
Fall For You



"How's Chan — Miss Jung's progress?"

Sehun maintained his cool image in front of Mrs. Park. Actually he knew her progress and everything he wanted to know but he pretended knowing nothing, to keep a low profile.

"She did a great job for the past few days. She's a hard-working girl, to be honest although she was once late." Mrs. Park unintentionally mentioned the late accident. She felt so wrong suddenly. Everyone knew Sehun didn't like his employees coming late to work although he was once late.

"Late? When?" Sehun acted to be annoyed by it. "Is she here? Send her here. I want to meet her."

Mrs. Park went out from his office immediately.

Sehun smiled. This would be his first time meeting her as Mr. Oh and he felt so nervous. He didn't want her to change her carefree attitude just because of his status and name. He didn't want her to call him with formalities. Sehun wanted her to be as she was before knowing his real identity.

Knock, knock.

"Sir, Miss Jung is here."

Sehun pretended to be busy. "Let her in."

Chanri opened the door slowly. She took a peek before finally came in. Chanri seemed hesitated and shy. Is he really going to kick me out? Chanri slowly walked towards him who was sitting down and looking so busy with the papers.

"Take a seat, Miss Jung." Sehun told without looking at her.

Chanri pulled the chair and sat down nicely, keeping a distance from the desk. She sensed a different vibe of Sehun compared to last weekend, at the party. He seemed more concentrated and focus right now as if his whole life depended on those papers.

"Why are you here?" Sehun's tone was cold and sharp.

"I...uh, I work here."

"I think I've made myself clear two days ago, Miss Jung." Sehun was still gazing at his work. "You're fired which means you can't work in here again."


"And I hear you broke some rules." Sehun glanced up and met her eyes which were confused. "I heard you were once late and for your information, I hate late people." He stared at her intensively. Chanri was about to speak but Sehun raised a finger to shut her. "I haven't finished, Miss Jung. Your attire is not business attire. You're not wearing heels or make up. I like seeing my female employees look neat and nice."

What is he talking about? He was late too! And why is he acting so differently now? I don't understand him.

Sehun kept his serious face and walked over her. He leaned into the table, facing her. Chanri pursed her lips and looked down. Sehun smiled secretly as she looked down.

I need to find another job, then.

Chanri was confident enough that Sehun was joking about the firing so she chose to go to work as usual.

"Where's the letter?"

Sehun furrowed his brows.

"The company has to make a letter which tells me that I'm no longer employed in here, right?" Chanri spoke up. "I didn't receive a letter so I can still work in here."

Smart girl.

"Well, I'll make sure you have it by this afternoon." Sehun said and smiled mischievously.

Chanri looked so lost and frustrated. Now, she had to find another job and being fired by a well-known company wasn't good at all. She would have a bad reputation and maybe a bad grade too.


She looked up and met his gaze.

"Unless you want to have lunch with me today, I will consider my decision again." Sehun smiled brightly as if nothing happened.

What? Chanri furrowed her brows. This man is really confusing.

"I have to accompany Mrs. Park so..."

Sehun sighed and walked back behind the desk. He dialed Mrs. Park number.

"Yes, Mr. Oh?" Mrs. Park's voice was heard. The call was put on speaker.

What is he planning to do now? Chanri just watched him as he was watching her.

"I want to have lunch with Miss Jung but it seems she has a plan with you." Sehun told. It was neither a question nor a command.

"That's right, Sir." Mrs. Park replied. She paused for a second and then said, "I'll cancel the appointment, if you need her, Sir."

Sehun smiled at Chanri. Chanri's mouth opened slightly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Park." Sehun hung up the call. "Let's go!" Sehun moved to her and dragged her.

"What? Where're we going?" Chanri tried to keep up with his fast pace.

Sehun ignored her.


"Where're you taking me, Sehun?" Chanri looked annoyed.

"Were you scared?" Sehun changed the topic.

"Scared? Of what?"

"Just now. When I scolded you?" Sehun looked at her while driving in the highway.

"Please keep your eyes straight to the road. I still want to be alive." Chanri told.

Sehun scoffed and kept his eyes back to the road. "Were you scared?" He asked again.

