My Love is Real

After what felt like forever, you felt asleep on Jongin’s shoulder. When you arrived there, it was already night. You could feel the cool breeze on your skin as you stepped out of the car.

“Where are we? Are we in a forest? You are going to sacrifice me for a ritual?” you asked with curiosity and yelped when someone just pull you ponytail.

“Can you stop talking?” Jongdae asked with annoyance.

“Heejung-ah!” Baekhyun’s voice could be heard from a distance.

“What took you guys so long?” Baekhyun asked as he got closer.

“Noona and her screaming making Chanyeol stops everywhere he could.” Jongin answered with a shrug.

“Go and make her pretty.” Jongin continued.


‘'Make her pretty? What the hell did he just said?’


Baekhyun dragged you God-knows-where and honestly, you were tired with all of these.

“Sorry Heejung but it won’t take long. Go and wear the dress in the room, okay.” Baekhyun patted your back. Baekhyun was wearing a tuxedo – wait!

“Baek, why are you wearing tux? Wait! Don’t tell me that you’re having an event in the forest? But I haven’t see any of the-''

Baekhyun clamped his hand over your mouth making you stop talking .

“Can you stop talking?” Baekhyun asked with a hint of annoyance. This time, you didn’t hesistate to Baekhyun’s hand that was covering your mouth.

“Hah! Take that you liltle piece of ! How can you say that to your sister-in-law?!” you faked a hurt.

“You know I love talking.” You continued making Baekhyun’s anger diminished.

Really, how could he get mad at you? You literally won his heart when you chose him as the best rapper; Byun Baekhyun






“C’mon.” Baekhyun tugged your hands, dragging you to a small tent – or is that a small room? in the middle of the forest.

The small bulb hanging in the room making the place glow. “I want you to change. There’s a dress in the room and I want you to wear it. I’ll give you 10 minutes.” Baekhyun said as he pushed you into the small room.

There was a mirror in the room and a cute dress hanging on the wall – could you call that a wall? Because the room was made by a piece of cloth, not to mention a black cloth.

“Baek, don’t leave me alone.” You said from inside.

“Yeah yeah. I’m still here.” Baekhyun  assured you.

You and your constant calling for Baekhyun making Baekhyun groaned in frustration. You called for him like, every 30 seconds. When you were finished, Baekhyun entered the small room. Actually the room was not that small, it could fit in like another two person plus you and Baekhyun.

“Come, let make you beautiful.” Baekhyun started by applying some bb cream and smoothing it all over your face.

You close your eyes as your face started to relax to Baekhyun’s touch.

“Seriously, what’s with all of this? Are you sure you’re not using me for a ritual?” You started to talk because you were not comfortable with silence.

“Nahh, you’re not that pretty to be sacrificed.” Baekhyun said while putting an eye shadow.

Your eyes shot open at the comment making Baekhyun’s finger to poke your poor eye. 

“Yahh! I’m not that ugly ‘kay!” You said angrily.

“Oh my God, I’m sorry. Does your eye hurt?” Baekhyun swatted your hand that was trying to rub your eyes that Baekhyun had applied eye shadow.

It took him a good damn 5 minutes for one eye and you were not messing it by rubbing it.

“My eyes are perfectly fine, my heart and pride are the one that are not fine!” you yelled.

Baekhyun rubbed his temple, “Man, it’s gonna take longer.”

After what felt like eternity, Baekhyun finally said the magic words, “It’s done.” Baekhyun clasped his hands and smile, proud over his art work.

You opened your eyes slowly and looked at the reflection over the mirror.

“Baekhyun. Oh my God, you are so cool man! I never thought that I would look this pretty though.” You said, unbelieving what Baekhyun had done with your face.

When you stepped out of the small room there were Junmyeon and Kris waiting for you.

“Wow, good job Baek. This is my style.” Kris said making you laugh in embarrassment. Kris was actually very picky when it comes to girls, so to be compliment like that kinda making you know that you’re not that ugly.

“Come now princess.” Junmyeon said as he hooked one of you arm with his and Kris was making the same thing too.

“Okay seriously, I really wonder what occasion we are having. You’re not having me as a sacrifice for a ritual rite?” you asked Junmyeon making him frowned.

“Stop saying that! You are not that pretty!” Baekhyun smacked you from behind.

“Yah!” you tried to him him but Kris and Junmyeon’s grip on your arm were too tight.

Baekhyun who tried to run from you stumbled over a small rock making him stop in track.

“Hah! Karma is a ! That’s what you get from disrespecting me whom had been feeding you.” You said at him over your shoulder.

Junmyeon and Kris just sighed. What had supposed to a short walk turned longer with your cat fight with Baekhyun.

 Halfway there, Baekhyun put a blindfold over your eyes.





When you reached there, someone, no, another two person grabbed a hold of your arms.

“Hey, you look pretty.” Jongdae said. It was Jongdae and Minseok. Now you really were wondering what  they were going to do with you.

