Who are you ?!

The Lost Painting

What could this weird feeling be ? Could it be a bad feeling ? Ugh,curiousity is killing me right now . I can't stand it . I keep rolling on my bed because of this stupid bad feeling . I shrugged the thought off so I can sleep peacefully .


3:05 am


I woke up but my clock says it's still at dawn . So I lied down my bed again but I can't sleep . I just stared at the ceiling for who knows how long ? So I decided to drink a glass of milk will help me to sleep .


I got out of my bed and headed to the kitchen . I went straight to the fridge where all of my foods are stored . I grab a glass and a bottle of milk . I put it down the table and poured the milk to the glass .


As I was pouring the milk . A loud bang startled me and I gasped because what will I do if it's a robber ? What does he want ? What if he points a gun at me and tends to kill me ? Fortunately , I got my metal baseball bat that Keira gave me incase someone tries to hurt me . How sweet of her right ? I love her for that .


So I carefully went upstairs with light footsteps with my metal baseball bat . I kicked the door open and I saw a man in a black suit but he is wearing a mask only his hair can be seen but I saw that he has a symbol on his hand . He ing destroyed all my paintings ! And a canvas was in his hands 


" Who the are you ?! What do you want from me ?! " I yelled getting ready to swing my bat to his stupid head for ruining all my paintings 


" you  ! " He yelled back and the symbol on his left hand glow into a sapphire blue and in a blink of an eye . He disappeared into thin air and my eyes widened .


Did he just disappeared infront of me ? I-into thin air ?! Am I hallucinating ?! Is this true ?! Am I ing crazy now ?! Do I commited to drugs ?! Am i just dreaming ?! 


" okay , okay breathe in and out Jaemin , you're just dreaming , all of this will be gone after I woke up " I said to myself then I closed my eyes and opened it forcefully but still the scene earlier is still here all the ruined painting . Broken vases . Why did he have to destroy all my precious paintings ?! 


I noticed that the canvas where I paint the face of my true love is gone ! He stole it ! He ing stole it ! I broked down and collapsed on my knees crying hard . There were small broken pieces from the vases scattered on the floor where I kneeled on and my knees are bleeding non-stop now but I couldn't careless . The face of my true love is plastered în that canvas ! As I continued crying loudly , Keira bursted in to my room and came beside me .


" K-Keira w-what are you doing h-here ? " I asked still crying 


" what the happened here ?! " Keira exclaimed


" and your knees are bleeding ! " She exclaimed and immediately grabbed a first aid kit . I winced in pain as she put betadine on the bruises and scrapes that the broken pieces of vases made then when she finished aiding me and I sat down on my bed while Keira cleans the whole room . Why is she like this? Never seen her like this .


" so , tell me , what happened ? " Keira asked and comforting me by patting my back as she sit beside me on the bed 


" He's gone! He stole my true love painting! " I cried again and Keira just give me a look of sympathy and I just continued drowning myself in agony . Keira might be my best friend but there can be things that even her prescence can't overshadow . But I'm still thankful for having her as my bestfriend . 

" sshh there there , Minnie , okay how a
bout this , i'll stay here with you until you're okay and go take a nap first we'll talk later okay? " Keira ordered and I nodded then tucked my self to sleep besides i need to calm down alittle . As they say , sleep can make you forget all your problems , suffering and pain for just a short time . 


I immediately felt myself sleeping . Weird right ? I just experienced an impossible thing to happen but still happened . So , I kept stirring in my sleep like something or like i'm having a nightmare . 

A/N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

omg! mianhae mianhae!~>.> i dunno how to end this chapter so i just ended it this way XD sorry :C

/hides in the corner/.....anyways , i'm updating my other stories so ... ^^ just wait for me :DD 






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Zupolo #1
Chapter 5: Y is it soo good .. U r awesome ... Y the. Cliffhanger , well I don't actually consider is as a cliffhanger .. And also there was my name on the forward and I'm actually wondering how do u actually do that .. Plz teach me .. Did u use html or something ?
Zupolo #2
Why the hell ! How ....
Chapter 1: Hey there! Told you I would come by and check out your story! ^_^
exotics_aileean #4
*throws confetti* suspense....can't wait!!
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 4: is it Xiumin?? ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
update soon 제발... :)
LuluCjarm #6
Kamsahamnida sweetie ^_^
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 3: good luck! do your best! FIGHTING!!
Sweet story & keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 1: Is something gonna happen to her when sleeping? Ohhhh I’m excited, update soon!
LuluCjarm #10
I will ! ^_^ Thanks for supporting the story dear ^^ don't forget to upvote if you think my story deserves your vote :))