Coffee Shop part one

Book Cover

(I will be putting the story in 2nd point of you from now on :) It’ll be a lot easier for the readers to interact and relate with the character! )


Voices and laughter penetrated your eardrums as you slowly awoke from your slumber. You attempted to ignore them as you aggressively pulled the covers over your face. However, it was weighed down, it felt like there was something heavy on the blankets. You annoyingly creeped through the edge of the blanket with one eye open. You cringed after seeing your group of friends on top of the bed. They all were staring at your lazy form, waiting for you to wake up. You groaned trying to kick your friends off the bed from under the comfort of the blankets, alas to no avail. You attempted to ignore them and go back to sleep.


“Duuuuude, she’s so lazy!” Your friend Emily spoke as she peered through her phone.


“I know! I say we kick her out of bed!” Your friend Ariel announced.


“Damnit! I gotta know what happened!” Lucia childishly bounced on the bed.


“Leave me alone!” you groggily yelled.


Your friends stayed quiet for a simple moment, Emily looked up from her phone as the three friends all stared at each other, before making a silent agreement.


Slowly, they removed themselves from the bed; stood on either side of your bed and smirked.


Quickly ripping off the blanket from over your once warm body, they began to tug at your legs to pull you out of bed. Reacting immediately, you grabbed hold of the mattress beneath you. You were desperate to stay in bed.


“Leave me alone!” You yelled.




“I just wanna sleep!”


“You gotta tell us what happened with Gukkie! You met him!” Lucia giggled.


“Goddamnit! No!”


“TELL US!” They screamed in unison.










“I’M NOT!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs. “YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!”




You were holding onto the mattress with your last piggy, you were no match for three crazed fangirls searching for answers about what could’ve been the best day of your life. That day could even better and more important than your wedding day...unless it was with Yong Guk, then nothing could be better. Yeah right. (Foreshadowing??? :P jk XD) Then, it happened…


You let go.


You went flying and landed on Emily.




“Fatass! Get off me!”


You began squirming around, pressing your weight even more onto Emily.


The other two began laughing at you.


Ariel lended a helping hand and you took it, she pulled you up. As soon as Emily got, up the trio turned to you awaiting an answer. You stared back.


“What?” you asked.


“Don’t what us! You know exactly what! Now tell us!” Lucia scolded.


You smirked at them. They wanted an answer, they wanted you to tell them some fairytale explanation that would never ever in a million years ever ever!! Happen. And unfortunately...this wasn’t fanfiction… (A/N: huehuehuehue)

You weren’t about to satisfy their dry palates with juicy hearsay. They should’ve been there...wait. No. That moment was yours and yours alone! And the fact that Yong Guk himself was flirting. With you. Yes you. It was mindblowing. God decided to love you yesterday, but just yesterday. He usually hates you.


You walked over where your tossed blankets were lying, picked up the bundle and finally made your way back to the bed where you threw your lazy form onto once more.


The three stared at you in disbelief. You really got back into bed, you really weren’t going to tell them about your adventures with Gukkie.


“Oh! Hell no, !” Lucia attacked the bed, rustling and moving around the blankets to get to your neck.


Your muffled screams were heard throughout the room and Lucia shook you from under all the blankets.


“STOP! AH!” You screamed, releasing a few chuckles here and there.


“No until you tell me!” she slapped at the covers, “What happened with BANG YONG GUK!?!?!?”


“I’m never telling!” you laughed.


“Lucia...sweetheart...she’s pretty adamant.”


“I don’t care! She has connections to Himchan!”








“Yay!” Lucia immediately jumped off, giving you breathing room.


Throwing the covers aside you began catching your breath as you sat up. Immediately, your three friends hopped on the bed and surrounded you like preschoolers waiting for storytime on the magic rug. You sighed as you rolled your eyes and prepared yourself for story telling.

Eyes widened, cheeks flushed, fangirling squeals echoed throughout the room.


And your friends fangirled as well.


You finished your story and silence filled the room. You all stared at each other with wide grins on your faces, awaiting the first sound to escape from someone’s lips.


You friends stared at you in disbelief. That could never happen to you. Not you. Not ever. But ha! in their faces! It did happen to you!


“That did not actually happen!” Lucia was smiling ear to ear.


“Uh-huh!” you cupped your mouth as you begin to giggle like a mad woman. Your friends joined in the contagious laughter.


After a long morning of disbelief and shaking you about for more details with the run in with perfection, you and your friends decide to go to a coffee shop before another day of fun in the foreign country.


On the entire way to the coffee shop, there was endless fangirling, squealing, and of course the “OMG! What if you guys get married?” talk. Inducing some more fangirling and screams. Imagining yourself married to the one and only Yong Guk made you blush 1000 shades of red. It was a surreal talk and experience.


You arrive at coffee shop, it was a quaint little place. Perfect for young couples on first dates, perfect for yours and Yong Guk’s first date. A cheesy smile took your lips hostage.


It wasn’t too busy, it was about noon and most would be off at work or doing other miscellaneous activities. And others were sitting in the coffee shop with their significant other or typing their novel on their laptop.


Soft American jazz filled the atmosphere, dim lighting and the aroma of fresh coffee beans engulfed your nostrils with an aromatic pleasure.


You and your friends get in line and continue to talk amongst yourselves. Well, fangirl amongst yourselves.


About five minutes had passed and it was yours and your friends turn to order.

The kindly female barista smiled and greeted you in Korean.


The only word that you were able to make out was “Anneonghaseyo”







There weren’t a lot of English translations, maybe it was a bad idea to come to the coffee shop.


The barista began to speak in tongues and just stared at her like an idiot.


And then, the barista gasped and everyone stopped their conversations.


You felt a soft but firm hand on your left shoulder, you turned your head to the side and saw him.


“You need help, Jade?” you were faced with a gummy smile.


Your eyes sparkled with delight, a wide grin colored your face.




To be continued...

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JustAnotherKpopperXD #1
Chapter 6: Jocie, guess who this is~

DUDE, I'm screaming! You need to update this soon if not now son.
Ariel is my spirit animal.
Chapter 6: An update °^° Oh my god, this is just so cute, I can't wait to see what will happen next <3 <3 Good job author-nim! m(o.o)m
toki_21 #3
Chapter 5: Please update soon! This is like every fangirl's dream, author-nim you are a genius for writing this fic, i absolutely love it ^^ <3
Chapter 3: The way the two of them talk to each other is so cuuute <3 And Jade is so clumsy, I think everybody here can relate, I mean, who would keep a straight face when meeting their bias, right? Oh, I'm so excited, what will happen next? O.O
I hope your life lets you update soon author-nim :3
Chapter 2: Awww, I'm so happy you finally updated, I love your writing style so much °^° I hope you'll update more often from now on <3
Chapter 1: Hey pretty lady :P just read your story and I'm hella hooked! ;D can't wait to read more~
Chapter 1: This is so cute, and funny like every fangirls dream come true!!!
Chapter 1: Haha, this is so well written and I think almost every fangirl will be able to identify with Jade xDD
Even if BYG actually isn't my bias (Himchan °^°), I really enjoy reading this, update soon <33
Chapter 1: Yey! You updated:)
The first chappie was nice to read^^
I laughed at the members teasing Yongguk but LOL-ed so hard at Jade's status update. LOL>< I'm sure as hell that I would react like that if I were her!
mir-goon #10
Chapter 1: omo your writing my future story with BYG lol...girl this is hilarious.