Chapter 1

Ms. Nerd is Ms. Crazy Fangirl?!!!!

(words in italic means the POV is talking to his/herself)

Sunhee’s POV


I almost had a perfect life, I got myself my loving parents, a supportive brother, I go to one of the most prestigious school in the country thank you very much for I am also born to be rich who has everything, I have great friends and I happen to love studying much more to the likings of the people around me. My parents are happy that I get to have good grades but they still wanted me to have a normal life not spending it with my books and my four cornered room. Even though we could manage to pay my school fees, I applied for a scholarship with the thought that I could make my parents proud with this little achievement of mine. As I said, I almost had a perfect life. I was considered as one of the nerds in our school and with my scholarship they assumed that I was a commoner trying to fit in their social status. I don’t have any friends from school since I was pretty much hated by everyone. I have a secret that I wanted to share, I’m an Ever Lasting Friend of Super Junior!!!! I gained friends because of them, I was inspired to strive hard because of them and my heart beats because of them. Do I sound like a crazy fangirl to you? Yup, I am a fangirl but hey we fangirls are not crazy!! I almost had a perfect life with my family, my kpop friends, with my loving Super Junior oppa’s until a certain guy ruined everything….




“Super Junior-neun wonrae man jaman bbajin…

…Ireum hayeo himssen dori SUPERMAN”


I woke up with the sound of my phone signaling me that it’s already time for school. I quickly grabbed it from my side table and shut it. “Good morning oppa” I greeted my phone.


I went to my bathroom and did my daily routine. As I headed down to have breakfast, I was stunned to see my parents and my older brother seated in our dining table. My parents are always busy with work that I often share a meal with them and my brother is already in college thus he always leave earlier than me. I slowly approached my seat as they greeted me with “Good morning”


“Good morning” I said. “Did I set my alarm earlier than usual?” I checked my watch. “I think all of you are running a little late?”


“Silly kid” my brother remarked which earned him a whack in the head from our dad who was sitting beside him.


“haha bleh :P” I teased. “But seriously, why are you still here?”


“It’s your first day in senior year” my mom beamed.


“And?” I urge her to continue.


“And mom came up with the silliest idea of sharing the breakfast with you” my brother answered as he chomped on his toast.


“This brat!!” my mom glared at him.


“What? It’s true” he looked at our dad seeking help but he received a what-the-heck-are-you-talking-about look “She’s turning 18 in a few months not a pre-school kid who needs to be escorted in school! She’s pretty independent too!”


It made me wonder why my older brother was so worked up with this issue, he loved me and I must say that we are really close “By any chance, waaaaah!!!!!!” I shouted as I pointed a finger to him.


“What’s the problem SunHee” my dad asked.


“Yah oppa!!!! Are you dating my Eunji unnie?!!!!” I exclaimed.


My brother choked on his toast and frantically reached for a glass of water. “Don’t startle me like that”


“I see, so she is the reason why you always leave early huh?” my mom questioned.


Even if all of us are busy with our own lives, we always find time to share at least a little time to talk with each other. I have cool parents who treat us like friends but of course the respect is still there. I was thankful that they are not like other parents who inflict authority over their kids. We own one of the most successful phone company in the country and we also have a series of hotels and restaurants situated all over the country. To think that my parents don’t pressure us with how we would be taking over the company in the future is already a big thing for me and my brother, we are free to choose our own career. We are having a nice chat when I noticed the time. SHOOT!!!! Now I’m the one running late!!! 


“I need to go” I rise from my seat as I hugged my parents and blew a flying kiss to my brother as I ran outside.


“GROSS!!!!” he shouted.


I ran back and asked if I could use one of our cars. Since I’m an early bird, it’s been my habit to go to school with my bike which eats up 30 minutes of my time but right now biking is not a good idea. I hopped to the car parked outside, the one my dad uses and asked our driver to send me to school.


20 freaking minutes!!!!! I don’t want to be late on my first day!!!


