Model 8128

In An Awkward Place

Title: Model 8128

Pairing: Dongjun/Siwan

Prompt: Love Evolution


“The Model 8128s have gone rogue,” Dongjun said matter-of-factly as Siwan joined him at the work station. He said it as if it were something ordinary, something he had been expecting. Indeed, dealing with rogue androids was something they did on a daily basis, that being the focus of their unit, and yet Model 8128 had never been associated with rogue behaviour before.

“You don’t sound surprised?”

“Hell, no,” Dongjun said laughing, “I’ve always had suspicions about those guys. They are the most intelligent androids, and they are basically psychopaths right? Put that together and you are bound to get trouble. And now that they have evolved to cooperate with each other... well, it was only a matter of time before they would start a rebellion.”

Siwan frowned as he listened. He said, “Psychopaths? If they have evolved into being able to cooperate with each other, maybe they would have evolved into being able to love and feel emotion.”

“Eh, I don't think that's how androids work,” Dongjun replied lightly, then suddenly remembering his position added, “at least not to my knowledge. But you’re probably right, boss.”

Siwan didn’t take the conversation any further. “So what are you doing?” he asked.

“Dealing with the 8128s isn’t too hard, since they are all registered on the network. I’m just collecting data now. There’s not too many of them.”

Siwan nodded. “Don’t do anything without me saying so.”

He left Dongjun to his work and wandered back through the office. He took a moment to watch the sky through the window, bleak and grey, b with what would be another acid rain. There was still time, he thought. Dongjun could only do so much. Track down every android, keep tabs on them. Eventually he might be able to introduce a virus which would affect their software and put them out of action, maybe for good. There was still time.

Siwan inspected his wrist. What should I do? It's just another puzzle really, figuring out what steps to take next. He supposed Dongjun was checking the list now.




Dongjun turned out the office lights with an uneasy feeling. Siwan had been rather brisk with him today, but that was nothing out of the ordinary so he didn’t read into it. But he must have known that I would see his name on the register.

It was cold outside, and Dongjun shivered as he pulled the hood over his head. As he walked downtown he wondered whether all that stuff about the love evolution could be true.

He kept looking over his shoulder the whole way home.


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hopelesswriter #1
Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Aww, poor things...i could imagine Kevin heard that song being sung by Kwanghee's voice though...i know i could...even though while reading...i heard the original singer's voice. i've always been fond of the song even way before Kwanghee sang it in his Kwanghee style...
Anyway, thank you for being the first or maybe the only one to complete the challenge and for dishing out a variety of stories/plots/setting that are entertaining yet thoughtful at the same time even with short takes skill to do that...and it's been a delightful journey for my senses reading the stories here, even if it took me ages to comment. the 30 participation+30 bonus karma points have been sent to you in March. i would've sent more for bonus, if only i hadn't lost most of my karma points transferring to different account and then forgetting the password n unable to retrieve them...-_-...sorry for all the distress/inconvenience this challenge/i have caused you but i'm really thankful and honoured to be reading the stories and well, yeah Congrats again and thank you, for everything.
hopelesswriter #2
Chapter 29: ok...goodness this is just a creepy counterpart to the intro...i'm creeped out just trying to think of which is the reality n which is the dream...or if both or neither...
hopelesswriter #3
Chapter 28: Aww, poor Minwoo...
hopelesswriter #4
Chapter 27: I knew at least one of them would be 8128...haa...but the ending sentence really left a certain impression that i couldn't describe in words...but it certainly left an impression.
hopelesswriter #5
Chapter 26: ugh...i worried Minwoo would be injured too but started to think maybe it wasn't him when Junyoung got worried...the beginning conversation though....poor Junyoung...that was harsh Minwoo(though not necessarily impossible)...
hopelesswriter #6
Chapter 25: lol. ok...this is kind of random...Hyungsik's response is so...random n lol. i thought he was some sort of death angel at first since he appeared out of nowhere...well, it's nice of him so intent on returning the deed though part of my wild imagination wondered if he orchestrated the situation to 'return the deed'....hmm, think too much of it. but nice n short entertaining piece as usual.
hopelesswriter #7
Chapter 24: i've been meaning to continue where i stopped to read the stories especially this one, (hope that's alrite)...that i ended up re-reading all parts of it...still, the impression left is...Siwan is creepy...and when he mentioned reminded/tied back to the first story...though it remains mystery for me the things he exactly did...but his motivation/reasoning could be perceived.
Chapter 25: Hyungsik such a chaebol prince with a lovely heart XD

waiting patiently for your next updates,,fighting ~
AyeeKon #9
Chapter 22: So sad Kimchi had to go like that ;- ;
I loved this anyway <333 keep it up!
Chapter 2: Ohhhh this chapter was just !!!! OMO heechul