Boom goes the Bass

Contemplating Cosmos


Title: Boom goes the Bass

Genre: Club!AU, dance

Characters: Chanyeol, Luhan, D.O, Sehun.

Pairing: Chanlu, Hunhan(if you squint)

Warnings: Swearing

A/N: I wrote this in abt an hour lul after fangirling about dj got us falling in love for like the 1000000x time. Please subcribe, comment and upvote thanks~



Luhan’s jacket is so ing sparkly it hurts Chanyeol’s eyes. And that’s not even the end of it – it shimmers every time he moves, flashing white under fluorescent lights.

“I hate that jacket.” He comments in a passing remark, shielding his eyes from its glare and downing a few more gulps of beer before they go on. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, pupils almost disappearing past fluttering eyelids. “…ing hell, stop wearing it before you blind me already.”

“Go screw yourself, Yeol.” Luhan gives him the middle finger, his other hand busy fluffing blonde hair atop a fairy-like head. Yes, fairy-like. There’s no other word for it – for pale porcelain skin, a dainty nose, full pink rose bud lips, doe eyes and a halo of golden hair.

Chanyeol’s hair might be golden too… not really. It’s gotten too long but he hasn’t had the time to cut it, so it’s hanging down onto his shoulders, most of it tied back and pulled away from his face.

Before he can retort, Kyungsoo opens the door to the club and shoves them both in roughly. What he lacks in size he makes up in strength, Chanyeol thinks.

The mass of bodies seems to pulsate with the drop of the bass, dubstep echoing about the mucky, sweat-clogged area. This is one of his least favourite clubs to gig in. Sure, there’s hype and the people are stupid and generally listen to the top 40s, but it’s way too crowded and the bouncers let anyone in with a little bribing.

Sehun is finishing up his item when Chanyeol finds Luhan in the crowd.

Sehun’s dances have always had an arrogant feel about them, always the perfect mix of lazy and sharp. He has a right to be arrogant, Chanyeol can give him that. He’s one of the youngest, most talented street dancers nowadays.

The dance floor beneath sneaker-clad feet is made of luminescent squares that light up in neon with the beat. People are throwing money at him, cat-calling with every of a hip, but Sehun seems to stay immune to the cheers, eyebrows set below the rim of his snapback.

He finally finishes with a quick, ninety degree bow. A particularly daring girl adorned in hardly anything steps forward and shoves a wad of bills into Sehun’s pocket.

Sehun smirks. He smirks and he looks up. He looks up and he points at Luhan, head cocked to the side in a challenge.

Luhan elbows through the crowd, almost angrily, and Sehun retreats into the crowd as fast as he’d appeared, grin disappearing into the mesh of faces like a Cheshire into the grey.

Their song, the chosen one for the night, blasts through the numerous speakers scattered around the club and it almost seems to reverberate through Chanyeol, heart beat jumpstarting when Luhan starts to dance. Sehun and Luhan have history, and Chanyeol never says this out loud but he always notices that Luhan’s dances, always trained to perfection, come undone and passionate and free, when Sehun is around. It’s the power that Sehun has over Luhan.

And also the power that Luhan has over Chanyeol.

His voice is deep and jarring and y, when he jumps onto the lighted platform with practiced ease, the crowd gaining a new excitement when Chanyeol enters the of his rap.

He meets eyes with Luhan amongst the bills that are thrown at them, the wolf whistling and screaming. Everything seems to slow for a second, before the pounding bass is back, lights flashing and pupils blown wide as they lose themselves in the music.

Music is a drug, Chanyeol thinks. A drug that helps him better than any alcohol ever did. And as he loses himself to it, to his passion, his life, he forgets the bills left forgotten on his table, the missed calls from a number long ago and the beat of his heart as it thumps in time with Luhan’s.



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peppersoni #1
afiercesong #2
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 1: o n o wae did it stop? *flails* more please~
ChoAnRa #4
who wouldn't want you to update?! please write more authornim you're fab ♪