Bright Forecast ☼ Baekhyun

EXO Oneshot Collection

"Pleasant conditions are expected this weekend with mostly sunny skies expected. It will still remain warm over the next week while the rest of the region will be expected to begin cooling down behind the cold front. This has been your morning weather broadcast. Thank you Baekhyun," you smiled after finishing the last of your report.

The camera was now directed onto Baekhyun as he gave the morning traffic broadcast.

"Highway 7 has been undergoing repairs and citizens are facing a delay. If possible, please opt for a different route. If you look here, there are minor accidents, that took place at 2am, which are being taken cared at the moment. Please consider avoiding the traffic especially if you are heading on your way to work. That is all for now. Thank you," Baekhyun smiled at the camera. The nation loved him. Well...more like a large region of South Korea liked him. He was an iconic news broadcaster, anchor, interviewer, etc. What attracted those ladies (and ahjummas) was not his skilled and elocutive speech or his charismatic and professional sense, but the fact that he was single and extremely available. How they knew this, I had no idea.

My name is Kim So Yun, a fairly new newsbroadcaster. I graduated at the top of my peers and was already an intern early into college. I don't know how I managed to excel above the others who wanted this job more than me since I was practically a nervous wreck every single moment before, during, and after the camera was on me. At the same time, I didn't want to quit this job. Not only would it look weird to the public eye but Byun Baekhyun really was the selling point of this job. Sure, the job paid well but seeing Baekhyun every day at an unhumanly hour every morning made me squeal with delight. By the end of my first week here, I already developed a huge crush on Baekhyun.

"So Yun?" the director called. I did not hear her the first time.

"So Yun?" she called, with a relatively louder voice. She was not to be messed with but here I was, caught up in my own world, daydreaming about Baekhyun who was talking with the producer.

"SO YUN!" 


"Please return to your office. You have already completed you portion of the broadcast this morning!" 

"Neh! I'm sorry," you bowed to everyone. You took one quick glance at Baekhyun who seemed unaffected by the director practically yelling at you to get moving.  

You plopped down into your chair and sighed. The constant ringing of telephones filled your ears, as it did everyday. Every cubicle had an employee answering hundreds of calls. You were glad that you only had to review your script with the writer and be on the lookout for updates that would have to be broadcasted. Your normal day consisted of waking up at 4am and arriving at the station at 6am. You would be on air during 8am and 11am for the most part. Baekhyun was the star of the station but of course that meant he would constantly be on air. His popularity came with a price. Another reason why you took a liking to Baekhyun was that he was very dedicated and good-humored. He never failed to make anyone laugh and gave off a really fun vibe. 

You were like a wallflower. No one really noticed you unless they needed you to do something or when you were about to go on air. You did your part and that was it. You wished Baekhyun would notice you but being as busy as he was, he was constantly being ushered to a different location. It was a pressure for him. 

"Hey, how's everything coming along?" a guy asked while tapping your shoulder.

"Oh, hi Chanyeol sunbaenim," you bowed. He smiled and took an empty seat next to you. 

"Why the long face? You look tired," Chanyeol frowned as he examined your face. You felt your face. Since this job forced you to wake up at that hour you really had no way of taking good care of your skin.

"Come on, let's go grab some much needed coffee," Chanyeol said as he got up. You nodded and followed. Chanyeol was the son of the man who owned the station. He was an intern here and not to mention, Baekhyun's best friend. You wished their roles were switched and that Baekhyun was the one talking to you. However, you appreciated Chanyeol's presence. 

"Oh, hi Baek!" Chanyeol greeted. Baekhyun was sitting near the window reading his script.

"Ayy, what's up!" Baekhyun greeted. You felt your heart skip a beat as Baekhyun looked from Chanyeol over to you. You quickly bowed and he nodded politely at you. 

It was a bit awkward as Chanyeol and Baekhyun were chatting and you were sitting there, quietly sipping your coffee. You gave an occasional smile or nod but that was about it. 

"Ms. Kim, are you alright?" you heard Baekhyun ask. You looked up, alarmed and nervous.

"Me?" you asked. He nodded.

"Ah neh," you smiled weakly. He gave you an award winning smile that melted you once again. 

"I'm going to head back for a meeting. See you guys around," Chanyeol announced as he got up. Baekhyun gave him a wave of the hand and you bowed toward him. You watched him go until he was out of sight.

"So," Baekhyun started, as he leaned forward a bit after setting down his script.

"How are you adjusting to your schedule?" 

"It's a bit grueling but I'm okay so far," you replied. He nodded, looking like he understood you. 

There was an awkward silence as he looked at you and you looked anywhere but his intense, charismatic gaze. 

"I bet you don't know that you're really becoming a big hit Ms. Kim. The nation is really liking you," Baekhyun smiled. He looked so sweet and sincere. His comment didn't come off in a negative way.

"Aniyo, everyone loves you sunbaenim. Even-

You stopped, almost saying that you loved him too.

"Even? Even you?" Baekhyun grinned, his eyebrows raising. 


"I'm a bit sad to hear that Ms. Kim," Baekhyun said as he faked a tear.

"No, I do like you," you apologized, looking a bit frantic. You felt your cheeks heat up and by now they were probably the shade of his tie. His mischievious smile came back as he chuckled.

"I bet you also don't know that you're going to be my companion when we go interview the president later this week."

