Miss Dangerous


Hi my name is Vivaldi Rose, it's nice to meet you and welcome to my story.

I'm sure you haven't heard much of me, I'm pretty calm and I don't cause trouble.

I'm popular have lots of friends, a great boyfriend and an amazing personality. 

Who am I kidding? I'm sure I can't fool you guys, my life has gone down hill completely.

Yes I may have the perfect life but what is it worth? Is it worth lying to everyone I know?

My boyfriend and bestfriend we're all liars but we're so engrossed in keeping our idenitities a secret that we ourselves lie to each other.

Do I even love him anymore? I don't know, I've gotten stuck in another mans arms. Guilty as charged.

My best friend? Not really, I don't even know why we talk. It's not like we actually enjoy each others company.

See what I mean? Pathetic really. But if everyone knew who I really was things would be a lot different.

My motto was fake it till you make it and it would have worked if problems didn't arise.

Everythings changed now, but I don't regret most of it. It would have come to me eventually.

As I write this I can feel my heart ache but crying doesn't fix anything anymore.

I've lost them and now that I realize that they're gone I feel empty.

Thats my only regret and my only advice, don't fake your life to make others happy.

Don't appeal to people you don't care about.

If you lie to yourself you could end up losing the people that you truly care about.

Don't be like me.

Be a rose.

Not a thorn.

~ Miss Dangerous

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hey guys hows my story so far? I've never really written like that before, I feel like I have to fix my other ones now -_- anyways comment and suscribe ^.^


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This one sounds sad :'( but it's different from your other stories. ^.^