I'm Falling Even More in Love with You

Coffee Stains and Burnt Toast

Title: I’m Falling Even More in Love with You

Pairing: Kris/Suho

Word Count: 623 words

A/N: I wrote the last bits as I listened to cheesy love songs about romance and marriage odg help me #teamForeverAlone

Title is based on the Lifehouse song

Also this SO BAD WHYYYYYY bc it was 1:15AM when i wrote it that’s why





“I’m not having this conversation with you anymore.”

“Fine! Do whatever you want, Junmyeon!”


Junmyeon stomps into the bedroom, bottom lip jutting out and arms folded across his chest. Pacing back and forth, he mumbles insults and curses about a certain blond haired giant. Abruptly, he flops onto the bed and lets out an exasperated sigh, mind a jumbled mess. Silently accepting that he should try to sleep it off, he moves under the covers, lying on his side of the bed, facing away from the door. He closes his eyes, hoping to get some reprieve from his conflicting thoughts. But his brain won’t shut up so he lies there replaying their argument, guilt gnawing at his heart.

Likewise in a separate room, the certain blond haired giant was leaning on the kitchen counter, head bowed as he grunted in annoyance. He lifelessly plonks himself on a kitchen stool, his humongous hands rubbing his face. Sighing deeply, he decides that avoidance is the plan he shall put into action if need be, and shuffles to the bedroom.


The first thing he sees is the back view of his lover bathed in the moonlight streaming in through the window. He immediately turns away and goes to the bathroom to wash up before dragging his exhausted self to bed and settling himself underneath the covers, facing away from his husband. He fidgets about, hoping to find a comfortable position that would allow him some shut-eye. He’s conscious of how rigid Junmyeon is on the other side of the bed, and he internally face-palms when he thinks about all the hurtful comments they threw at each other during their heated argument.


It was a stupid fight, they both clearly knew that.


Yifan misses how a pair of arms are usually wrapped tightly around his waist as he falls asleep, gentle breathing on his neck and occasional little nudges as Junmyeon tries to press himself further into Yifan’s warmth.

Junmyeon misses the long legs tangled with his shorter ones and the warm broad chest that he leans on every night, the sound of Yifan’s heartbeat his lullaby to sleep, the soothing pressure of being wrapped up snug in his lover’s embrace.


The two men can’t help but feel their chests ache, the sheets separating them suddenly becoming hard to bear. With each passing second in awkwardness getting harder and harder to bear, they both resolve to apologise first, counting to three before turning over..



“Oh gosh, Jun are you okay??”


They both rub the identical red bumps starting for form on their foreheads, looking at each other sheepishly. Meeting each other’s gazes, pinkish tinges spread across their face. A giggle disrupts the awkward atmosphere as Junmyeon covers his mouth, his soft laughter seeping through the cracks between his fingers and into Yifan’s ears, sparkling eyes turning into small crescents.

With that, Yifan lets out a low chuckle before pulling the smaller man closer and pressing their lips together. The kiss is short but sweet, and they both pull back with bashful smiles before showering light kisses all over each other. Junmyeon wraps his arms around Yifan’s waist as Yifan pulls him in close and kisses the top of his head.


“I’m sorry for being an idiot.”

“I’m sorry too.”


Junmyeon hums in contentment as Yifan rubs up and down his back, as he threads his fingers through the base of Yifan’s hair. They lay like that, chest to chest and legs in a tangled mess, before a yawn from Yifan signals their bedtime.


“Babe, I love you.”


“I love you too, you stupid giant—Hey don’t tickle me Yifa—!”


“Then don’t call me stupid giant, Myeon!”


“Okay okay, you’re a handsome giant. How about that?”

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2450 streak #1
Chapter 3: a fave, something i know i can always go back to :)
2450 streak #2
Chapter 3: reading again in 2020... i just love it so much huhuhu
t_a_e_m_i_n #3
Chapter 3: this was so cute!! i see you haven't updated in a while, but i hope you write more someday uvu
Lielee #4
Chapter 3: So cute! Kekeke~
Chapter 3: *giggles* incoherent laughing because it's so fluffy I think some fluff got stuck down my throat while I stuck my head in your story. Your fault, Myun.
2450 streak #6
david98 #7
Chapter 3: Birthday? Happy birthday!!!!! :D
I love your story, it's awesome! :D
Chapter 2: ;(((((((( LOVE, indeed. ;(((( <333
Chapter 2: I am dying here ~~~
Lielee #10
Chapter 2: Cute! Miss my KrisHo so much!