LUHAN: Silver Heart

d e e B u n n y ' s b o o k s h e l f || E X O f a n f i c r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s ||

d e e B u n n y ' s  b o o k s h e l f:



by: kfanfiction

Completed: 28 Chapters + 1 Prologue


A B O U T:

A girl (Emer) and her mother decide to purchase an EXON (some extremely handsome advanced robo-human) to help with their home chores. Emer dilslikes the idea because she thinks they're not real and at first, she is hard-hearted towards the EXON. However, things change when she realizes that her EXON may be more human than she had initially thought.   


W H Y  R E A D?

I didn't think this as a kind of story that I would read at first- but boy was I wrong! This is such a good story! Great plot, well written and did I mention that Luhan was the lead character? My Lu~ feels :'D But really, if you have been thinking about reading this story and weren't sure whether or not to check it out- CHECK IT OUT NOW! I love how the characters are developed and by writing from two POVs it provides a much better coverage of both Emer's and Luhan's thoughts. Who knew that two people could think so differently- yet alike at the same time? 


C O M M E N T S:

Another kfanfiction recommendation? I'm beginning to love this author. But seriously, this is such a great read and I'm sitting on the edge waiting for the sequel. The ending was left as a cliffhanger to some extent, so I'm looking forward to the sequel even more :) My sister hasn't read this story yet cause she hates sci-fi but I hope she'll give this a chance in the future.


O V E R A L L:

8 b u n n i e s / 10 b u n n i e s


L I N K:

Read 'Silver Heart' here! 



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sunggyustummy #1
I love this! Well done. :)