~L is for the way you look at me~

"Xiumin-ah! Can you believe this, we finally have our own place!" Luhan calls out with overwhelming happiness evident in his voice.

"Yeah I know. Unpacking is going to be hell, but it's all worth it. Right?" He says tired of the full day they've spent moving boxes into their new apartment. He could go for a nap right about now.

Not receiving a response right away he glances at the other to make sure he hasn't gotten lost in the sea of boxes. He wasn't expecting to find the other staring at him with a look of admiration and love. He also sees a hint of lust, but he ignores that look not feeling at all in the mood. He's to tired for that.

"Hey? I love you, you know that right?" Luhan states as his look becomes more intense.

"Yes. I'm well aware of that. I love you too you fool."

"Really? Mind showing me just how much?" He says while his hooded eyes wonder over Xiumin's body wanting. Xiumin sighs. He knows it'll happen sooner or later and Luhan prefers sooner than later.

As Luhan pulls both of them towards the couch, he knows by the way Luhan's been eyeing him that he wont be taking that nap he's been waiting for anytime soon.

~O is for the only one I see~

Xiumin was going to admit, he was rather jealous. When they decided to go out he thought he and Luhan would be able to have a peaceful brunch together. Apparently that was not the case.

Everywhere they went there was always someone bound to admire his boyfriend of 2 years. Who could blame them, Luhan was hot. But when this someone came in the form of a cute young waitress, whom was receiving nothing but kind smiles from his boyfriend causing her to blush. He couldn't help but to feel a little insecure and jealous.

Luhan must have sensed his distress, because right after the young waitress left from taking their order he turns his way with an amused look.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks with wide innocent eyes. Xiumin glares at him and adverts his eyes away from the piercing ones.

He sees the young waitress glance their way from afar and he sends her a scowling look of disgust. She quickly turns and heads towards the back.

Luhan chuckles. "Wow, if looks could kill."

Xiumin eyes him and Luhan reaches for his hand across the table. "You don't need to be jealous. You know I only have eyes for you." He says squeezing the hand in his.

He receives a shy smile and Luhan smiles in return. "Also." He begins earning all of Xiumin's attention, "You know that I'm gay for you right?" He smirks.

Xiumin rolls his eyes and shakes his hand away.


~V is very, very extraordinary~

He was tired. He's had a long day at work and deadlines were coming up soon which only added to his stress. All he wants is to shower and then lie down and cuddle with his Luhan.

As he unlocks the door to their shared apartment he's greeted with nothing but darkness. Luhan must not be home yet. What a pity.

He walks further in and is greeted with the sight of the living room filled with candles and a table with a full course meal in the middle. When he looks down he finds the floor scattered with rose petals and his heart jumps in his chest.

"Like it?" Says a soft voice in his ear as arms come to wrap around his waist.

He smiles to himself and turns in the others embrace. Before he's able to respond he feels a kiss being placed upon his lips and he melts a little. If it weren't for Luhan's arms around him, he's pretty sure he'd be a puddle of goo on the floor by now.

When they pull away from the kiss, but are still locked in each others arms. Xiumin finds his voice, "I love it." He laughs, "You went all out haven't you?"

"Only for you baby.~" Luhan sings and leads him to the table. He also pulls out a chair for him and Xiumin blushes in surprise. He should have expected his night to end like this, because Luhan was anything but ordinary. When he was in his romantic mood, he'd go all out.

~E is even more than anyone that you adore~

"Lulu, come on get up. You promised we'd make breakfast together this morning." He begs the sleeping figure.

"Mmm... 5 more minutes..." Is the sleepy reply. Luhan's buried under the thick blankets with only the top of his blond head sticking out. Xiumin huffs and pokes at his head only to receive a groan.

"No. You said that 5 minutes ago. Get up!" He argues rolling the other over.

Luhan sits up with a pout and rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Xiumin thinks he looks utterly adorable, but he'd never admit that to Luhan out loud. He'd only for it.

Luhan looks up at him yawning and just stares. It makes Xiumin a bit uncomfortable and he reaches to shakes the other out of his trance. He soon regrets it, because Luhan is pulling him down onto the bed and into his strong embrace. Xiumin inwardly curses for letting his gaurd down against this tempting pup.

"Let's just cuddle like this, we'll make lunch together instead." Luhan says with a sleep ridden voice.

