We're back..

Bestfriend of mine!
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"Park Jiyeon, Please forgive me! Please! I cant live without you" Both of them crying. 

"It's not that easy, Park Hyomin.. You know how i suffer because i choose you 3 years ago? Do you know? Do you know

how much i cry when my parents died? Where are you?!" Hyomin let go of Jiyeon's hand. 

"Park Jiyeon.. I'm sorry.. Seriously i'm sorry.. i don't know you have to suffer like this.. I never know... if i know, i will

always stay by your side... Please give me a chance to repay everything.. Please give me a chance to be with you.. Please.

" Jiyeon just look at hyomin while hyomin keep crying. Her tears keep falling down. 

"My heart so hurt, Park Hyomin" Jiyeon touch her chest.. "Whenever i think about you, i become so mad.. I'm hurt.." 

"Park Jiyeon.. just give me a chance.. i will never leave you.. I promise... " Hyomin suddenly hug Jiyeon but jiyeon didnt

reply to that hug. " I Promise to myself that i would never leave you again... Let me stay with you... Dont throw me

away.." She cry.


This is the first time jiyeon see Hyomin's crying.. She touched.. Jiyeon hug back.. "I'll give you a chance... But if you leave

me again... i rather die than see your face"

"Shhh.. No i won't.. Stop saying that" Hyomin kiss Jiyeon on her lips. Jiyeon reply back. 

"Ehem" Their kiss stop. They look around, there's a lot of people watching their "kiss scene". They smile. They forgot

that they're in the public. "Lets go to my house" Jiyeon just nodding. The fact that she love this girl but her ego just

contol herself.


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Chapter 15: yeayy. finally happy ending
Chapter 1: "jiyeon: i hate love from same gender." owww its hurt me too #hughyomin

hey I'm new reader here :)
bllanq98 #3
Chapter 15: good story tbh please write more
bllanq98 #4
Chapter 15: good story tbh please write more
bllanq98 #5
Chapter 15: good story tbh please write more
Jinaaa #6
Chapter 10: I'm so curious Do u ever did that thing with your bf ? How can u write it so good I mean rated m XD you know what I mean
zaineminyeon #7
Chapter 15: happy ending yeay minyeon daebak!
f89530 #8
Chapter 15: daebak XD *two thumbs*
i can't wait for your next fanfic :)
fighting!!! Love Minyeon so much
sarryna9 #9
Chapter 15: just finish reading this fiction and thank you for your great work..
anticipate for your next fanfic!
minyeon shipper fighting!!
sarryna9 #10
Chapter 12: poor jiyeon:(