the beginning

Untitled: A Jaejoong Sketch

the beginning.

The patio, Minseo’s house; 7:56 PM

Jaejoong took out another cigarette and lit the end with his lighter, his actions quick and effortless as he’d done the same thing over and over again many times before. Minseo looked as he took one puff, inhaled the smoke for three or so seconds, and slowly exhaled. Wisps of smoke came out of Jaejoong’s nostrils and she was quick to smell the smoke. Minseo wasn’t a smoker, and she couldn’t see what was appealing about cigarettes.

“Do you know many you’ve smoked today?” She asked. Jaejoong’s eyes flitted toward her, a questioning look on his face. He shrugged and said, “I don’t know. I don’t count.”

Minseo held out a hand. “Five sticks—and that’s just here, in front of me. You must’ve smoked more.”

A small smile slowly made its way onto Jaejoong’s lips. “You’re worried?”

She raised an eyebrow. “I can’t be?” There was an obvious incredulity in her voice, something that did not escape Jaejoong’s keen senses

“Well…I never said you can’t.”

“But you’re implying that I can’t.”

Jaejoong chuckled and took another puff. Ah, cigarettes and Minseo: two things that made his life better.

Minseo pouted. “Why—are—you—laughing?” She snarled through gritted teeth; before long, Jaejoong was already in a fit of rambunctious laughter. Seeing Minseo get mad for the smallest things amused the 24-year-old much more than anything else, yet she wasn’t amused by his reactions.

Irritated by his making fun of her expressions, Minseo continued to glare at the man as she crossed her arms and changed the subject. “You really should quit smoking. The smoke’s already getting in your head.”

He smiled and took another long puff from his cigarette just to spite the girl. Minseo’s right eye twitched as Jaejoong took his time with the cigarette, keeping the smoke in his body far longer than he usually does. He released the smoke from his mouth into the air and gave another smile to the pretty girl sitting across from him. “Make me,” he challenged Minseo.

“Hah. Fat chance that’ll ever happen,” Minseo said, admitting defeat before the game even began. “I don’t have any influence on you.”

Jaejoong suddenly had an idea. “Call me oppa and I won’t smoke in front of you.”

It was Minseo’s turn to give a derisive smile. “That’s not enough to make me call anyone besides my older male cousins oppa. Go ahead and smoke your lungs out, then. I don’t care.”

Jaejoong sighed and gave a shrug to himself. Oh, well. At least he tried.

Minseo picked his pack of cigarettes and opened it. There were only two cigarettes left. She took out one and carefully studied it while Jaejoong eyed her carefully. Before long, she already put one end of the cigarette between her lips, her hand reaching for the lighter on the table—but Jaejoong was quicker. He snatched the cigarette in between her lips and took his pack with the other hand.

“No smoking for you.”

“Tsk. And why not? You smoke, so why can’t I?”

“Because I don’t like my girl to smoke.”

Minseo glared at Jaejoong. “I’m not your girl.”

“You will be.”

She snickered. “You’re so full of yourself.”

“How about this then?” Jaejoong leaned closer to Minseo, the fingers of his left hand interlaced with the fingers of his other hand. He had a serious yet playful expression on his face. “Go out with me—and I mean seriously go out with me—and I’ll quit smoking.”

Amused, Minseo smiled. “You’d do that just to get in my pants?”

“Oh, I can get in your pants without resorting to these schemes, no problem,” Minseo laughed at his cockiness, while Jaejoong continued, “but I want something more than just casual from you.”


“You sound surprised.”

“How can I not be? You’re Kim Jaejoong.”


“And Kim Jaejoong equates to Mr. I Don’t Do Relationships, Only Fine Females.”

It was Jaejoong’s turn to glare. “I’m serious.”

“You’re serious about what? Wanting me on your bed?”

He chuckled. “Lee Minseo, for a nice girl, you think too much about .”

“Don’t joke around with me, I’m being serious here.”

“And so am I. When I proposed that you go out with me, I was being serious. I like you, and I like you for more than your body, alright?”

It was a few minutes before Minseo spoke again. “…Are you gonna quit smoking for me?”

“…I’ll…try. If you want.”

“Don’t. I actually like that about you.”

Jaejoong blinked twice. “What, smoking?”

She nodded and smiled. “Just a bit.”

“Then why are you making me quit?”

“Because it’s harmful to your health, why else? It may seem as a surprise for you, but I do care about you.”

“…So are you my girlfriend now?”

Minseo let out a hearty laugh. “For someone so suave, you still have to ask the girl that kind of info?”

He grinned. “I just want to be sure.”

“Fine. As long as you don’t bug me to start calling you oppa, I’m your girlfriend.”

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afiercesong #1
I love it!!
Chapter 2: Ahaha a jealous Jaejoong is kind if funny XD
Chapter 1: I like this, it was very short and sweet ^^