
Dear Love,

It is one day in autumn. It is warm and Junmyeon loves it.

He loves autumn more than the other season. He likes to see his flowers on his backyard bloom. He likes to walk in the park with his husband, holding hands without wanting to kill everybody who looks at his husband intensely because his husband loves to wear a wife beater in summer and now it is autumn so junmyeon is happy, his husband will have his shirt on and no one will gawk at him.

Junmyeon is not a type of a possesive husband. He even lets him have a woman as his secretary. He just hates when people drools over his love.
His husband, however, loves summer very much. Other than the possibility of doing summer activities with Junmyeon be it eating ice cream, playing water, and strolling on the beach all done together, Junmyeon's husband loves summer because he can have excuses to wear wife beaters to tease Junmyeon. But being a naive husband Junmyeon is, he doesn't realize it. Moreover, poor to Junmyeon, his husband loves to see his lips gather in a perfectly plump pout and gives him excuse to kiss it away when Junmyeon is jealous over people who are amazed with his husband's body in those wife beaters.

Junmyeon loves books, he has his own reading room inside their house. His husband loves reading just as much as him. Joonmyeon loves listening to someone sings for him. His husband always sings him to sleep, just like his lullaby. His husband is caring and loving and junmyeon can't ask for more. 

Junmyeon is humming his favorite song when he is cooking a breakfast. He makes a pancake-his husband loves it so much-and he already bought vanilla ice cream for the topping because his husband loves it that much. When he flips the pancake, Junmyeon can feel hands trailing on his waist and hug him from behind. Junmyeon smiles, he knows it is his husband. He has that familiar scent that junmyeon likes.

"Good morning, beautiful" he greets junmyeon and kisses his nape.Junmyeon never knows why his husband loves to kiss his nape more than anyone else. 

"Morning.. i make you breakfast" junmyeon turns off the stove and puts the last pancake on the plate. "Pancakes with vanilla ice cream. You like it right?" Junmyeon turns his body around and faces his husband and gives him his brightest smile.

His husband nods and pecks his lips. "I will love everything you make for me babe" 

Junmyeon chuckles at his husband's cheesyness. He pinches his cheeks playfully and pulls him to the table. "Come on let's eat or you'll be late for your meeting" 

They eat and have some chit-chats about what to do today.

"I'll be off now babe" the husband says once he finishes his meal. He takes his bag and coat, ready to go when junmyeon stops him.

"You always can't wear your tie properly, can you? do I always do your tie every morning huh?" Junmyeon teases him while his hands start to tidy up the tie.

"Sure. It's nice to see you doing it. I know i married the perfect one." he teases back.

Junmyeon wants to hit his husband so bad because of his sweet words. "Don't be like this in early morning Xing. Now go and be careful" junmyeon pushes his husband to the front door.

Zhang Yixing, Junmyeon's husband, laughs and then kisses junmyeon's pouty lips. "See you in 10 hours Zhang Junmyeon" he gives junmyeon a wink and bids him goodbye. 





It is almost noon when Junmyeon receives a call. A call which he never expects before will come to him. The call is not long. It just has two words: "please come", but it is the caller id that makes Junmyeon frozen for a moment.

"Wu Yifan"

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2443 streak #1
Chapter 2: awwww... both the prologue and first chapter were promising! would've loved to know more of this if this was continued...
Chapter 3: omgggggggggg love this story
Chapter 3: Its okay. Just make sure you update it soon authornim ~
Chapter 2: ouhhh come onnnn .....
Chapter 2: hhmm... I'm 60% krisho shipper and 40% sulay shipper, so I read the entire story...
Mydeluluworld #6
Chapter 2: I skip SuLay part, I'm Krisho hard shipper so maybe I will never read that part hehehe
So Kris was his ex boyfriend? But why they didn't married? Kris do something in the past, right?
mihoxkira #7
Chapter 2: cliffhanger... argghh.. this fic has only two parts but it's getting exciting.. i really love krisho....
widyatanandya #8
Chapter 2: curious curious curious pls update soon, author nims ;] ♡