
Love in the Altar
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AN: When I write 'she', I was talking about Ms. Lee, Yun Ho's secretary.  She's an OC. 





Today is officially the worst morning ever.  She sat on her seat before she sigh in resignation.  First she woke up and found out the heater in her bathroom is a goner and when she knock on Angel’s door (okay, she could’ve ask her other neighbors, but she stick with Angel since he’s very very attractive) to ask if he’s having the same problem and if he can let her bath on his house, Angel kindly told her off. 


So she had to take a cold bath on a very cold winter morning.  Then on her way to her car, she accidentally steps on dog poop, so she had to grates her shoe to the ground to get rid of the filth.  Unfortunately, the smell doesn’t go away and since she’s getting late to work, she simply sprayed a perfume she conveniently placed in her bag (she purposely bought that perfume cause it smells of vanilla and she always smells that in Mr. Jung’s office.  It keeps him calm she think), and as expected, the essence of vanilla and dog poop didn’t go well together.



Nevertheless, she knew Mr. Jung hates late people more than the smell of dog poop itself so she forced herself to climb up to her car and drive.  The drive went wonderfully well for such a ed up day.  The moment she parked her car in Jung Corp’s parking lot is the moment where everything went downhill.


So, as expected, she got stares from people the moment she walk down the lobby.  The stares intensifies even more in the elevator, and at that point her face was so flushed there’s not s difference really between her face and the color red.  People were avoiding her, some even went as far as fanning their face to get rid of the smell.  By then, she knew she had to do something.  She couldn’t let Mr. Jung sees her, or rather smells her like this. 


So she went to the ladies.  Too embarrassed to deal with a pungent shoe in the sink, she settles with washing her shoe on the toilet cubicles instead.  Unfortunately, while washing the shoe on the cubicle, her handbag which had been conveniently hooked on her elbow decided to take the great plunge and just like that, all the content of her handbag falls down to the toilet bowl.  When she says all- she means all.  Her chapstick, her compact powder, her memopad , her car keys.  All.



Now she wouldn’t mind losing any of those, cause she can always buys them again –except her wallet also fell.  It’s that shiny little thing she called USB that got her all riled up.  That USB is more important than her life, having contained almost all of Mr. Jung’s scheduled meeting this month.  Since one of it’s features is waterproof, she know she didn’t really lose any information in that.  So she did what all sane people will do if they were in her shoes.      


She head over to the top floor with nothing but a USB in her hand, and some blotches of wet spots on her clothes (especially her cream-colored sleeve).  She had tried to make herself presentable after digging through the toilet bowl, having washed her hands and clothes with soaps.  But of course, Mr. Jung is an extra-attentive lad.  He furrowed his brows when he walked past her to his office.  And then, when she went over to serve him his morning coffee, he said, ‘You smelt like a wet dog.’


I hope that explains why she’s sighing as though her dog just died.  Right now, Mr. Jung is in a board meeting.  She was supposed to be with him and make the minute-meeting of the congregation, but her employer had sternly forbade her from doing so, ordering Han Seol to do it for her instead.  He said, her outward appearance isn’t too appealing right now.  What a way to kill a girl twice.


Ms Lee was just sitting there while lamenting her fate when the rushed looking Mr. Kim barged out of the elevator. 


She immediately stood up and bows.  “Where’s Mr. Jung?” the usually friendly-looking executive asked, looking queerly pumped up at the moment.


She stuttered a bit, not used to this side of the guy.  Sure, they barely talked before, but Mr. Kim always looked so friendly she never thought she’d be intimidated by him.  “He’s-board meeting- Han Seol----Green City Project……“ she replied, her brain working out too fast to accommodate the capacity of .


Surprisingly, Mr. Kim understand her.  He groaned loudly as he rake his hand through his hair in distress.  “Is it going to take long?”


She huff softly before she nod.  “They were going to discuss about the blueprint of the project, so yes,” she retorted.


Mr. Kim sigh.  “I have a very important thing to tell him.  Can you please tell him to call me once he’s done, Miss Lee?  I have somewhere I need to go.  I already ask for a half-day off from the general manager.”


“Yes will do sir.  I’ll tell him the moment he arrives,” she says professionally.  Mr. Kim nods to her before he stalk off in hurry, heels barely even touching the floor.


He waited for the elevator for a while, but it seems that the mechanical pulley is taking a lot of stops.  In the end, he jogs to the emergency staircase, leaving Ms. Lee frowning over his retreating back.


“I wonder what the important thing is,” she bit her lower lips contemplatingly.  Mr. Kim didn’t even seemed to notice her dismal appearance right now, too caught up with the emergency he had been talking about.  Either that, or he was too much of a gentleman to point out to a lady of how ridiculous she looked.