“Don’t say that. You sound creepy.” You retorted. Who would not, he just whispered into your ear sending shivers to your spine.

“Yahh! I just complimented you. How could you ever say that? It’s not that easy for me to compliment people, ‘kay.” Jongdae’s voice getting distant and you know you’ve hurt the troll’s little heart.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean –“ you were cut by Jongdae’s loud laugh.

“Oh my God. Did you just apologize? I was just kidding, Heejung you should’ve looked at face it’s so priceless.” Jongdae laughed at you.

‘This little piece of . I thought he was offended—‘  

“What the hell Jongdae!” you turned your body to hit him wherever you could get him which was kinda hard because of the blindfold.

You could hear Minseok muffling a laugh besides you. Jongdae ran behind you and pulled your ponytail and that’s it. You started to flail you free arm to every direction possible and hitting Jongdae and Minseok at the same time because Jongdae just made a bad move by hiding behind Minseok.

“Owww!” both of them grunted.

They finally let you sat on a chair without removing the blindfold. You smelled lilac candle, your favorite.

Suddenly, a pair of hands went to open your blindfold revealing the whole scene in front of you; a dinner table with candles, bulbs hanging, surrounding the table making it look beautiful in a way you could not describe.

You craned your neck only to see Kyungsoo smiling his heart-shaped smiled at you. Your heart ached because it had been too long since you last saw him.

“Soo-ah.” You mentally slapped yourself for stammering.

“What are you doing here? Where are the others?” you continued and this time you pinched your arm for being inconsiderate. ‘Nice way to greet him, Heejung.’

“Shouldn’t you be happy to see me? And you’ve seen the others right?” Kyungsoo laughed.

“We haven’t met for days, and this is how you greet me? You hurt me.” He clutched his chest, faking a hurt.

‘I did go and stare at you when you were sleeping, you idiot’ you mumbled when you saw him made faked hurt.

“Stop being dramatic, we live under the same roof.” You glared at him making him laugh.

“Are you hungry?” Kyungsoo asked while placing the napkin on his lap.

“Yeah. Since your friends dragged me here, not giving me any food, you guys should be sent to jail.” You drank the plain water, gulping the nervous that suddenly settled in your stomach.

Suddenly Sehun and Zitao came out of nowhere bringing a plate of kimchi spaghetti each. Luhan came after them, bringing a bottle of wine. They didn’t even smile at you, doing their job like they actually worked as a waiter not an idol. You wondered how much Kyungsoo had paid them to be serious . 

“Soo, you cooked this? Oh my God, this is heaven. It had been such a long time since I last ate your kimchi spaghetti.” You closed your eyes when the kimchi spaghetti hit your taste buds, savoring the taste.

Seriously, Kyungsoo was 10 times a good cook than you, but the kids (exo) love your food nonetheless.

“Heejung, we need to talk. About us.” Kyungsoo started when he finished the last bite of his spaghetti, meanwhile you were having your second plate of the spaghetti.

You looked at him and suddenly, you lose your appetite. Kyungsoo had this face saying, '‘ gurl you better look at me and listen to every words I said.’

You sighed. You really should’ve known it, that he planned this dinner as a farewell party.

Heejung, you really need to stop having such a high hope. Get your together, Heejung.’

“Yeah, sure. Umm, I know the contract was about to end so don’t worry, I’ll pack my things—“ you tried to act normal, like you didn’t even bothered by this thing but Kyungsoo’s stare making you shut up.

“It’s okay Soo. You can talk first. I’m sorry.” You said silently as you played with the fork. Suddenly, the fork became the most interesting thing in this world at the moment.

“Oh my God Heejung-ah. You’re so cute.” Kyungsoo said out of the blue after he saw your flustered face. Your face blush several shades deeper.

“So, what’s that you wanted to talk about?” you asked him, hoping that the awkwardness would just disappeared because Kyungsoo was staring at with those big eyes of him making you shifted in your seat uncomfortably, in a good way, because he never failed in making you nervous, just with his presence.

“Actually, about the contract, I know you’ve made that six months ago –“

“Can we not talk about that? I don’t want to ruin this dinner that the guys had prepared. It’s obvious that they don’t know about the contract, so wouldn’t we just enjoy the dinner. We talk about this back in the apartment, kay.” You cut him off. 

The boys who hid behind the van groaned when you said that. Well, you’ve actually ruined their plan where Kyungsoo was going to confess at you and you would accept it and live happily ever after. But you have decided to ruin that very moment.

Kyungsoo sighed.

A song was suddenly played from the van making you startled in your seat. It was a slow song but to suddenly hear it in the middle of the forest, who wouldn’t be surprised. “May I have a dance?” Kyungsoo offered you his hand and you would be an idiot to say no to him.

The dance . You kept stepping on his foot which is not cool at all and the position did not help either; Kyungsoo’s hand on your waist and you hands were firmly grasping his narrow shoulder.