Locked in the warm embrace he quickly agrees feeling a little tired himself now. He'll scold Luhan later for making him give in once again, but right now he feels the arms tighten around him and he's once again consumed by sleep.

~Love is all that I can give to you~

There seated on a bench at a nearby park both eating ice cream. One strawberry and the other pistachio.

Their watching as the life moves around them and are seated in a comfortable silence. Until one decides to break it after curiosity got the better of him.

"Hey." Luhan calls out.

"Yes?" Is Xiumin's response.

He eyes him warily. He knows it's going to be a random and odd question, since Luhan had been caught up in his own thoughts before.

"Have you ever thought what it would be like if we were to raise a family?"

Yup. Random and odd indeed. He'd be lying if he said he's never thought about it. It's been 4 years since they've got a place of their own and when he looks through their small two bedroom apartment he always envisions a small bundle of energy that could rival Luhan's running around. He smiles at the thought.

"I've thought about it. But that's all. We wouldn't be able to afford a child right now." He says scooting closer to the other to lay his head on his shoulder.

Luhan nods in response. "Your right. Maybe in the near future. For now, all I can give to you is my love." He says pulling the other closer.

Xiumin laughs at this. "If it makes you feel any better, we could always get a dog or a cat."

"Hmm.. yeah, that sounds nice. How about a puppy. And we can name him Baekhyun."

"Why Baekhyun?" He asks.

"Just reminds me of a puppy." He responds.

Later that day they go to the local pet shop where they adopt a small brown dachshund puppy who they name Baekhyun.

~Love is more than just a game for two~

It's been 6 years into their relationship and they have finally decided to adopt. They together adopt a 2 year old boy who's name is Kyungsoo. He has wide eyes and he's tiny and Xiumin is honestly scared of hurting him, so they handle him like fine China.

Luhan is currently sitting in their living room on the sofa feeding Kyungsoo some cut up fruit. Baekhyun is lying on the floor beside his socked feet chewing on something that he can't quite make out what it is and Xiumin tears up at the image of them. It's the family he's always imagined and it's right here in front if him.

Luhan glances up at him and smiles while motioning him over. He pads his own socked feet over and seats himself beside the other. Smoothing down Kyungsoo's wild hair. The baby glimpses at him with wide eyes and gurgles and they both chuckle at the cuteness he is.

"How are you?" His loved one asks and he turns to him with a bright smile.

"Better than ever." He breathes out meaning it.

Luhan smiles. "Same." He then leans over to give Xiumin a peck on the nose.

Xiumin snuggles closer resting his head on the others shoulder. He couldn't have asked for a better family to love and next month once he and Luhan are married he knows it'll get even better from there.

~Two in love can make it Take my heart and please don't break it~

They've made it this far. Now married with the perfect life and family with a wonderful little boy and their energetic puppy who they can rarely keep on a leash. Xiumin knows his and Luhan's love is only getting even stronger as the years go by.

Luhan was with him since the beginning and he wouldn't have asked for a more amazing person to have walk in his life. They've been through it all together.

He's given Luhan his all and he's trusting him with his everything. Even though he knows Luhan cherishes him and the feelings mutual, he's always a little insecure and doubtful if their going to stay this way for as long as they live.

These thoughts never last long though, because Luhan will come and brush them away with kisses and sweet words.

"We're made to love each other. I for you and you for me. So don't ever doubt my love." Luhan would always say.

Xiumin believes him whole heartedly and he wouldn't have it any other way.

~Love was made for me and you~

The End.

How was it? I hope you enjoyed. I adore the relationship these to have. Their to cute. And I love baby Soo and puppy Baek! T.T

Sorry if I've scarred you. Comments are welcomed. :)

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ilabya8 #1
Chapter 1: that was so fluffy!
I just love it
Chapter 1: This is just too adorable!!!!!!
I might die
And I will not regret anything
jambydsy #4
Chapter 1: Ooohhhh myyyy gaawd I can not handle this cuteness graaaaahhhh
luvkpop #5
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwww soooo cuteeeeeeee and flufffyyyy im dyingggg
Please write more xiuhan ^^
VIPBabys #6
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload...i'm blushing when i read it. Seems like they have their happy ever after love life
Hayyeehaley #7
Chapter 1: Cutecutecute!!! :)