
Dear Love,

Junmyeon still can feel his lower body hurt as he still remembers the session he had with Yixing some moment ago. Junmyeon still can feel his lover’s hands roam on top of his milky and silky skin, caress his smooth hair, and give him hot friction he needs. Junmyeon bats his eyelashes rapidly as he recalls every moment of the pure satisfaction.

Junmyeon once closes his eyes tightly as he remembers the taste of Yixing’s plump lips on his. He unknowingly bites his lower lip as he enacts the way how Yixing nibbled it. He opens his eyes all of a sudden when he hears Yixing’s forced high notes as he is singing in the bathroom inside their bedroom. Junmyeon chuckles and shakes his head at his husband’s behavior. But then he releases a long deep breath as he imaginarily hears the mellifluous notes his husband sings as his melodic sets of moans.

He comes back to that addictive moment involuntarily.

The stare Yixing gave to Junmyeon at the previous night was so deep and drowning. It made the latter shivered heavily receiving many attacks at the same time; hot lips, hot tongue, hands, and stare. Even a single hot and low breath Yixing exhaled that touched Junmyeon’s sensitive nape was very destructive to his self control. And Junmyeon happily gave himself to Yixing entirely at that night. Though Junmyeon could not understand why Yixing was so intense as if he wanted to have Junmyeon as the first time, he was pretty sure Yixing was just missing him. So he enjoyed every touch he received and every kiss they shared.

Junmyeon still can remember he hissed messily at how Yixing from slow to rapid rate. At every point elevated, Yixing couldn’t stop sending kisses to all over Junmyeon’s body. And Junmyeon was a mess underneath. He blushes at the thought of Yixing smirked evilly as he watched Junmyeon squirm and frown under his pleasure trap.

Once Yixing entered Junmyeon, the latter saw millions stars hanging around his head and all he could do was just throwing his head back as his fingers dug onto Yixing’s shoulders. The dig of the beautiful digits of Junmyeon’s became deeper and deeper as Yixing rammed into Junmyeon. From slow to fast. From common to angled. Junmyeon couldn’t help but scream Yixing’s name as he saw unicorns and rainbows and candies and pink clouds dangled around his damped hair. Yixing brushed it off.

“I want to see your beautiful face, baby.”

And Junmyeon blushed like crazy.

They both climbed to their culmination among the low and hot breaths. Junmyeon could feel sand beach tickling under his fingertips as he panted heavily. The sight was too charming. Their bodies were shimmering from sweats and Yixing hazy stare down right to Junmyeon made the smaller man let out his angelic smile.

“I love you, Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon couldn’t help but smile wider.

“I love you, too, Xing.”

And they shared a chaste kiss one more time.

At that point, Junmyeon can feel hands trailing on his waist and hug him from behind. It awakens him from his long recall of the previous night moment. Yixing. His lovely husband. Always hugs him warmly and kisses his nape like there is no tomorrow. And somehow Junmyeon loves it.



It is almost noon when Junmyeon receives a call. A call which he never expects before will come to him. The call is not long. It just has two words: "please come", but it is the caller id that makes Junmyeon frozen for a moment.

"Wu Yifan"





That’s the first time Junmyeon steps inside the big house after a very long time. The smell of chocolate cookies is still there. Junmyeon loves chocolate cookies and the owner of the house knows that well. He gets into the already-opened door and searches for someone-that special someone. Junmyeon smiles when he finds that person. He walks in and greets.


"Hey aunty" he calls.

The said aunty turns around and smiles at Junmyeon.


"Hello Junnie, I miss you honey" she opens her arms and Junmyeon hugs her.


Indeed he missed her so much.


"How are you Junnie? Good?" She kissed Junmyeon's forehead.


"I'm all good, aunty." Junmyeon smiles back.


"I'm sorry for making you come here in this time." She looks regret.


Junmyeon holds and caresses her hands. "It is fine aunty. What happened? I'm sure you missed me but I know there’s something else"


The aunty chuckles and pinches Junmyeon's cheek. "You know me that well Junnie. It's just.. Yifan wanted you to meet him"



Junmyeon should know it must be Yifan. Whom else? Junmyeon sighs. He is already here so he just wants to finish this and go back home and cuddle with Yixing.

"Where is he aunty?" Junmyeon asks.


"He's not here. He asked me to tell you that he had something in his room. On his desk. Go check on it" Yifan's mom pats his cheek and tells him to go upstairs to Yifan's room.


Junmyeon is standing in front of Yifan’s door. His hand grips the doorknob, pondering whether he should really come in or not. His brain tells him to go in but his heart tells him not to. 

Junmyeon takes a heavy breath before he opens the door.


He can smell the familiar scent tickling his nostrils. The room is still the same just like the last time he came. The furniture, paintings, photo frames, all are still on the same place. Even a photo of him and Yifan is still there, hanging on the wall.  Except there’s a black box with a red bow on the desk.


"That must be the box"  Junmyeon takes the box and sits on the bed.


He slowly opens the box’s lid and he frowns.


"A letter? Yifan, you're really something" Junmyeon takes the letter and unfolds it and he laughs, Yifan's handwriting is still messy. Even messier than before.


Junmyeon starts to read the letter.


Dear Love,


Hey it’s me Yifan.

Uh.. I think I lost my right to call you that. Sorry.


“You are, stupid” Junmyeon mutters.


Long time no see huh?

How have you been? Are you happy?

