
Rhea is a half korean and japanese highschooler. She is popular in her grade, being cool and tuff. She has an attractive characteristic that many boys and girls would fall on her. Even though she is popular, she only has two best friends. A girl and boy. The girl, who is pretty and kind is Nishikawa Yuko. Yuko is pretty, like all of her sisters. She is also called a lamb because she is so calm and naive. 

The boy, which many boys are jealous that he is the best friend of Rhea, he is famouse. All people in Japan can notice him and many girls fall over him. He is Yamada Ryosuke.


Rhea was going to school, thinking about how she should finish her undone homework in 10 minutes. She saw a male high schooler, with brown dyed hair. She sneeked up to him....
"WAAAA!!No Rhea seriously?!ㅡㅡ" It was her best friend Ryosuke. She had scared him off.

"HAHA~~ So Ryosuke. Lets have a bet."

"What...Don't tell me you didn't do your homework."

"Bingo~" She placed her arm around his shoulder. "If you lend me your homework, I will buy you youre favorite strawberry cake afterschool."

"NOOOO. I'm not going to lend it."

"Really? Dude I know your minecraft account so if you don't lend me, I'm gonna enter your acount and erase everything you made"

";;;;;;;Fine;;;" He gave her the math homework.


As these two went to the classroom, she met Yuko.

'Geese just by seeing Yuko makes me jealous of her beatiful face;;;'

She entered into the classroom and saw the board. It was the day to change partners and seats. Rhea was happy because her partner is kind of weird. She scoured for her name on the board.


                                                 [Nishiuchi Maria]  [Nakajima Kento]

                                                 [Shida Mirai]         [Hongo Kanata]

                                                 [Ishihara Ayumu]  [Chinen Yuri]

                                                 [Rhea Lee]           [Nakajima Yuto]

                                                 [Nishikawa Yuko] [Yamada Ryosuke]

                                                 [Kawashima Umika][Okamoto Keito]

Rhea was glad that her best friends are sitting at her back seat, but issue with her partner. NAKAJIMA YUTO. 

After and accident during her 2nd year of junior high, Yuto had hated her. Before the accident, they were quite friends too.

"Rhea;;;; Are you okay?;;;;"

"Wow Rhea you have a very lucky day sitting with Nakajima Yuto!"

"I'm not okay;;;; and Ryosuke I'm not comfortable with him after junior high!!;;;"

Yuto just came into the classroom, stared at the board. He gave Rhea a dirty look, placed his bag on his desk and went out of the room.

"WOW great luck today I have right?;;;"

"Totally great luck"

As class started, she and Yuto were uncomfortable the whole time. Thanks for Keito, she could get away witih akward situations with him.

School felt like 12 hours and they could finally go home.


"Oh its Yuko. What is it?"

"I think I can't go with you. I have to do after scool activities;;;; I'm sorry;;"

"Nah thats fine~  However, you have to give me 10 bucks~"

"What? NOOOO;;;;"

";;;;Common I'm joking;;; Well then see ya tomorrow~"

Rhea went home alone. Ryosuke went home first. She was crossing the crossroad. Maybe she was out of mind. She couldn't here nothing.

Maybe she was so out of mind.

So blank she couldn't even hear the car coming towards her.

So blank she did not hear the sound of the car.

Not even the people's shouting to her.

When she just noticed te car 5 meters far away from her coming in high speed, she could do nothing but close her eyes and wait her pain.

She waited for pain to come. Instead, she felt warmth from someone else. Someone's warm arm protecting her.

She opened her eyes to see what was happening.

"Are you out of mind? You could have been dead if I wasn't here;;;"


Rhea was in his embrace, Keito pulling her out of the crossroad into his embrace, in a safe place.

"Thank You a lot" She came out of his warm embrace. She felt her face being red and hot.It was her first time being in someone's embrace, especially a boy.

"Um..Shoudl I you home?"

"No fine I'm okay. Thank you a lot~^^"

"No problem. Bye~" He slighlty ruffled Rhea's hair and walked away.

Rhea was confused by Keito's action. Actually they knew each other from junior high. He is also knowbeing kind to everyone and melted girl's hearts. Many girls confessed to Keito, even the most popular Shida Mirai. However, he rejected every confession. Nobody know who he liked but has someone he likes. All girls who didn't confessed him are wondering who is the lucky girl. That lucky girl is not close nor near to him. Anyways, he found a chance to be close with the lucky girl.

Also many people asked Rhea if she likes someone. Many boys are wondering who is the lucky person. Who will be able to receive all of Rhea's love. The person  Rhea likes is near her. Reallly near. She wants to confess, but doesn't have the braveness to confess her feeling toward him by word.

Ryosuke, is also a top popular boy by the girls. He received way more confessions than Keito or than other boys. He even got kissed by girls he doesn't like. His girl is near her. Close by his side. Also its his best friend.

Yuko, is the most popular between the boys. 90% of the boys in her grade confessed to her, rejecting every confession. Her lover is near her. Always by her side, and had earned a chance to be more closer with him.



from author: yep here is my first chapter!! There could be poor grammer or typos;;;;;

Enjoy and if you leave a comment about how is my fanfic, I would be very happy (well I believe there will be no many people who would like this fanfic lol)

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