"WHAT?!" you almost cried. Your eyes widened and he chuckled before imitating you. You burst out into laughter upon seeing his expression. 

"You were supposed to find out later today but it would be the same finding out now," he smiled. He looked at his watch before standing. 

"I'll be on in twenty minutes. Let me walk you back to your office," he offered. You nodded a bit timidly before heading back with him.

The silence in the elevator was a comforting one. You felt like the ice had been broken between you and Baekhyun. You really liked how everything was going.

"How old are you Ms. Kim?" he asked.

"I'm 20," you replied.

"You can called me oppa instead of sunbae. Sunbae sounds too old for my face," he smiled. You laughed at what he said. So he admitted to having a baby face. You knew he was often teased about it.

"What?" he asked, failing to look gangster.

"You have a baby face."

"Not you too," he sighed. 

You two got off the elevator and he walked you to the door of your office. 

"Good luck on your next broadcast," you smiled. 

"Mmm, thank you," he replied. You two stood there for a moment before he started again.

"Are you busy tonight?"


"Yeah, I thought we would go over what we should ask/say when we meet the President. But of course, I'm treating you to a meal as well if you don't mind," he said as he scratched his neck, looking a tiny bit uncomfortable. 

"Sure," you replied.

"Great," he grinned. 

"I'll pick you up after work," he said before heading to the broadcast room. He gave you a little wave and he was out of sight. 

You squealed a little bit but quickly regained your composure before anyone would hear.

"Thank you for dinner. It was a really place," you smiled at Baekhyun. 

"No problem," he nodded while he took off his jacket. 

Your eyes bulged out when you felt the jacket wrapped around your shoulders.

"Just in case you get cold," he smiled tenderly. You heart raced and little did you know, his heart was beating uncontrollably. You guys stared at each other before he looked away and cleared his throat. 

"I'll send you home." 

Like a gentleman, he opened the passenger side for you but what caught you off-guard was that he also fixed your seatbelt for you. You caught a whif of his cologne that was to die for. You were intoxicated by his sweet smell. His pleasant smile was accentuated by the moonlight that higlighted his features in the right places. 

After a while you two arrived to your place. You didn't really want him to go so soon. You and your crush were finally alone. 

"We're here," Baekhyun said as he stopped the car. He looked over to you and your heart raced. 

"Would you like to come in for tea or coffee?" you asked, scared that he might reject your offer.

"If it's fine with you it's fine with me," he nodded, his intense gaze burning into your soul. 

You unlocked the door and led him into your apartment. You flickered on the lights and led him into the living room. You had him take a seat while you went to boil some water. Your heart was still racing, recalling the moments where he had close contact with you. You also felt a bit uneasy and nervous because you could feel his stare since your apartment was on an open floorplan. Soon enough, you heard footsteps. He walked around looking at pictures while you made coffee. However, when you were about to reach for mugs, he beat you to it. You had no idea he had been next to you and you let out a loud gasp.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" he asked, looking a bit sheepish.

"Oh, I had no idea you were next to me," you replied, cheeks heating up. He gave the mugs to you and your hands brushed his as he handed them to you. 

As you poured the coffee you couldn't help but notice him gazing at you. But to see if he really was, you looked up to meet his eyes. Sure enough, he had been staring at you and he didn't bother looking away. He set the mug you were holding down, and you held your breath. He closed in on the space between you two, having your back coming into contact with the counter. 

You gulped, wondering what he was going to do.

"So Yun," Baekhyun said, his voice louder than a whisper. 

"Neh," you whispered.

He stared into your eyes for a moment before glancing down at your lips and back up to your eyes. Was he going to do what you thought he was going to do? Honestly, you didn't care if he kissed you on the first date, or if it was even a date in the first place. 

He shook his head, seeming like he knew he shouldn't do what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's getting into me. I should get going," he apologized, turning away from you and starting on his way to the door. Before he could get far enough, you grabbed a bit of his dress shirt. He stopped and turned around a bit. You took a step toward him and it was so silent even the clock seemed to stop ticking. 

"Oppa, you don't have to be sorry," you said, your voice coming out as a whisper, and not to mention, a bit suggestive. More suggestive than you would have liked.

Baekhyun turned around and the gaze he held was something you hadn't seen before. Before you knew it, you were pushed up against a wall.

You let out a gasp. 

From being serious and dilligent man, Baekhyun's gaze suggested otherwise at this moment. He looked at you with a look that scared you slightly but you had to admit, it had you right then and there.

Baekhyun brushed your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. He held your face with another and closed in on you. You could slightly feel his body on yours. His breathing was slow and steady while you were trying your best not to seem too nervous. 

He kissed your forehead and stayed in the position for a while. 

"You had me the moment you entered our company," Baekhyun confessed to you. You felt the hum of his voice on your skin as he spoke.

He backed up just enough for you to see that he was indeed being sincere.

"But I was not confident enough to get to know you better until I met you today when Chanyeol went for a cup of coffee with you. I told myself that it was then or never."

When he said these words, you felt like a million bucks. Your crush reciprocated your feelings abd honestly, you could not be any happier. You smiled and hugged him. He sighed in relief just before he hugging you back.

"Give me time to show you that I'm the one for you Kim So Yun." And with that, you knew that your journey with him would be one worth anticipating. 



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DragonJewel #1
Chapter 3: Ooh it's good so far