"I was confused rather than scared. I couldn't understand you. One day you are so nice and a gentleman and another day, you are full of excuses and so cold. You know what, you hate late people but you were late too. About my improper attire, well, I think this clothing is neat and nice enough to be wore. I don't like wearing heels – you know what it can cause me – and make up... I'll try my best to put on some tomorrow, if I still work for you." Chanri just realized she was talking that much.

Sehun's lips made a slight curve up. He was amused. "Why didn't you say all of them in the room?"

"You cut me, remember?"

Sehun noticed her grumpy mood. "I won't."

"You won't what?"

"Firing you." Sehun said. He had enough fun teasing her and now it was time to tell the truth. "I won't fire you. I was joking back there. I don't mind with your attire, as long as it suits you. Yes, I know and I don't want you to wear high heels unless you want it so. Most of all, I want you wear something you're comfortable with."

Chanri smiled. "Thank you."


Sehun stopped the car in front of the lobby. He went out from the car and hurriedly walked over the car to open the door for Chanri. Chanri went out from the car.

"Is it ok?" Chanri kept her head down. People around them were staring at them as if they were criminals.

Sehun closed the door and gave the key to the security. "About what?"

"This. You, Mr. CEO, and me, the intern." Chanri was certainly worried that people might think wrongly about them.

"I can be with whoever I want, so can you. Let them think what they like." Sehun said. "Let's go." He put a hand on her back.

Everyone was glaring at them. They never saw Sehun coming together with a girl, looking so intimate.

"Relax, Chanri." Sehun whispered. He looked so calm with one hand holding her tightly. Sehun knew this would create a new gossip for them but he didn't care a thing.

They made it to the lift. Chanri let out a relief sigh. Chanri released her hand from his.

"What are you so scared of?"

Chanri shrugged. "Nothing."


Sehun smiled like a teenage boy who was in love. He liked being around her and he wanted to know her more. Sehun walked towards his office. He ignored everyone who greeted her as his mind was only thinking of Chanri.

He opened up the door and soon realized he wasn't alone there. He glanced up and saw a lady sitting down. She turned and stood up with a bright smile on her face. Sehun's expression changed, he frowned.

"What are you doing in here?" Sehun stood still.

The lady took a few steps towards him. "Nice to meet you too, Sehun. It's been a long time."

Sehun rolled his eyes and walked passing by her without giving a look. "I'm busy."

"I don't think so. You just had a lunch with a girl and now you're busy?"

Sehun glared at her. "With you, I'm always busy. Now get out from here before I call the security."

"You change, Sehun. I miss the old you."

"Too bad the old Sehun has gone long time ago. Please get out from here, Sera."

Sera, the lady, looked sad and hurt. She stared at Sehun with a hope he would take his words back before finally leaving the office. Sera walked to him and took out something from her small bag.

"Here. My engagement party. I hope you'd come." She placed the letter on top of the desk. Her voice sounded bitter.

Sehun gazed at the letter but not touching it. "Take it. I won't come."

Sera clenched her fists and turned her heels. "See you soon, Sehun." 


Hello there! Thank you for the subscribers and upvoters! So, as you've read, Sehun can play a prank too :D ... In this story, I want to show how special Chanri is to Sehun. It can be shown by how he acts towards her and how treats her. 

HINT: Sera is someone from his past (of course) :) 

By the way, I just posted Xiumin's oneshot. Check it out ;D 



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soshivlvt #1
Chapter 33: AW the ending is so cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 33: That was great ☺
kiwi157 #3
Chapter 33: i really like the story at first....but i don't like sehun here. It's a form of Cheating. I'm hoping to see some pure love in this story... at first it is, but after that it's just a mirage. In Chanri plaCe i will never take him baCk. But thank you for your work ^^
Chapter 33: WA.... I don't like sehuns character in this one. :\
babysky_1004 #6
Chapter 33: My heart broke.. the last chapter was so short.. :'(
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 33: This story is really cute and fun! Sad that the last chapter is very short but it made sense ! Thank you for this story author !
Chapter 33: I wanna believe that after this meeting both will start again their relationship :)
Chapter 33: Author nim tell me it's a prank are you seriously going to end it like this :(
Chapter 33: Omooo!! After a long wait, the end already?? I'm gonna jinjja miss this, author-nim. Perhaps an epilogue for their future?