
All my memories of you

Oh dear Kris how could I ever get enough of you. My heart flutters every time I see you. I fight the urge to just run away with you and keep you all to myself.         You are the most beautiful person in the world. I

"Tao!"  I quickly hide the paper under my desk and try to calm myself as i look up to face Kai. Kris best friend looks at mee with an a evil smirk. "What are you hiding under your bench?" Kai leans over in an attempt to grab the paper but Kris saves.He simply picked Kai up (litterely) and carried to the other side of the room where Kyungsoo waited. After delivering Kai to Kyungsoo, Kris returned to my bench. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I looked into his eyes and saw that they were full of warmth. I blushed and then I gave him a quick kiss. Kris looked stunned and then quickly looked away. He covered his face with his hands. His face was tomato red.

"Seriously you killing me, Tao." I leaned over to his chair beside mine and gave him a tender hug. Then suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and tore us apart. I looked up into the angry face of my math teacher mr Kim.

"No kissing in school.", he said. I returned to my seat and looked at the black board where mr Kim was writing up math equations. I sighed and wished the break would have lasted just a bit longer. All of suden I felt kris hand grabb mine and gently squeese it. I squeesed back and felt how thousands od butterflys danced around inside my stomach. 

The lesson went on but Kris never once let go of my hand. I was to flustered to consentrate on what was being said. 

During lunch break, Kris and I went up to the roof top to eat our lunch. From the roof you were able to see the whole school. I stood at the ceiling, watching as the seniors played soccer. Kris walked up to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I turned around and looked him in the eyes.

His smile made millions of butterflys dance around in my stomach. I just had to lift my head the tiniest bit and our lips would meet. Kris came closer and closer. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I closed my eyes, waiting for the kiss. Then suddenly, he sneezed. Kris sneezed right into my face. I immeadiatly bega to wipe of my face while I cursed at him like there was no tomorrow.

Kris crawled on the ground, his body sahking of held in laughter.

"Fine, just laugh at me you jerk!" I sneered at him ´doing my best to sound mad. But soon I got caughyt up in Kris´s irresistable laughter. We rolled around holding our bellies. I can´t even remember the exact reason why we laughed. Maybe it was because Kris had sneezed into my face. Maybe it was the face I made when it happened (Kris told me about it) or maybe we laughed just to laugh. Either way it didn´t matter.

When Kai and Kyungoo came up to join us they found us weezing on the ground. Kai opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again. Kyungsoo just stared at us in disbelief withh his huge eyed. Then they looked at each other, shook their heads and left.

Kris and I stayed up their for a while, after all we still had to finish our lunch.

After school had ended Kyungsoo, Kai, K´ris and I made our way to the arcade. on the way there Kris and Kai got into a heeted discussion conserning whos place we should all sleep over at. we had been planing a sleepover for weeks and apperiently it was super important to decide on the last minute at whos place we were going to sleep at.

Kris argument was that we should all sleep over at his house because it was bigger. While Kai said to sleep at his house because his parents were away.

"Why should we sleep at your house. My place has much more space!", Kris said.

"Who would want to have a sleepover when the parents are their.", Kai contered, "My parents while be away for practically a week. We´ll have the whole place to ourself."

"Oh yeah?", Kris complained. "What about your sister then? She was bothering us the whole time the last time we went over."

That way the discussion continued until Kyungsoo finally saved the day.

"We can all just sleep over at my place." he said. "I live alone and noone will disturb us. Besides, Kris and Tao have never been to my place before."

Satisfied that we finally had come to a decision, Kai said in a loud voice that if he didn´t get something to eat soon, he would explode and turn into a monster. Kai dragged us all to a burger king restaurant where he stuffed his face while the rest of us just sat there and watched him eat in matter of disgust and fascination.



so that was the chapter. I´m sorry abot that weird cliffhanger. I couldn´t think of anythiong.  And I promise you that I will update soon about the sleepover!! I feel really bad about not updating for so long m(_ _)m *kneels to the ground* I hope that I made you happy even though it was really crappy. Maybe I´ll just make myself watch some romantic movies. you only get this far with manga and some fluff. Anyway I hope to update next week. NO I WILL UPDATE NEXT WEEK!!! After the sleepover I`m thinking of letting Kris talk for a while what do you think.

I wish you all the best and well a happy summer.

-Hye Won

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