I hope you are, because if you aren’t, I will haunt Yixing to death.

Silly me to write this letter, right? You know, letter is not my style. But I guess I want to be a romantic man once in a lifetime. Please bear with it okay?

By the way, have you met my mom? She missed you a lot. You never came again after that time. Why? Do you hate me that much?


Junmyeon sighs. He knows he can’t hate Yifan. Even after what he did before. Maybe he was upset, so much, but hate will never be the best word to describe how he felt.


I knew I should face you instead of writing this, but trust me you will see me soon.

Now let me invite you to a game.

I wrote some letters for you. I hid them in some places. You need to find them.

Each letter will guide you to me.

So you are in or not?


Junmyeon pouts. Yifan will always be Yifan. Is carefree and loves games.

But Junmyeon too is still the old Junmyeon. The old Junmyeon who will do whatever Yifan wants to do. Even when time passed and he wasn’t Yifan’s anymore.


I knew you’re in, Myeon..

Just like you always did when I suggested a game to you.

You’re not pouting right? You did that a lot before. And it was the cutest thing ever. I missed it so much..

Well, now I will give you a clue for the next letter.

The clue is ‘our first kiss’

Now go!





Junmyeon huffed. He folds the letter and puts it back inside the box.

Why Yifan does this to him?

Junmyeon tried his best to move on, to forget about everything they did in the past. He buried all of their memories in the deepest part of his heart. He tried his best to left Yifan in the back. And now, without he expected before, Yifan walks in again, tries to dig their memories up. Junmyeon doesn’t know what to do. His heart is not ready to let Yifan in.

Junmyeon walks down to the kitchen. He sees Aunty Wu is busying herself in front of the island, not realizing that Junmyeon is standing behind her. Junmyeon sits on the kitchen’s stool and watches her cook. Somehow he missed watching a mom cooks for him like Aunty Wu.

“Oh, Junmyeon! You scared me! What are you doing?” Aunty Wu puts her hand on her chest, indicating that she is surprised.

“I love watching you cook, Aunty”

She softly smiles and turns to his job, “I made your favorite food. Sushi isn’t it? Yifan told me before.”

Junmyeon can feel a pang in his heart.

“He always tell me everything about you, everything. From your favorite color, favorite food, movies, even his cheesy lines that you love the most. That kid” And she laughs.

Junmyeon smiles bitterly.

“Here, eat a lot okay? You’re too thin, baby” Aunty Wu places a full plate of sushi in front of Junmyeon. But Junmyeon losts his appetite since before. He politely asks whether he can bring the sushi to the park and eat it there. And thankfully she lets him.

The park.

The park near Wu’s residence is the place where Junmyeon and Yifan had their first kiss. The first kiss that Junmyeon can never forget until now.

And will never.

He remembers the kiss clearly, like a crystal clear. He remembers how Yifan hold him and the way he kissed him. It was full of uncertainty yet beautiful and breathtaking. Junmyeon remembers how he almost died from the lack of oxygen because when he was with Yifan, he forgot to inhale it and his fast heart beats didn’t help him at all. Even, it worsened everything. Yet, Junmyeon still found it charming and endlessly enchanting. The kiss was all sweet. Not to mention the sugary snacks they ate right before the kiss because Yifan tasted strawberry, but it was just… sweet.


Junmyeon searches for the letter. He thinks Yifan is crazy because the park is just a hectare in area. So, finding a little letter in the middle of the reddish plants seems impossible. But with a clue of that ‘our first kiss’, Junmyeon’s legs mindlessly lead him to a particular spot where they shared the strawberry kiss.

Under the biggest maple tree in the back part of the park, Junmyeon admires the red and orange colors which create beautiful scenery of the dawn. With the shade of golden rays of the sunset, it enhances the picturesque landscape in Junmyeon’s eyes.

He comes closer to the tree while looking intensely at the stem of the big tree. He searches a particular hole which he and Yifan made to hide their things. It is sort of their secret place to save paper crane, sweets, photographs, even their exam papers with bad scores from schools.

Once, Junmyeon comes to the tree, he directly spots the hole dug in the upper part of the tree. He chuckles at the memory when he had to jump because Yifan dug the hole according to his height and Junmyeon wasn’t tall enough to reach that easily. But now the hole is at the same height as his orbs.

His orbs.

He can clearly see a roll of paper with the same red ribbon as the previous box.

He raises his hand to reach it. He opens the roll and finds out that the material of the paper is the same with the previous one.

He reads the first line. His breath hitches for a second. He finds the same phrase.

Dear Love,




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2443 streak #1
Chapter 2: awwww... both the prologue and first chapter were promising! would've loved to know more of this if this was continued...
Chapter 3: omgggggggggg love this story
Chapter 3: Its okay. Just make sure you update it soon authornim ~
Chapter 2: ouhhh come onnnn .....
Chapter 2: hhmm... I'm 60% krisho shipper and 40% sulay shipper, so I read the entire story...
Mydeluluworld #6
Chapter 2: I skip SuLay part, I'm Krisho hard shipper so maybe I will never read that part hehehe
So Kris was his ex boyfriend? But why they didn't married? Kris do something in the past, right?
mihoxkira #7
Chapter 2: cliffhanger... argghh.. this fic has only two parts but it's getting exciting.. i really love krisho....
widyatanandya #8
Chapter 2: curious curious curious pls update soon, author nims ;] ♡