That’s when I remembered that school is just a 10 minute ride, I was busying myself with my phone when I was distracted by our driver who nodded ahead of him “Miss, I think…” I opened my widow and peeked outside. A group of girls are standing by the school gate.








I felt excited when I saw the whole bunch of girls crowding the school gate. I excitedly got off our car and hurriedly checked the commotion. What if there’s a Kpop group who decided to have a surprise visit in our school? What if my oppa’s are here!!!! I tried to peek among the crowd of fangirls but thanks to my height, I can’t see a single thing. I tapped a random girl in front of me “Excuse me, what’s going on?”


“Why the hell do you care, NERD?” she said as she glared at me.


“Just asking” I shrugged.


“They are coming” a group of girls squealed.


“Who?” I asked no one, though I’m getting all excited too. Please let it be Super Junior, please let it be Super Junior.


“B.A.P. is here” a girl screamed.


“BAP?” I shouted feeling a little bit disappointed. Aish, I should have known, if SJ would visit our school, they would have tweeted or something and there will be a lot of blue girls around. A group of six guys passed in front of me as I searched the area. “Who’s BAP?” I asked myself. I guess I said it a little louder which made the six guys stop in their tracks and the girls from their shrieks. “I guess they are not coming after all, tsk” I said looking around me as everyone stared at me like I was some kind of endangered species. Did I say something? My eyes scanned every face around me giving me the same look, my eyes stopped at a certain guy with a mask covering his lips. He also wears the same shocked expression that I can see through his eyes. He looked at me and I stared back at him. Why is he wearing a mask? Does he have bad breath or did he lose his front teeth and he’s being shy about it? Well I guess it’s not my business. I made my way through the sea of fangirls as I chant a few excuses. I was shocked when the screaming returned which made me look back, my eyes came in contact with the masked guy again and after giving him a bored look, I left the scene. Aigoo…what a waste of time.


I was lucky enough to reach my room on time because as soon as I settled my bag on my table, our teacher made her way inside our room catching our attention by tapping a stick in the board. She rearranged our seats and unfortunately I was assigned to sit at the back. At least a seat beside the window is available so guess it’s still good.



I was searching for a pen when I heard my classmates scream. What’s up with all the screaming today? It’s starting to get in my nerves. I know I should understand them in a way but we are in school for goodness sake. We are here to study. When I looked in front of the class, I saw the six guys from earlier standing in a straight line as our teacher questioned them for being late.


“And because you came late, you are the first one to introduce yourself in class” Mrs. Cho said. “Go ahead” she encouraged.


“Annyeong ha seyo” they bowed together “Uri- B.A.P.! Yes Sir!” they said while saluting. SERIOUSLY?!!! What is happening in this school? Wait, B.A.P.? So the commotion earlier is because of them? I didn’t know we had a bunch of Kingka’s.


“Bang Yongguk-imnida” said by a scary looking guy.


“Kim Himchan-imnida” who’s a bit bouncy.


“Jung Daehyun-imnida” the masked guy introduced himself.


“Yoo Youngjae-imnida, I love studying and I only talk to people who are sensible enough to hold a conversation with me”


The other guys held their heads up, proud with what their friend said. “I already have enough with these bunch of idiots and I don’t want to deal with more” he added which made the class roar into laughter, though I don’t find it funny, he had a point.


“Moon Jongup-imnida” a shy boy said as he scratch the back of his head.


“Choi Junhong-imnida, but I prefer it if you call me Zelo” the baby faced giant said.


Girls started screaming to the point that the giant guy covered his ears. I am a fangirl myself but I can’t bring myself to understand these classmates of mine. As Mrs. Cho tried to silence everyone, I slipped my earphones on and hit my Super Junior playlist. I loosened my ponytail and hid my ears with my hair so that nobody would notice. We’ll be doing some introductions and my turn won’t be so soon so I guess I could somehow listen to my music. I stared at the scene ahead of me and chuckled. Do I look like them whenever I attend concerts? I wash away the idea and looked at the window, drowning myself with the peacefulness of the sky. My little daydreaming was distracted when I felt a tap in my right shoulder, I forgot where I was and welcomed whoever that intruder a glare for disturbing me.


