You've got to be kidding me...

The person I love....Is you!?

*Kyuhyun's POV*

'You owe me one' I grumbled as I walked from the church to the marquee where the wedding reception would be held. The service had dragged on for hours, and now was the part I was dreading most-The singing. Not only did I have to sing, not to mention in front of someone I hate, but I had to sing a song I had never heard before. As I entered the marquee, the wedding organizer hurried up to me. 'Its a pleasure to meet you' she said, bowing 90 degrees. 'There is a room around the back where you can practice before your performance' she said, pointing through a small gap in the side of the marquee. I nodded and headed through.


*Haewon's POV* (a/n: the marquee looks like this :

I looked around at the marquee as I entered. There were five large tables draped in cream cloths. Two large vases of vivid blue flowers sat at the entrance, and blue ribbons hung from the ceiling. A stage sat in the far corner, next to a piano. 'I'm going to go for a walk' I said to my mum. She nodded. 'Don't be long!' She called. Heading around the side of the marquee, I could see a smaller one a little further away. It was split into two. On one side, a photographer was bustling around, searching through boxes and adjusting lights. On the other side, I could hear a voice. Curious, I wamdered around to a small window of clear plastic. I could hear someone singing. The voice was warm and soothing, full of tone and character. I looked through the window and froze. 'Kyuyun!?' I thought, watching the suit-clad figure sing softly to himself. Suddenly, he looked up. Panicking, I ducked to the side of the window and stood still, hoping he hadn't noticed me. Once I was sure he hadn't, I ran away.


*Kyuhyun's POV*

I mentally cheered as I finally finished the song. The piano's last note sang out, and the guests burst into applause. 'Thank you to the amazingly talented Kyuhyun Cho for singing for us!' the bride said, standing up and applauding. 'Now, everyone, we're going to start the dancing now' she continued as I stepped of stage-and almost walked into my mum. 'Wasn't so bad was it?' she whispered. I rolled my eyes. 'Well done' I heard, and turned to see Haewon and her mother standing with my mum. 'Thanks' I said, trying to stay civil. 'The dancing is starting now' her mum said, as various couples took to the dancefloor, swaying to some sappy song. 'You two should dance together' my mum added. My jaw dropped. 'Go on!' Haewon's mum was encouraging us. I could see they were excited. 'How can my mother be so ditzy?' I thought to myself. I looked at the two excited faces, and I knew I wasn't going to have much choice. Sighing, we walked out and started dancing awkwardly. 'Don't try anything' she hissed through her teeth.

'Wouldn't dream of it' I scoffed.


*Haewon's POV*

I couldn't believe this was happening. Boy., was I going to have a bone to pick with mum when we got home. 'Man, you couldn't dance to save your life' I said. He laughed. 'I'm not a dancer, I'm a singer' he shot back. I rolled my eyes. 'Your ego needs a checkup' I said. He laughed. I hated to admit it, but dancing with Kyuhyun was kind of...nice? Except for the fact that he had a massive ego. Mind you, with a voice like his, who wouldn't have a big ego? I mentally slapped myself.

Haewon, stop thinking about him like that.



Hello all! I'm so sorry that the standard of this story had been RUBBISH D: It's surprisingly hard though. I know where I want to go with the plot, but getting it all to flow together is proving a challenge D: If you like B2ST and SHINee, please check out my other fanfics!

I'd also like to say thankyou to my lovely subs :D Fighting!

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...........................<br />
ruby28 #2
i like ur story :)<br />
update soon please!
interesting :)