She was going to note Mr. Kim’s message down in her notepad before she remembers it’s tragic end in the toilet bowl.  Sighing a little, she shrug it off.  It’s not like she’s juggling a lot of work right now, surely she can remember Mr. Kim’s message when Mr. Jung comes back. 


Exactly 3 hours later,

An angry looking Mr. Jung stomp through the hallway with the panicking Han Seol on his heels.  The Green City Project must’ve had some glitch, he always act this way whenever his project received any obstruction.  Seeing the furious face of her employer, all thought flew from her mind as she opens her computer, pretending to tap the keyboard as she tries to look productive in order to dodge his anger.  Unfortunately, amidst her over-eager effort to satisfy her employer, she forgot a really really important message.




Seoul has changed a lot.  Back then, there were tall monumental buildings like this, but not to this number.  The city is now filled with skyscrapers.  Even the malls have changed.  It seems that everything has changed, excluding him.  He had gotten lost quite a few times already.  Luckily there’s always a lot of lads who were more than happy to him to his intended place.  Some gentleman even went as far as carrying his bags for him. 


Talking about the gent, Jaejoong turned to him with a wide smile.  “We’ve arrived aren’t we.  I still remember that big fake sphinx on top of the mall from 6 years ago.”


He told his name when they met just now, but Jaejoong conveniently forgot.  So let’s just call him the he-who-was-born-un-named, shall we? The he-who-was-born-un-named nodded happily, a little too happily.  “Well, thank you for your help.  You should go back to your girlfriend now. She must’ve felt-" Jaejoong forced himself to continue smiling, “-left out.” 


He friggin left her on another mall, 6 blocks away from here for God’s sake.  Jaejoong was only asking for direction after he finds himself helplessly lost in the sea of concrete.


“Oh it’s okay.  I’m sure she’d understand,” the he-who-was-born-un-named wave his hand in dismissal, looking quite desperate despite the wide sleazy grin on his face. 



Jaejoong fought the urge to roll his eyes. “No, really, it’s okay.  I’ll find my way on my own now.  I’m heading straight home after this anyway, so I’ll just grab a cab instead of going on foot,” he politely decline, his smile dangerously faltering.


“But, it’s okay.  These bags are so heavy, it’ll be hard for you to shop inside.  Besides, you seems like a foreigner, you don’t know your way well.  There’s a lot of bad people in town and I wouldn’t want you to stumble upon them,” he insisted.


“Oh such a noble thought,” Jaejoong praises half-heartedly.  Oh please, he recognizes that look from miles away.  If he let the guy follow him around, including to his house, he’d be a fool.  Guys like this are just like dogs.  Once they bite, they won’t let go.  He bet half of his fortune (not that he had many of them to begin with) he’d be seeing the guy on his doorstep the first thing in the morning if he let him have his way.


“But it’s okay, really.  I’m not a foreigner, I was born in this city, so I still know my way.  You should just leave,” Jaejoong said snatching his bags away from he-who-was-born-un-named.




Jaejoong sigh as he roll his eyes.  “I won’t take too long in this place.  I’ll just buy some meat and vegetables for my husband tonight.”


The stranger gaped.  “H-husband?”


Jaejoong’s eyes twinkled beautifully as he smiled.  “Yes, husband!  I suppose I hadn’t mention about him and my 3 year old son now, had I?”


The stranger gaped even further, if that’s even possible.  “Son?”


“Yes son!  Oh, I hadn’t mention anything about him too?  Wow, silly me!” he laughs loudly.


He-who-was-born-un-named nodded with a rather bitter expression. 


“Oh, do you still want to help me carry my stuff though?  I mean if you insist, I can-“


“You know what, pretty, I think my girlfriend is waiting.  I need to-uh,” the stranger announced awkwardly before he bolts without further ado.


Jaejoong’s sweet façade crumbles that instant.  “What a loser,” he spat before he turns around and enter the mall, swinging hi

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I'm sleepy. Will fix chapter 4 later.


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Chapter 4: Will you continue this someday? <3 One of the best I've read in a long time!
nozomin17 #2
Chapter 4: I love this story, please continue...pretty please
anawahde #3
i think you slept
long enough ..about 4 years
come back and finish this story please
tardisdaughter #4
Please update
Chapter 4: Please update this one and all your other stories.
Chapter 4: Jaejoong is sick seriously. He doesn't deserve Yunho.
Chapter 4: i hope you'll find time to update this. I'm really curious of their reunion
Lee_An #8
Chapter 4: Awww.. Thats first i read about different feel Jaejoong, but feel refreshing.. And i also feel some insecure in Jaejoong, maybe some story behind his disappearing action, even though he appear very confident and a little y (a lot may be, LOL).. Please authornim continue this story and your another stories.. You have an excellent skill and i'm loooooveeee read your fanfic.. <333