Forced against my will!!

The person I love....Is you!?

'I don't want to go!' I grumbled, as I was bundled into the family car, dressed up to the nines. 'Kyuhyun' my father said sternly, 'Don't be difficult. This is a big day for everyone!' I rolled my eyes, scanning the text I had just recieved from Henry. 'I have promotions tomorrow! I'll do badly if I'm stressed out!' I replied, my voice taking on a whinier tone. 'Don't play that card young man. Promotions are no reason to try and squirm out of this, we haven't seen your cousins for years, and everyone is keen to see you' my mother scolded me as she fixed her hair in the rear view mirror. I sunk further into my bad mood. Spending hours with my relatives, repeating the story of my breakthrough into the music industry countless times was hardly my idea of a good time. Besides, all I could remember of my cousins was of them pulling my hait when I was a young boy. I leant back in my seat, my phone beeping as I sent Henry a reply:

Yeah, I'll be there. Off to see extended family now. Joy.

'Turn it off' my mother said firmly. I huffed as I did what I was told. 'Kyu, why are you in such a bad mood? Don't be so moody!' my sister Ara said, staring haughtily at me from across the car. 'Leave me alone' I huffed, putting my earphones in and turning my music up.


As we pulled up outside a plush hotel, my stomach sank like a stone. I was not looking forward to this. 'Why am I being forced to come and look at some hotel that my cousins bought, pretending to be enthusiastic, when I shoudl be at home getting ready for my promotions tomorrow?' I thought grumpily. 'Come on, out you get' my father said, knocking on my window. I groaned as I stepped out of the car. 'At least pretend that you care' my mother said, sounding almost as if she was pleading with me. I sighed and nodded, plodding up to the entrance and hoping this would be over quickly. 'Hello, and welcome to the Imperial Seoul Hotel' a worker said, approaching us and shaking our hands. 'The Cho family' my father said, as the worker looked down her list of guests. 'Ah yes, there you go' she said, thumping a stamp down on my hand. Grumbling under my breath, I carried on up the steps into the lobby.


'Oh, isn't this lovely!' my sister said, looking around the lobby. There was no denying it was luxurious; the walls were draped with cream wallpaper, and aubergine sofas sat in the corner, crowded around dark wood tables. The reception desk was beige marble, and an ornate gold clock hung behind it. The high walls and parquet floor made the room very echoey, and the various guests milling around made for a very busy scene. 'Kyuhyun! Ara! How lovely to see you!' I heard. I had to stop myself from groaning as I saw my Aunt coming towards us, dressed in a black dress and large, over-the-top hat. Forcing a smile, I knew this would be the first of many boring conversations. 'Now, Ara darling, come with me, there is somebody I'd like you to meet' she said, and I felt a massive weight lift from my shoulders. So I'd escaped that encounter, but I knew there would be many more to come...




Hello! TheLittleTaemint here :D

What did you think? Sorry if its a bit boring >< I just wanted to set the scene, chapter 2 will be more interesting! ^^

I'm writing this simultainiously with a SHINee fanfic, so apologies if I don't update that often. I'll try my best though! :D

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...........................<br />
ruby28 #2
i like ur story :)<br />
update soon please!
interesting :)