The masked guy gave me that weird look again, I removed one of my earphones “What do you want?” I asked.


“I said is this seat taken?” he repeated.


I glanced at the front of the class and a random guy is doing his introductions. “Do you see anyone sitting there?” I stared back at the masked guy.


He placed his bag in the table “No”


“Then I guess there’s no need to ask something so obvious right?” I said as I raised a brow. I didn’t wait for his response as I plug my earphone back to its place. As I glance around me, the vacant seats are all taken. The giant guy named Zelo is seating in front of me and beside him is the Youngjae guy, beside me is the masked man and sitting in my row were Jongup, Yongguk and Himchan. Perfect, now I won’t have any peaceful time with me, I bet all those fangirls will rush over them as soon as the teacher sets her foot outside the room. I buried my face in my hands.”What have I done to deserve this” I whispered.


When it was almost my turn, I turned off my playlist and hide my iPod inside my bag. Mrs. Cho called for me and I started walking to the front.


“Nerd” I know


“Peasant” huh!! Excuse me!!!


“Stupid Nerd” How can you call a nerd stupid? Stupid!


“Lucky ” What?!!


I looked at my classmates, I knew half of them already, I attended classes with them from previous year so I really think an introduction is not necessary “Annyeong ha seyo, Park Sunhee-imnida” I gave a small bow and started walking back to my seat until Mrs. Cho stopped me. I gave her a confused look and she ushered me to come back to the front. Sheesh!!!! Can’t she understand I hate attention? I stand beside her and she put an arm around my shoulder.


“To those who share the class with Sunhee for the first time, I would like to inform you that she is one of the schools best student maintaining a general average of 92% securing herself the scholarship granted to her. So if you will encounter problems with your homework’s in the future, feel free to approach her okay?” WHAT NONSENSE IS THAT?!!! I CAME TO SCHOOL FOR MY OWN BENEFIT AND NOT TO DO CHARITABLE WORKS. IS SHE INSANE?


Everybody clapped while some girls shouted “Do my assignments for me” “A nerd is a nerd after all” “Stupid commoner trying to fit in”


I gave another bow as I made my way back to my sit. I was so pissed with what my teacher did that I didn’t pay attention to where I’m walking. Out of boredom, the giant Zelo guy stretch his hands and feet the moment I passed his table, I was so lucky to trip in his giant foot and fall with my face first. A loud crash echoed in the room as I landed in my chair. My glasses fell off and as expected, my classmates laughed like there’s no tomorrow.


Zelo quickly approached me “Mianhe, I didn’t mean too..” he grabbed my glasses and handed it to me.


I wore it and saw a crack in one of the lenses. If I’m not in this class, I would have punched this guy. I bet he saw the crack as he mouthed another apology.


“Are you okay” Himchan approached me as he gently graced his hand in my forehead. “I think I should you to the clinic” he helped me get up but I struggle and stand up by myself.


“I can manage” I quickly grabbed my bag and started walking to the front of the class.


“Are you alright?” Mrs. Cho asked. I paused for a minute “I’ll be in the clinic” I said before leaving.


I reached the clinic and the nurse was a bit shocked to see me. I had a few bloods in my forehead running down my nose and I didn’t notice it until she asked me. I guess I was so lost because of what happened. After treating my wound she let me rest in one of the bed and as soon as she left the room. I grabbed a pillow and screamed with all my might. I am beyond pissed.




After venting out my anger, I stopped and did some breathing exercises before I let go of the pillow. I saw the nurse gave me a puzzled look “I think you hit your head pretty bad, I’ll go and call your parents. You need to get some rest. I will also give the excuse pass to your homeroom teacher” she elaborated before leaving. Great! Now she thinks I’m crazy.


Daehyun’s POV


First day of senior year, I hope everything will be normal, I want to live a simple high school life. I came to school with B.A.P. members since we are all staying in one of my condo units because we sort of had the desire to be independent. We still receive our monthly allowances but at least we manage our own place right?. As expected a bunch of girls are waiting for our arrival which made me sigh.


