chapter 2


Rhea was lying in her bed. Daydreaming about what had happened today. Not knowing the fact she was blushing until her evil, but cool sister came in and . After her sister trolled her, she lyed down again, blushing harder this time. She was never hugged by a guy. Keito was the first guy that hugged her tightly for her safety. She remembered how it felt in his embrace. 

His embrace was warm and cozy. So warm that she could almost fall asleep. It was as cozy as Ryosuke's embrace, who hugged her when she would cry. It was cozy as it was a world without worrys. 

"Talk!" Her phone rang and saw the message from Ryosuke.(#means messages)

#Hey Rhea how should I confess?
#..what?!?!?!??! you confessing to a girl;;;
#have a problem? should tell her your true feelings I bet..?
#ok thank you

Rhea was happy that her friend will have somebody to share love with. Yet, she felt some what scare. Scared as in loosing his besst friend, or lover. She wished it was her who would get his confession. Rhea went to sleep feeling kind of sad.

The nesxt morning, she and Keito became closer than before. Keito was happy that nothing happened to Rhea. 

They both entered the classroom, she felt a glare from Yuto. His own deadly glare which gave her goose bumps.

Yuto and Rhea were childhood friends. Their mothers are really close friends. Rhea lived in Osaka and Yuto lived in Tokyo. During summer, mostly Yuto's family will come to Osaka for 2 weeks and stay. Yuto and Rhea became close friends. Yuto still thinks he knows everything about Rhea but he doesn't. Rhea's family moved to Tokyo after her aboard educatioin for a year in America. However, because of the accident they had in middle school, their 15 year long bond ended.

"So Yamada Ryosuke. I wonder who is this girl you love so badely?" She putted an arm on his shoulder, what she normaly does.

"Not gonna tell you" This made her wonder if it was her or another girl. She wants to be her, the one who would get Ryosuke's love. All his caring, and kindness. She wants to end her relationship as friends with Ryosuke and start as lovers. If people knew this, they would wonder why wouldn't she confess if she has braveness?

The answer is no. She can't and doen't have braveness. The braveness people see are all fake. She is trying to look brave. She is actualy a timid, fragile hearted girl. Not even her parents know, nor Ryosuke nor Yuko, nor Yuto. It is a big secret, her own secret nobody knows. After being betrayed and bullied by her Japanese friends in America, she made a new Rhea inseide of her. Hiding the real fragilel Rhea, and showing others the strong, brave Rhea.

Her real self was about to cry, when she is hiding her sadness, and it looks like someone in here noticed it...

Keito was staring at Rhea. Keito seems that Rhea is hiding something big. Whenever he sees her, she would look kind of anxious. Anxious about her secret being revieled. Keito wants to open her mind, and help her.  He has this feeling wanting to protect her after that almost car accident. He was jealous of Ryosuke, being able to stay with her. 

".....OW;;;" He felt that someone had throwed a chalk into his face.

"Okamoto, FOCUS!!" said the teacher, and every girl laughed at Keito's confusion.

Keito was embarrased being laughed and  caught an eye from Rhea. Rhea was giggling to. He felt happy and just smiled.


AN:AAAA ok that the end of chapter 2. It could be short cause i dont have many ideas now(or until the end :P)also sorry for the typos;;;

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