Kiss It Better

Coffee Stains and Burnt Toast

Title: Kiss It Better

Pairing: Kris/Suho

Word Count: 2740 words

A/N: lots & lots of fluff, slight crack I think? mostly plotless & incoherent word vomit heh. mainly to get me back into the feel of writing. this took so much longer than expected I mean it took frEAKIN MONTHS OKAY D: bc we went through a heatwave/drought/idkwhattocallit (i am vvv serious it didn't properly rain here for like a month of something & i think i fell sick bc of the heat boohoo ㅠㅠalso inspired by this bout of viral stomach flu i caught a few months back: it was the worst thing ever. also one of my weaknesses is clingy!kris so HERE YOU GO! :D and i decided to finally finish this story TODAY bc it's my birthday yay!!! i spent my bday writing fic instead of studying yay!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe pls do not be like me guys :3

warnings: curse words ahead! like 1 i think. heh






Yifan wakes up to empty bed sheets and too-bright sunlight with a pounding headache. He tries to sit up, eventually flopping back with a groan and flings his arm over his eyes to block out the annoying daylight. His lips are dry, his throat is itchy, his body aches, his stomach is whirling, his entire forehead throbs painfully.

Basically, he feels like .

"Yifaaan! Wake up it's time for wor— Yifan are you alright?" Yifan tries to smile but, to Joonmyun, it comes out more of a grimace. Junmyeon immediately walks to Yifan's side and presses his cool palm against Yifan's sweaty forehead, worry gracing his features as he discovers Yifan is burning up. “You’re too warm, are you feeling okay? Does it hurt anywhere?” Yifan wordlessly nuzzles his forehead into Junmyeon’s palm as a reply, looking up at Junmyeon through half-lidded eyes. Junmyeon’s expression is filled with sympathy as he hums in thought. “Hmm okay, I’m going to call in sick for you, then I’ll take leave for myself. We’ll monitor how your fever goes, and go to Doctor Joohyun if necessary. How does that sound?”


Yifan thinks knows he can take care of himself because he is a grown twenty-eight year old man and he should probably let his husband go to work, but the selfish part of him would rather have Junmyeon stay and look after him. Yifan grabs Junmyeon’s hand from his forehead and places it on his chest, hugging it tightly. Junmyeon rubs Yifan’s right shoulder with his free left hand, smiling down at him.

“You’re the best, you know that right?”

The smile Yifan gets in return is worth the whole world as Junmyeon’s face lights up, eyes shining and showing off his pearly white teeth with a huge grin. All Yifan can think of is how beautiful he looks, and how lucky he is to have found someone like Kim Junmyeon.

Reluctantly, they let go of each other as Junmyeon pads out of the room to find some medicine and make those phone calls, while Yifan shifts about trying to find a comfortable position.

(It doesn't help.)



"Yifan, I'm back, and look what I found!" Junmyeon skips into the room like the cheery little ball of sunshine he is, hands full of medicine from their cupboard, and Yifan instantly feels a little bit better. Just a little bit.

Until he realises why exactly Junmyeon is so excited.

Junmyeon proceeds to examine the labels of various bottles and small zip lock bags, explaining that the “Pretty Red Pill” (as described by a fascinated Junmyeon) is for high fever and that the “gross vomit-looking" (as stated in utter disgust by Yifan) white syrup is for stomach aches.

"Okay! That's done!" Junmyeon claps his hands for effect before turning to Yifan, "so, Yifan, how are you feeling now?"

Yifan stares in horror at his husband who is taking this as an opportunity to play doctor. He gulps imagining Doctor Kim Junmyeon because the prospect of being examined by him is soinghot a ball-shrivelling sort of terrifying.

"Jun, maybe you could just take my temperature then we'll see how it goes, if it gets worse we can always go to Doctor Joohyun right?" Junmyeon's face slightly dims at Yifan's dismissal, but suddenly brightens again when he realises: What do doctors do? DOCTORS TAKE THEIR PATIENTS' TEMPERATURES! I'm gonna get the thermometer! Do you think we’ll need the surgical masks? Oh oh! And the gloves!" Junmyeon flounces out of the bedroom and all Yifan can do is shake his head and hope everything turns out fine.



