg this was so cute authornim and chapter 6 is still my fav, the tea-scene! Omg
Chapter 1: Omo. They were so cuteeee! And the kiss? Omgggh
Chapter 12: This was so cute, such a nice story. Thank you for writing it ^^
Chapter 6: Chapther6: I laughed so hard :D
Chapter 9: I love this so much <3 It's so fluffy and sweet x3 I rate this...."10"!^^
MarinaA96 #8
Chapter 1: nice story :)
bami1756 #9
Chapter 6: They're not failed humor.. I actually laughed z lot. Hahaha.. Good job dear!