The first meeting

All my memories of you

I remember seeing him on the train. I noticed his height, it's note very day I see someone as tall as me. He turned around and our eyes met. All of sudden I got this overwhelming urg to hug him. A seconded later someone bumped into me, I stumbled and when I got up again, he was gone. I didn't think I'd get to see him again. So, meeting him again was like the chance of a lifetime. I really did hug him. Oh, he must have been is scared. For a few seconds he was completely frozen then he pushed me off and told me to get a brain check up. I think I started to cry when he told me that. 

After that I just couldn't get him out of my head. Soon summer break was over and I had to go back to school. I couldn't believe my eyes when the new transfer student entered the classroom. It was him.  My heart raced hundred  miles an hour, my hands trembled. When the teacher asked for someone to show Kris around I volunteered. 

Kris was a cool guy. In the beginning he seemed a bit cold but soon he warmed up to me. He even invited me to his house. Or actually I invited myself. I simply followed him home, saying it was my duties as a fellow classmate and his first friend to see if he was living well. And man, he had it good. Kris lived in a big house with a garden a dog. His room was on the top floor and full of awesome stuff. Apparently his father, a succesful lawyer, had remarried to a Korean woman and so Kris and his father had moved her from China. Kris quickly learned the new language and got along great with his new brother. But he couldn't stand his newKk GJKRUmother. I laughed a great deal when he told me how he had to save his dog from being cuddled to death by step-mom. 

Apperenty, anyone who mistreated his dog was an enemy.

At 7 pm my called and told me to get my home immediately if I wanted to get some dinner.

On the way home  it started raining. By the times got home, I was drenched. I took a bath and went to bed. The next day I came down with a fever and had to stay in bed the next few days. But more then the fever, my chest bugged me. Ever since I left from Kris place, my heart had hurt. 

In the evening, I talked about it with my mom. 

" well honey, I'd say your in love" I just laughed her off. Soon after, I fell asleep. The next day I was able to go to school again. 

I enterd through the school gates and saw Kris. My heart stared racing and butterflys danced around in my stomach. 

"Hey" Kris's lean voice made me swoon. I could barely stand on my feet. "Your here?" 

Had mom been right? Had I really fallen in love? 

" yeah. Good morning" 



Time went on. As Kris and I got closer my feelings for him grew. They threatened to break out. I wasn't sure if would be able to keep my feelings for Kris a secret much longer.

One day he talked to me about something. 

"Hey, that time...the one who hugged me. That was you wasn't it?" My heart stopped. "You cried, didn't you? 

I blushed. I wasn't quite sure what to say. I felt Kris looking at me. 

"We saw each other on the train, didn't we?" 

I looked at him. Brown hair and almond eyes wich seemed to devour me. He continued. 

"To be honest, since that day I haven't been able to forget you."

 Slowly Kris leaned forward, closer and closer until our lips met in a kiss. I answered the kis. His toung begged for entrance and I let him in. We were both hungry for more. Kris hand slipped under my shirt and touched my . I moaned loudly. His hands started ing my pan--

"Hey what are you two doing in there?" When suddenly a voice broke our trance. "How many times have I told you, your not allowed to watch while your mother is here."

Kris shrugged off, rubbing the back off his head. Non of us knew what to say. After a while Kris spoke again.

"Hey Tao..." His voice trailed off.

"I think I should leave." I got up on my feet. I starded walking towards the door. My heart was heavy.

"Tao!" Kris grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Please dont leave! I´m sorry if I made you mad. Please dont leave."

Kris wrapped his arms around me. I answered the hug. For a while we just there like that, arms wrapped around each other. I looked up. Kris eyes were almost on the same level as mine. I saw despair in his eyes. I kissed him. I felt his heart beat. We ended the kiss and smile at each other.

"See you tomorrow?"


I left the house with fether light steps. A new sensation lingered in the air. The sensation of happines.


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