A change of heart?

The person I love....Is you!?

*Kyuhyun's POV*

'What are we going to do!?' Haewon said. She was looking at me, a desperate look in her eyes. I frowned and dug my phone out of my pocket. I dialled and waited for an answer.


'Henry? It's me'

'Kyu! Are you ok?'

'Yeah, we're fine, we're just....stuck'

'We? Who's we? Oh, never mind....' he said cheekily.

'Shut up Henry' I snapped. 'We're-'


Horrified, I pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at the 'no battery' symbol. I looked at Haewon, who was shaking her head.

'My phone's dead too' she said. I slapped my forhead. What are the chances?

'I guess we'll just have to stay here until the morning' I said sheepisly. Her eyes filled with dread.

'There's nothing else we can do?' she cried. I shook my head. Looking around, I could see an overhang on one side of the door. I motioned for her to follow me. 'We'll have to sleep under here' I said. She sighed, sitting down under it. I sat down next to her. She looked very distressed. I frowned. 'Are you alright?' I asked. She hugged her knees. 'I'm scared of heights' she whispered. I put my hand on her shoulder. 'Don't worry, we're nowhere near the edge, we're safe up here' I replied, hoping I was helping. She looked up and smiled at me. 'Thanks.'


*Haewon's POV*

I shivered as the air grew colder and the sky began to darken. I couldn't believe that I was stuck on the roof of a building, with no way of getting down. Moreover, I couldn't believe I was stuck with Kyuhyun. Although, come to think of it, it was nice to have somebody there, especially a guy. You feel safer with a guy for some reason-I suppose it's because they can protect you. 'Um...Kyuhyun?' I said suddenly, without thinking. He looked at me.


'I'm sorry....for how I acted before' I murmured. I hadn't planned on apologizing, but I was hoping that it would make it less awkward. After all, I was going to be stuck here for a while. 'I'm sorry too' he replied. I smiled, and he smiled back at me. 'I suppose he's not so bad after all' I thought. The sky was now a dusky shade of grey-blue, and the lights of the city were beginning to come on. I shivered again-it seemed as though the temperature had dropped a lot in the past few minutes. 'Are you cold?' Kyuhyun asked me. I nodded. 'Then have my jacket' he added. I shook my head.

'No! Then you'll freeze' I replied. He laughed.

'Then there's only one thing for it' he said, slipping his arm out of the sleeve of his jacket and holding it out towards me. I blushed and slid closer to him. He wrapped his arm and jacket around my shoulders. I sat there for a minute. I wasn't cold anymore, I felt warm and safe. The sky was now a deep purply-blue, with a small strip of red running along the horizon. The lights of the city twinkled below and the air was frosty. I looked up at Kyuhyun and I could see a stream of breath as he exhaled. He looked down and smiled at me. I smiled back, and at that point, a single thought popped into my head:

I think I'm in love with him.

I studied his face for a moment; he looked exactly the same as when I first met him. It seemed as though, although on the surface I hated him, deep down I had actually liked him all along.


I blushed as he gently swept my hair away from my face. Our faces were only inches apart now. He leaned in and kissed me briefly. As he pulled away, I looked at him for a second. Then, in a rare moment of courage, I put my hands on his face and kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me in. The kiss intensified and I slid my fingers around the back of his head, intertwining them in his hair. I leaned back, until I found my back against the ground, still kissing him, with his hands on either side of me. (a/n: Not rated!! They're not having or anything ><) My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode, and my adrenaline levels had rocketed. And then suddenly, we just stopped.


*Kyuhyun's POV*

I blushed furiously as I sat up again, touching my hand to my mouth. I didn't dare to even look at Haewon. 'What did I just do?' I thought to myself. 'Why did I...why did I just kiss her like that?' I felt so guilty, and I didn't even know why. 'Are you okay?' she asked me. I nodded briskly, before standing up and walking to the edge of the rooftop. I took a deep breath of air, trying to clear my head. I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned to see Haewon standing behind me, a worried frown creasing her face...her beautiful face. 'Don't jump' she whispered.

'I'm not going to' I chuckled. Her expression was unreadable.

'Have I done something? I-I'm sorry, but just now, I-'

I strode up to her and put my hands on her face. 'Don't be sorry' I whispered, pressing my forehead against hers. 'I'm sorry, I'm just a little.....shocked.' She wrapped her arms round me, and I felt like crying. I love her. Why do I feel so guilty?



Finally! A chapter I'm pleased with >< hope you enjoyed. Shocker huh? xD Thanks again to my subs, ILOVEYOUALL!

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...........................<br />
ruby28 #2
i like ur story :)<br />
update soon please!
interesting :)