After careful calculation of the average of the three temperatures Junmyeon took with their digital thermometer ("You must always aim for accuracy! This is important, Yifan! Don't whine!"), he finally declares Yifan has a high fever and should take the Pretty Red Pill.

He fetches Yifan a glass of water and holds the tiny pill between in fingers. "Ahhhhh, open your mouth Yifan." Junmyeon looks at Yifan with his big eyes, imploring Yifan to follow, mouth wide open. Yifan complies, allowing Junmyeon to drop the pill in his mouth, before greedily gulping down the cup of water handed to him. Carefully placing the glass at the bedside table, Yifan lies down, shifting about to find a comfortable spot.

“Yifan, do you need anything? If you don’t, I’ll just be outside cleaning up okay?” Junmyeon turns to leave the room until he feels a hand grabbing his arm. Yifan has a displeased pout on his face, his face being slightly elevated and a finger pointed at his forehead. He wiggles a bit, as if it will help get his point across, before staring at Junmyeon expectantly. Junmyeon can only smile at his husband’s silly antics.

“If you wanted a kiss, you could’ve just asked for one.”

Junmyeon brushes away Yifan’s blond fringe before bending down and gently kissing his forehead. Giving a sweet smile, he caresses Yifan’s cheek before whispering a soft, nearly inaudible “sleep tight”.

Yifan falls asleep thinking about radiant angels with dark hair and feather-light kisses.



The room is much darker when Yifan wakes up again. The curtains have been drawn closed, the door shut, and a damp towel placed on his forehead sometime during his slumber. Yifan smiles at his husband’s thoughtfulness and begins to wonder about where said husband is. Forcing himself out of bed with a grunt, he walks towards the bedroom door and turns the handle, relishing the cool marble flooring of the walkway as he steps outside

He squeezes his eyes shut tight before opening them experimentally, the change in light too sudden for his eyes to adjust to. Leaving the bedroom door ajar, he turns right and makes his way to the living room. He rubs his eyes sleepily until he spots Junmyeon sitting at the dining table dressed comfortably in a loose white shirt (which Yifan recognises to be his) and a pair of boxers lazily browsing the day’s newspaper, a cup of coffee beside him and a serene expression on his face as he reads about the trials and tribulations of the world for the day. As if somehow sensing Yifan’s presence, he looks up from the newspaper, a gentle smile gracing his face. “Hey there mister, how’re you feeling now?”

Yifan shuffles forwards towards Junmyeon before pulling him up from his seat and wrapping his long arms around Junmyeon’s waist, resting his head in the crook of his neck. Junmyeon is, needless to say, surprised, but returns the tight embrace, leaning against Yifan’s broad chest and kissing the underside of his chin, complete with rough stubble. He lifts a hand to feel Yifan’s forehead and is relieved when he realises the fever, albeit still there, has subsided at least slightly.

“I was preparing congee while you were sleeping, so it should be ready in time for lunch. But I’m sure I can whip something up for you if you’re hungry now.”

Yifan has to restrain himself from spontaneously melting into a puddle of goo because his husband is the best-est (is that even a word) husband in the world. He shakes his head as best as he can in the crook of Junmyeon’s neck, instead wordlessly clinging tighter to him. Junmyeon rubs his hands up and down Yifan’s broad back, before patting it.

“Hey there puppy, you okay?” Junmyeon pulls back to look at Yifan in the face, forehead creasing in distress. “My stomach is churning, my head hurts and I feel sore all over.” Yifan whines and pouts, earning a sympathetic look from his husband as he slumps against him. Junmyeon gently pats his head with soft, comforting touches. “There there, I’ll take your temperature again okay? Then you’ll take your medicine.” Yifan hums in agreement. With that, Junmyeon laces his slender fingers with Yifan’s giant digits and gently guides him to the kitchen.





“What should we do now? Since we have the rest of the day to relax for once...”

