Chapter 2

Ms. Nerd is Ms. Crazy Fangirl?!!!!

Daehyun’s POV


Months passed and everything returned to normal. We never talked to Ms. Nerd after that incident with Zelo since she emits this strong aura that says “Leave me alone, I don’t want to talk to any of you”. We are still living the same life we had, always getting late in class, being followed by fangirls wherever we go, getting confessions every now and then. Examination week is fast approaching and the crowd of fangirls is starting to get lesser everyday, giving us more time for ourselves. One sunny afternoon after P.E. class, we went to get our books in the locker. A pink envelope fell from Zelo’s locker the moment he opened it “Aisshh!!! I thought it’s over. Don’t they get it? I don’t want a girlfriend!!! Sheeesh!!!”


Himchan grabbed his mirror from the locker and fixed his hair “Why are you so hot blooded?”


Jongup peeked from his locker “Is it because of the weather?”


“Nah, he runs out of sweets” Youngjae laughed.


Yongguk picked the letter and opened it “Weird”


“Weird?” I asked.


“The sender wants to meet Zelo in the abandoned greenhouse in the old garden, isn’t it suspicious?” Yongguk handed us the letter.


“Maybe she’s just shy and wants an alone time with Zelo” Himchan cooed.




Break time came and here we find ourselves heading to the abandoned greenhouse where Zelo’s admirer is waiting. I don’t know why we are doing this but as much as we hated confessions, leaving a girl hanging is not the right thing to do. From the outside we peeked at the glass walls and checked for any sign of the letter sender and got the shock of our lives. The least person we expected to see is sitting in one of the benches inside the greenhouse.


Zelo blinked and happiness started to spread in his face “Am I seeing what I’m seeing?! Hyung, it’s Sunhee Noona”


Yongguk still eyeing the nerd “I didn’t expect this”


“Me neither” Himchan agreed.


“I think there’s a logical explanation for this, coincidence I must say” Youngjae said.


“What if the reason is that she really likes our maknae?” Jongup asked while Zelo nods.


Youngjae laughed “Not possible, she is smarter than that”


“Hyung, that’s not a good thing to say” Zelo pouted.


“I guess we only have one way of knowing” I said.


“How?” they chorused.


“Why not approach her right?”


Zelo gave an okay sigh “Right!”


We entered the greenhouse, before we closed the distance with her she started laughing. “Ahahaha eonnie!!! I still can’t believe I did it” she said.


Like on cue, everyone of us hid behind a stack of seeds. I know eaves dropping is not right but it won’t hurt if you do it sometimes right? My instincts tell me to do it too. Her conversation went like this:


“I’m already a young lady and I think it’s about time for them to take notice”




“Don’t exaggerate haha”




“I never thought that my strategy will work”




“I pretended that I was angry and…”




“Right!!!!! You really know me eonnie, to think that they would fall for it”




“I can’t promise you that, it’s an adventure! I can still feel the thrill it brought”




“In an abandoned greenhouse”




“I think this is a good place”




“Already?!!! Araso, Araso”




“Neh, Annyeong”


She kept her phone in her pocket and like usual, she plugged her earphones on. I looked at my members and they are as confuse as I am. What does she mean with “her strategy”?


Yongguk was the first to burst out his anger “Is she playing with us?”


Disappointment is clearly seen in Zelo’s face “She’s not the Noona I used to know”


“Used to know?” Himchan barked, “We barely knew her Zelo, the last time I had a conversation with her was when I offered her some help that she bluntly rejected. To think that it was all a façade to lure us”


“It’s not like she’s acting all this time right?” Jongup asked.


“Guys, let’s not jump into conclusions” Youngjae tried to calm us.


“Don’t’ tell me you are on her side” I asked.


Youngjae exhaled, trying to calm himself too “I’m not taking sides here, what I’m trying to say is that let’s not judge her with the few things we overheard, who knows she’s talking about something else”


“Them taking notice” I quoted.


“Pretending she was angry and all” Himchan raised a brow.


“They are falling for it? Isn’t it too much to say it’s just a coincidence? And what’s with this sudden confession?” Yongguk finished.


Youngjae and I are about to start a quarrel when all of a sudden Zelo left our group and headed straight to Ms. Nerd. He gave her a tap in the shoulder and we saw as she jerked in her seat.


She removed her earphones angrily “You scared me!!”


“Why would you be scared if you are not hiding something?” Zelo asked.


“Excuse me?”


Zelo shook his head “Nothing.”


She fell silent and Zelo just stand there staring at her. They held a small staring contests and it’s quite obvious that our maknae is winning. Ms. Nerd rolled her eyes at Zelo “What a waste of time.” She faced our direction and was about to leave when Zelo held her back.


“Will you let go of me” she demanded.


“I agree” Zelo said. “Let’s date.”


“Is he insane?!” Himchan silently shrieked.


Her eyes grew wide as saucers because of what Zelo said, I guess she didn’t expect that our maknae would agree to date her but her response made me more confuse “Are you insane?”


“She copied me” Himchan sulked like a kid.


“She’s still putting up the “I hate you” act” Jongup said disappointedly.


Yongguk came out of our hiding place and menacingly approached Zelo and Ms. Nerd “Drop the act, we heard it all.”


She eyed each and everyone of us as we came in view, she returned her gaze to leader Bang and gave him the same intent look “What do you mean by that?”She pointed a finger at us “You were listening to my phone conversation?”


