Black Skies


A very short reflection of an urban battlefield surrounded by smoke and fire.






Don't mind the uninspired title, yeah?


I just learned about Ukraine earlier on the news, and then it was trending all over tumblr, and I just felt like writing something. I know nothing of rebellions and the sort of suppression and hardships that people of some nations have to put up with, and I hope this doesn't somehow offend anyone - it sure isn't supposed to (it's just 1,3k words that I blurbed out y'know?).

Anyhow, feel free to let me know what you think, love feedback.

And if you don't know what's happening in Ukraine, go look it up... and take some time to read up on Putin as well yeah (is there truly no way to get rid of him already?)





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Chapter 1: oh my godddd this is amazing ;;;o;;;