The two men were spread out on the couch, Junmyeon in deep thought over what they should do and Yifan in deep misery due to his pounding headache. “I have some sort of idea,” Yifan whispers into Junmyeon’s ear before slowly bringing their lips closer. Before he’s interrupted by a finger against his lips instead of the soft pink pair of lips he was expecting.

“I really would love to kiss you on the lips, but I don’t think having both of us sick and confined to our bed is the most ideal situation.”

“It’s a very ideal situation, there are many things we can do in bed, y’know.”

Junmyeon lightly knocks Yifan’s forehead at that, light pink dusting his cheeks. “Ehem, yes. So, we can watch that Avenger’s movie you’ve been wanting to watch for the longest time. Minus the popcorn though, because you shouldn’t be eating popcorn in your current condition. But we can have lunch first since the congee should be done by now. Just rest here, okay? I’ll go prepare everything.” With a gentle smile and a pat on Yifan’s side, Junmyeon heads to the kitchen.

Yifan can hear the clinking of pots and cutlery, and a delicious smell wafts out from the kitchen. With his newfound appetite, his nose leads him to the doorway of the kitchen as he watches the very attractive back view of his husband bustling about the kitchen. Said husband finally notices Yifan’s lingering gaze and meet his eyes with a smile, before scooping the congee into two bowls and bringing it out to the dining area.

Yifan plops himself down on a chair before Junmyeon comes round and places the steaming bowl of chicken congee in front of him. “Eat it while it’s hot, dear. I’ll get you your medicine after the meal.” Yifan hopes the look in his eyes is enough to tell Junmyeon how grateful he is, before scooping up some congee and gently blowing it before placing it in his mouth.

To be honest, when Yifan met Junmyeon 10 years ago, the best dish Junmyeon could cook was cheese ramyun. It didn’t help that Yifan was, and still is, a complete klutz and would knock over half the things in the kitchen while trying to cook, not to forget he could barely tell the difference between chicken and duck. Eventually Junmyeon took it upon himself to learn the fine art of cooking so that the two of them wouldn’t starve to death. Needless to say, Yifan is very proud of how much improvement his husband has made in the culinary department.

“Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

Junmyeon swats Yifan away and casts his eyes down to his bowl, the tips of his ears slightly pink. “Why are you being so cheesy huh…” But Yifan can hear the smile Junmyeon is supressing in those words.



Yifan is swathed with blankets as he lies on the couch, head in Junmyeon's lap because he loves it when Junmyeon pats his head and runs fingers through his golden locks. ‘The Avengers’ flashes on the television, the sound of gunshots and explosions resonating throughout the living room. Yifan buries himself further into the smaller man’s embrace, relishing the warmth he finds in return. He hums in contentment and grabs Junmyeon’s hand, entwining their fingers together tightly. At this, Junmyeon curls further into Yifan and wraps his free hand around the giant.

The sound effects from the movie has turned into background noise as Yifan shifts his attention from the flashing television screen to the comforting heat source beside him. He’ll probably want to watch The Avengers again because he isn’t paying attention to the movie now, and Junmyeon will probably nag him for it later, but he could care less about it now. Junmyeon’s scent and warmth are the only thing he wants right now. Slowly but surely he feels himself drifting to sleep with the whirring of the fan and the beat of the smaller man’s heart becoming his lullaby.


The credits begin rolling and Junmyeon turns to his side to find Yifan a dead weight, the giant wrapped around him already peacefully in slumber land. Slowly disentangling himself from their mess of limbs, he adjusts some pillows under the taller man’s head and tucks him in with the comforter, smilingly fondly and heading off to clean up the house before beginning on dinner.



The aroma of Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup causes the giant to stir, slowly stretching his cramped muscles and heaving himself off the too-small-for-him couch. His neck is cramped, and he makes a mental note to himself not to fall asleep on the couch again. He’ll probably forget that in five minutes though.