“Step on my feet.” Kyungsoo whispered.

“Pardon?” you asked in bewilderment.

“You can put your feet on my shoe.'' 

You did as you were told and Kyungsoo only pulled you closer, suffocating you with his scent that you’ll miss. Kyungsoo was humming to song when he suddenly heard you sniffled. “Hey, what’s wrong?”


Kyungsoo tried to lift your chin to see your face but it was so embarrassing that you unconsciously hid your face in the crook of Kyungsoo’s neck.

Sehun who saw you hiding your face in Kyungsoo’s neck almost shouted in victory but he didn’t even have the time to do so because Luhan clamped his hand around his mouth.

“Dunno man. I think there’s something in my eyes.” you lied making Kyungsoo chuckled.

You never failed making Kyungsoo laughed whenever you used informal words unconsciously. Your mother used to hit you when she heard you talking to Kyungsoo like that.

He put his chin on your shoulder as he was going to whisper to you.

“Heejung-ah, I love you.” Kyungsoo whispered in your ears while you were too absorbed in inhaling Kyungsoo’s scent because you were damn sure going to miss it.

“What?” You almost pushed Kyungsoo.

“I-I love you.” Kyungsoo said while looking into your eyes. He was scared of the idea of you leaving him after all of these times.

“No no—“ your sentence were cut by Kyungsoo hugging you.

“No. you listen to me for a damn second. It was always you who talk, but for now, please, just please listen to me.” Kyungsoo pleaded.

“I love you when I first saw you at the family dinner. I told myself that maybe this feeling that I had for is just a little crush but no. I fall in love with you deeper when I say the words ‘I do’ and with those words, I promise myself that I wouldn’t let you cry, I would always be by your side but that night. That very night where your broke my heart by making a contract for our marriage.” Kyungsoo stopped for a breath; hugging you for his dear life, as if the burden had been lifted from his shoulder.

“Then you met my friends, you had became a part of them. You were close with Chanyeol making me feel… I don’t even know how to say this. I don't. I don't want anybody else to touch you. I'm silly. I get furious when they touch you. When you told me we need to act like a real couple in front of everyone, I was happy. At least I can make you smile, hold you, shower you with affection. For me, that was never an act. You, you were never in the way for me for reaching this success but indeed, you were my pillar that had been with me to go through all the hard times.” By the time Kyungsoo finished, you were sobbing on his shoulder.

“I-I’m sorry Kyungsoo.” You managed to choke in between sobs.

The night was silent. Exo who hid behind the van tried their best not cry too. This scene was like in those drama except this was happening right in front of their eyes and it was Kyungsoo out of all people; the member who tend to bottle up his feelings. Tao who had already cried was being comforted by Junmyeon.

“Sshh. Don’t cry.” Kyungsoo soothed you.

“I- I- I love you too.” You said out of the blue and Kyungsoo’s eyes widen.

He smiled when he saw your face turning beat red after saying that. Kyungsoo pulled you into his arms once again; hugging you tightly as if you would be gone after you said it.

It was the cue for the boys to come out when you said the words ‘I love you.’ You were stunned to see them clad in black tux.  

“Noona!” Tao ran to you making you stumble when he hugged you. The rest of the boys also joined for a group hug. They jumped around you, celebrating that you won’t leave them.

“You guys know it?” you asked when they broke the hug. This time they were hugging Kyungsoo. “Yeah!” they answered in unison.

Jongdae, Luhan and Minseok went to the van to take out the food that they brought for themselves. The table was put aside and they put the food at the centre. As they were busy preparing the foods, you talked to Chanyeol.

“Hey giant. Thank you. I don’t know how to say this, but thank you.” You said when you pulled him from the others. Chanyeol smiled and you couldn’t help yourself but to smile back.

Chanyeol was playing the guitar and Jongin said that he wanted to talk. “Sehun overheard when I talked to Chanyeol hyung and he told Junmyeon hyung.” Jongin started.

“Nevermind. I’m just thankful. I can’t thank you enough.” You sighed.

“I’m glad you knew, I’m glad that Sehun overheard.” You continued and hugged him.

“Thank you.”

You were just glad things ended well; you didnt have to leave Kyungsoo and the contract was long forgotten.





"Don't forgot to make cute babies." Baekhyun shouted when they dropped you and Kyungsoo in front of the apartment.  





So, okay this is my first fic and English is not my native language. I hope my English is bearable. Anyway, thank you for reading! Special thank for raehwanmine for her help and don't forget to check her fic too :)  

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Chapter 2: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa... lol... i love it!!!!!!!!
Syana_Najwa #2
Oh. My. God! Its sooo amazing :( Im envy you for this in' great story :) Sequel, maybe?
LoveAsAlways #3
Chapter 2: This was so cute and sweet, will there be more? :)
Your fanfic is awesome!! I can't wait for the next story!! Keep update!! :)