Love Bubbles ლ D.O.

EXO Oneshot Collection

"Yah, Lee Chae Yeon, you are overstirring the chocolate," Kyungsoo snapped.

"I'm sorry," you gushed, accidentally dropping the spatula, then hitting the pot. 

"Careful!" Kyungsoo shouted, before pulling you back, into his arms by coincidence. The extremely hot chocolate concoction bubbled over and covered the entire stove, not failing to miss Kyungsoo's white t-shirt. 

"Omona, I'm so sorry," you cried, looking down, noticing that Kyungsoo was hugging you from behind, to pull you back from the extremely hot substance that boiled over.  

"Be more careful next time," he said in an almost inaudible voice, his breath close to your ear. Your heart raced. You were in a very awkward but romantic position with your crush. Kyungsoo was a famous alumni of Le Cordon Bleu and was back as a guest professor. He happened to walk by on you making macarons at this unhumanly hour. You didn't have to say anything for him to notice your areas of struggle. He kindly offered to help you though he could be a bit bossy and demanding, not to mention, extremely intimidating. Before it got too awkward, he released you out of your embrace and started to clean up the counter.

You immediately started to help him but he dismissed you right away.

"Go work on the next batch of filling and make sure the same mistakes don't happen again," he ordered.

"Yes, sunbae," you answered before heading back to work. Soon enough, he was done cleaning and worked on cleaning himself off. While you were dressed in your uniform as a student, Kyungsoo was dressed simply in jeans and a white t-shirt. You couldn't help but admire his appearance as you stirred the concoction, but what held your attention was his perfect heart-shaped lips. Before you could have any slightly inappropriate thoughts, Kyungsoo snapped you out of it.

"Eyes on the stove. You're gonna burn yourself," he cautioned as he wacked you on the head lightly with a clean spatula. You felt your cheeks burn. You got caught staring at him. What made you blush even harder was that he had a teasing tone in his voice, as if he knew exactly what you had been thinking. You found it very hard to concentrate at this point. You had a very annoying strand of hair that kept on getting in your face. You huffed and puffed, trying to get your hair out of the way since your hands were already occupied and dirty. 

"So silly," Kyungsoo chuckled as he tucked the strand of hair behind your ear for you.

"T-thank you," you stuttered, quickly avoiding his gaze.

"Am I that scary to you?" he asked, his face straight.


He took the spatula out of your hand and continued to stir for you since you stopped moving. You watched him quietly as you noticed his muscular arms at work, inappropriate thoughts beginning to surface again.

"Ugh, not now," you groaned.

"Not now what?" Kyungsoo replied.

"Huh?" you asked, eyes widening, realizing what you said aloud.

He smirked a bit before continuing to stir, his hair falling over his brows perfectly. 

After the concoction cooled down a bit, he tasted the chocolate by taking a bit of it on his finger and it off. His face was pure bliss and you were in awe. First of all, he looked hot and suggestive doing that and secondly, he seemed to like your concoction, though that didn't really matter at this point. You were too busy gawking at him. 

"Taste?" he asked, eyebrows raising as he held his finger to you.

"Excuse me?" you asked, flabbergasted. Did he want you to his finger? You grew extremely red and embarassed. Was he being serious? 

He shrugged and on his finger, removing the pot from the stove. Who knew with that incident you two would grow to become very close in the near future.

"Oppa andwae!" you laughed as he tickled your sides, wrestling for a taste of an award-winning dessert you made. 

It has been 5 years since that kitchen incident and you have been very successful as a baker. You were featured in magazines and participated in many international competitions. Kyungsoo was very successful as well. He owned two 5-star restaurants and was a highly respected chef. He too was featured in magazines and even went on television every now and then. 

"Say ahhh," you smiled.

"Ahhhh," he said as he opened his mouth widely.

Just before you placed the delicacy you made into his mouth, you quickly ate it yourself.

"Are you serious!" Kyungsoo cried. You grinned from ear to ear, doing a happy dance from the flavors dancing on your tatebuds. 

"Fine. I'll have to taste it for myself then," Kyungsoo stated, all of a sudden.

"How? I already ate it," you questioned.

"Like this," he answered, before closing in on the space in-between you two. He kissed you softly before your bottom lip, where supposedly the sweet syrup still lingered. 



You shivered under his touch. This was the first time he did something this naughty. Typically, your boyfriend was quite serious but had moments where he loved to tease you. But this time, you were definitely caught off-guard. 

"Hmm...not bad but could use a bit more salt to balance out the flavors. I give this a 9.5 out of 10," Kyungsoo said, as if he was very deep into thought.

"I'm never feeding you again!" you said as you scrunched your nose. You turned around with your arms crossed, pretending to be mad at him.

"You know, you still haven't thanked me once since I helped you with that chocolate concoction that won the professors' palate. It got you to where you are today. My help!" he said, patting himself on the back proudly. 

"Oh please, they said it was a tad too sweet. Hah! Even you can't make a perfect batch of chocolate filling!"

"Do I sense a challenge?"

"It's on, 'professor'," you smirked as you two gave each other teasing yet competitive glares before turning around to get to work. 


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