King Piece

Contemplating Cosmos


Title: King Piece

Genre: Fantasy AU, action, supernatural

Characters: Baekhyun, Kai, Chanyeol, Kris.

Pairing: -

Warnings: Blood, gore

A/N: I need a mini Jongin in my room to remind me to keep going. Please Subscribe, Comment and Upvote thanks :]



Baekhyun feels the tear in reality before he can see it, an ear-shattering rip echoing through the battlefield like a war cry. Black wisps of mist flow from liquid cracks, and with a flash of blinding white light, the crown prince appears before him with a lopsided grin.

Kai’s knife meets the forehead of an approaching soldier, who drops his sword before it can come into contact with Baekhyun’s skin. Unlike Kai, who’s relatively clean and wearing close to spotless armour, Baekhyun’s hair is matted to his face with sweat, and his armour is splotched messily with blood and grime.

“I see you’re handling this well,” Kai’s smirk doesn’t falter even as he spears through two more zarkzha, their lizard-like tails flailing wildly as they fall to the ground. “It must be why everything’s on fire.”

“No, my liege.” Baekhyun stands from his bow, eye brow twitching in annoyance as a very loud, very familiar war cry reaches their ears. “I just had some… unwanted help.”

Chanyeol flies through the air, a distance away, as fire blossoms from his finger tips and explodes into something reminiscent of a giant phoenix. It glides over the dried barley smoothly, devouring anything in its way and leaving a trail of fire and scorched ground.

“I was the one who sent him, and since he’s taken out the big guns.” Kai grins at the general, winds around them picking up speed. Baekhyun turns with a roll of his eyes, beheading two more before sheathing his now black-tinted double swords. “I say we do the same.”

Black smoke forms into a whirlwind, the same loud, screeching sound resounding through the battlefield. It starts to in everything around it, leaving behind only terrified screams.

Baekhyun is someone people easily underestimate, due to his small size and feminine features. He’s not like Chanyeol, who has an unruly, dark brown beard to match his hair, and a frame so tall he’s only dwarfed by Kris, or Kai, who has a reputation that spans all of Exotica, yet has the power and personality to match.

He’s also someone that uses that to his ultimate advantage.

In a split second, Baekhyun disappears. And Jongin knows he’s still there, because he leaves a trail of charred corpses, burnt with light so intense it cuts through flesh and bone like knife on hot butter.

Barely a hundred metres away, Kris spreads his pepper grey wings and takes flight, looming over the battlefield, bow in hand, like the avenging angel the prophet makes him out to be. He spots Kai in record time, and he’s not surprised, from the way his jade green armour stands out like a sore thumb, and points him in the right direction.

Slowly but steadily, Kai makes his way toward the opposing general, black wisps stirring the air around him threateningly. The sea of clashing soldiers parts for him as he advances on the largest of the green-scaled monsters.

And from then on, it’s only Childs’ play for the experienced warrior.



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peppersoni #1
afiercesong #2
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 1: o n o wae did it stop? *flails* more please~
ChoAnRa #4
who wouldn't want you to update?! please write more authornim you're fab ♪