Himchan gave her a meaningful look “I never expected that you will stoop down this low, you are worse than those clingy fangirls”


“What was that?” she asked.


“We already said to stop with the act! We know your plans, you wanted to catch our attention by putting up an act that you don’t know us from the start, and pretending you’re mad at us because of that incident with Zelo” Himchan said.


Jongup calmly asked “Is it true that you are trying to get to us?”


All of a sudden she started laughing while the rest of us stared at her. “Is she going crazy because we busted her plans?” I whispered to Youngjae who just shrugged.


“Ahahahahah wait….” she paused and the moment she glanced at us she end up bursting to another round of laughter.


“What’s so funny?” Youngjae asked.


“Honestly speaking, she looks like an evil witch right now” Zelo commented, his eyes never leaving the laughing crazy nerd.


It took her a few minutes to calm down “Sorry to burst your bubble” she fixed her glasses “but I will never do that? It’s pure stupidity! What would I gain from that? Hmm?”


“The privilege of dating a Kingka?” Jongup scratch the back of head not sure if what he said is a good reason.


“I’d rather stay single for the rest of my life than date any of you”


“Wow!! Have you checked the mirror lately? No one would dare to date you too so good luck being single” Himchan countered.


“I may not have the looks but at least I have a very useful brain unlike” she paused and eyed Himchan from head to toe “the world is not all about pretty face”


“I agree” Youngjae said.


“I knew it! You are taking her side” I accused.


“Well, she has a point” Youngjae answered.


“Of course, its pure common sense” she slowly took her phone out and silently cursed. “It’s already this late?” and just like that she dashed out of the greenhouse. We are a bit surprised when we saw her coming back “Hello? We are on the same class right? If it’s your hobby to be late then I’ll be heading first”


I checked my watch and was stunned to see that she is right “Break is almost over, let’s go.” As we run outside the greenhouse, there is a strange feeling that surrounded us, relief that what we assumed we’re just mere misunderstandings? Maybe.


“I told you, I’m always right” Youngjae said.


“I knew it, Sunhee Noona is really nice, to think that she even came back to inform us” Zelo said as his smile reached his ears.


“Oh, there she is” Jongup pointed ahead of us.


“We should apologize to her later” Yongguk demanded.


Himchan run past us and slowed his pace when he reached Ms. Nerd “Slowpoke”


“Aiisshh!!! Stop bothering me!” she shouted.


When we reached our room, we let out a huge sigh because we made it on time though all eyes were on us the moment we entered the room. Our lecture started when the teacher arrived and I swear I could feel my tummy grumbling.


“FOOD!!!” leader Bang sulked in his seat.


Himchan is checking his hair through his phone and he notices me giving him a strange look “I left my mirror in the locker, I’m not that vain to take selca’s during class.”


“Hyung pay attention” Jongup shushed the two eldest member.


Youngjae is concentrating with the lecture while Zelo was stealing glances to my seatmate. I really think he has a crush on her.


“Psst….Noona….” Zelo tried to catch her attention but Ms. Nerd’s focus was directed to the teacher.


“Noona!!!!” he whispered a bit loudly. After several attempts, he still didn’t get any response from the nerd then I saw him forming small balls of paper. Don’t tell me.




What did he place in that small paper that it made a sound like that. He surely hit the jackpot, the small ball of paper unfortunately hit her eyeglasses, because now Ms. Nerd is sending daggers at him. “What?”


“Annyeong!!” Zelo waved.


“Choi Junhong” the teacher called. “Why is Albert Einstein considered the father of modern physics?”


“Uhmm..”  Zelo quickly rise from his seat, he sent Youngjae a pleading look asking for help but the latter pretended he didn’t see it. I’m not paying much attention in class too and Jongup is a bit far from him.


“What is the answer?” Yongguk scanned his book “What if I was asked the same question? I’m so hungry that all I’m thinking is food.”


“You always think of food” Himchan commented.


“E=mc2” I heard someone whispered.


Zelo heard it too and answered the teacher “E=mc2?”


 “Very good, but please pay attention to my class” I bet Mr. Lee didn’t expect Zelo to give the right answer because he still gave him a warning look before continuing with his lecture. Zelo slowly looked at his back while whispering “Noona JJANG!!! Thanks for saving me”


All of B.A.P. member’s eyes are on Ms. Nerd, including me, why did she help our maknae? She just hid herself behind her book until the class came to an end. “One more thing, I’ll want you guys to watch the movie Patch Adams and write a reaction paper on how this movie can relate to Physics. It’s homework for two and I’ll be announcing your partners.”


I wish I could partner up with B.A.P. members. Having one of my classmates as partner will only cause trouble.


“Yongjae and Yongguk”


“Yes! I will surely ace this homework, with Youngjae as my partner” Yongguk said.


“Unfair” Himchan whined,


“Himchan, Jongup and Daehyun” Mr. Lee continued.


“At least there’s the three of us hyung” Jongup tried to cheer up Himchan.


“If there’s the three of us, then how’s…” before I finish my sentence, Mr. Lee announced Zelo’s partner.


“Junhong and Sunhee”




short update >.<


mian!!! i was writing Sunhee's side of the story this morning but i had to do some errands and went home a bit late....and it just so happen that SS5 Beijing was tonight!!!! can't stop myself from this is it for now., i will try to upload another chappy tom... thanks for my new subscribers!!! thanks for the love ^___^



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cheesecakelover2000 #1
Interesting. Looking forward it