The World today.








hi guys!! well here is like a preview of what i have been writing.

it has been in my laptop for half a year now.

im not kidding.

well i hope its to your liking . :) 






Alexandra or Alex- you





more exo members will come into play

but i still haven't decided who will be bad or good or in between. 














Two men stood hidden in the shadows in a dark foggy alley, while two men were arguing over something. Suddenly, a creature launched at them with incredible speed. It took them both out with a single hit. The creature let out a laud screech. He started dismembering their bodies. Meanwhile one of the men in the shadows withdrew his sword and tackled the beast cutting its head off and piercing the heart. The beast howled in pain but it gradually receded to a whimper.

“I hate the likes of you, who run around chasing poor human souls,” said the man. He was wearing combat boots with black jeans and white long sleeve casual shirt and long black coat. His hair was dark red as well as his eyes. They were dark and menacing like the night. Finally, the creature died and that man disappeared


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