Chapter 4

The Unexpected Love
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Hyorin walked home with Sehun that day, everything she dreamed of was slowly happening. She couldn't believe Oh Sehun is walking next to her now, the dazling smile on his face melted her heart and made her fall for him even more, she never knew there's this side of Sehun. He was always the quiet, cold hearted guy. Not so long she heard Jaehee calling from behind.

"Hyorin!" she cried as she ran up to Hyorin and hugged her arsm from behind "I miss you so much!" Hyorin turned over and hugged her friend happily jumping up and down "Me too" she smile. Jaehee notice something wasn't right. she looked around and saw the glimps of OH SEHUN. She made a confused eye contact with Hyorin and Hyorin mouthed to her that she will tell her the whole story later.

"I'll be going with my friend, have a nice day" Hyorin said to Oh sehun. He smiled and nodded at the same time before heading the opposite direction. As she walked to the bus stop with Jaehee she told the curious girl the whole story of how Sehun start talking to her. "Chanyeol Oppa is your classmate?" she asked with a pout. "Most of the Exo members are in my class except Sehun and Chanyeol. you're so lucky" she told Hyorin. I think some of the other members are pretty cute mostly Luhan, he looks like a puppy.

When they got the bus stop Chanyeol wasn't there, he probably took the first bus home already, she wasn't disappointed anyway, it was good that he left. Then she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

Jaehee then got a phone call from the school. When she ended the call her face looked like she won 1 billion dollar. "Hyorin ah" she said, her face looked soo nervous. "Mwoh? what is it?" Hyorin asked looking deeply in Jaehee's eyes "They change my room I'm gonna be in room 302 floor A. She looked at Hyorin and a small smile formed on her lips. Hyorin eyes widen as she tried to hold into her joyful tears. "Jaehee ah, I'm so happy!!!" Hyorin shouted, They both jump up and down happily.



The next day Hyorin walked to the bus stop, and to what she know a tall figure is already there, she didn't have to guess it was the annoying Park Chanyeol. She clicked her teeth in annoyance and walked closer to him. Having

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