Ambling his way to the kitchen, he sees his husband at the stove again. He realises that it’s becoming quite a frequent sight over the course of today, one that he could definitely get used to. Junmyeon in the kitchen is a sight for sore eyes as Yifan walks over to the shorter man and wraps long arms around the tiny waist. Junmyeon isn’t even fazed anymore by the sudden back hug, merely leaning back into the broad chest. “Are you feeling better?”

“Much, it must’ve been because of the kiss you gave me. Can I get another one?” Yifan puckers up and leans closer to his partner, who giggles before pushing him away. “You took a really long nap. I’m making your favourite soup, you up for it?” Yifan rubs his stomach makes himself useful by taking out the utensils from the drawers. “I’m always up for soup with you, you know that.” He wiggles his busy eyebrows for effect, causing Junmyeon to burst into a fit of laughter. “Sometimes I wonder how I managed to put up with your greasy lines all these years.” Shaking his head, he carefully ladles the soup into ceramic bowls before bring them to the famished Yifan. Once the bowls are placed safely on the table, Yifan grabs his husband’s hand, placing a gentle finger to his knuckles. A blush creeps onto Junmyeon’s fair face, before he bursts into melodious laughter, causing Yifan to show his gummy smile.

They both eat in comfortable silence, exchanging meaningful glances and lingering touches, no words needed to convey what they are both feeling in that moment.



The two males are nestled snuggly under the covers, lost in a tangle of limbs. Junmyeon is tracing gentle patterns along the planes of Yifan’s back, said male pressing soft kisses all over the petite male’s forehead. The Chinese male stops his shower of affectionate pecks and lifts his partner’s chin to meet his eyes. “Honestly, what would I do without you?”

Junmyeon stops his little imaginary art session before pouting and poking the warm chest in front of him. “You’d be starving because you can’t cook and lonely because you have an eternal frown etched on your face that scares everyone away. Except me of course. You’re a huge plot twist because you look intimidating and frighten the out of everyone else, but at home you talk to Ace the alpaca in a cutesy voice and pout when you want something and are obsessively about taking care of your skin by slapping on like fifty different creams every day and you scream like a girl when you try to cook and oil splatters out of the pan, but I love you. I love you so so so much and words are so inadequate at this point and I really don’t know what I’d do without you too.”

Yifan pulls the smaller male closer to him, nuzzling his nose into soft brown hair that smells of lavender. Gentle feather-like kisses are placed at his collarbones and Yifan lets out a contented smile, the sickly feeling he woke up with seeming to be gone, and all thanks to the man he has wrapped up in his arms.



“Wakey wakey, rise and shine Yifan! Time to get your out of bed and get ready for work!”

“Can we please take one more sick day?” The only reply is a pillow is thrown at Yifan’s face. Yifan groans before pushing himself up to a sitting position, watching his husband’s back as he flounces out of the bedroom.

“I love you, Yifan dear.”




ANOTHER A/N: here's the update I promised in my last one shot for my high school au! unfortunately it's exam period for me, so I'll be on hiatus and won't have much time to write till next month. BUT next month i'll be busy with something (:< still krisho, but a lot more exciting ehehehe so y'all can stick around for that as well!

another note: i currently have an livejournal! i'll be cross-posting my fics there as well once i'm done with my hiatus so you can check that out! for now, only the highschool au one shots are there... :P


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2454 streak #1
Chapter 3: a fave, something i know i can always go back to :)
2454 streak #2
Chapter 3: reading again in 2020... i just love it so much huhuhu
t_a_e_m_i_n #3
Chapter 3: this was so cute!! i see you haven't updated in a while, but i hope you write more someday uvu
Lielee #4
Chapter 3: So cute! Kekeke~
Chapter 3: *giggles* incoherent laughing because it's so fluffy I think some fluff got stuck down my throat while I stuck my head in your story. Your fault, Myun.
2454 streak #6
david98 #7
Chapter 3: Birthday? Happy birthday!!!!! :D
I love your story, it's awesome! :D
Chapter 2: ;(((((((( LOVE, indeed. ;(((( <333
Chapter 2: I am dying here ~~~
Lielee #10
Chapter 2: Cute! Miss my KrisHo so much!