“Aigoo…Daehyunnie…you have to get used to it. It’s not our fault we are born this gorgeous” Himchan said and I just rolled my eyes on his remark. I wore my mask before we head out of the van.








B.A.P. hated the attention given to us, who wants to go to school and get by these fangirls, we can’t walk in the hallway by ourselves with the fear of being trapped by a bunch of crazy fangirls. We really wanted a simple life like any normal high school student. Going to school is a daily battle that we had to face. Passing through a series of girls and rejecting their confessions of love, someone caught my attention. A girl in a neat ponytail with her large spectacles is looking lost in the middle of these fangirls. Even a nerd is a fangirl now? Geez, girls this day, don’t they have any better things to do?


When I directed my attention to my members who are struggling to walk straight, a high pitched voice caught everyone’s attention. “Who’s B.A.P?” it made me look back and check who owns that voice. Disgust is clear in her tone and I wonder what made her say our group’s name in such manner. Ms. Nerd? Is she being serious? We walk right in front of her and she didn’t recognize us?


“Is she a new student?” Jongup whispered loud enough for our group to hear.


“I don’t think so, she looks familiar” Youngjae remarked.


“She didn’t know who we are?” Himchan asked quite amused.


“I guess they are not coming after all, tsk” she shrugged. She looked around her as silence filled the air, I think everyone was taken aback with her words. Her eyes stopped at me and she just stared at me. She tilted her head a little to the right wearing a face like she was trying to figure out something, with one last blink her head snapped to another direction as she slowly made her way out of the crowd. The screams from the girls around us waked me from my trance, which made me realize that I was still staring at the weird girl. I notice that she was shocked with the screaming too. She turned her head to our direction and our eyes met for the second time. I can’t figure her out, normally girls would smile at us, thrilled that we are staring at them but this girl just gave me a bored look and left.


“What a weird girl” Yongguk stated.


“Is she living in a cave or what?” Himchan added. “How can she leave like that?” So I was not the only one who noticed.


“I find her cool” Zelo countered.


“Let’s go to class, we are running late” Yongguk commanded.


“Yes sir!!!” we chorused which made the leader chuckle.


When we reached our room, the teacher is already in her place arranging the seats.


“Hyung we’re late!!! To think that it’s the first day” Youngjae sighed.


“Let’s go in already” Yongguk said. “Zelo you go first” he ordered.


“What? Why me?” Zelo asked, panic is clearly seen in his face.


“Maknae first” Himchan said.


“You’re unfair hyung, when it comes to bathroom schedules I came last then when it’s trouble I came first?” Zelo whined.


His reason made me shook my head, the kid has a point. Before an argument arise, I step up and lead the way, I made a slight knock in the opened door and girls started screaming which took the teacher by surprise. She ushered us to come in and we started to go in and arranged ourselves in a single line. The teacher is slightly pissed with our behavior of coming late on the first day of senior year, why put the blame on us? It’s those fangirls fault for causing too much ruckus.


“And because you came late, you are the first one to introduce yourself in class” Mrs. Cho, as written in the board, said. “Go ahead” she encouraged.


“Annyeong ha seyo” we bowed together “Uri- B.A.P.! Yes Sir!” we said while saluting. This is our way of introducing the group and one by one, we introduced ourselves.


“Bang Yongguk-imnida”


“Kim Himchan-imnida”


“Jung Daehyun-imnida” I said with my mask still on.


“Yoo Youngjae-imnida, I love studying and I only talk to people who are sensible enough to hold a conversation with me”


The other guys held their heads up, proud with what our friend said while I look around the class. “I already have enough with this bunch of idiots and I don’t want to deal with more” he added. Everyone laughed with his remark while the other members throw eye daggers at him. My eyes noticed a single person who was not laughing and looks at Youngjae with an i-know-right look. Don’t tell me she agrees with Youngjae? She’s that weird girl from earlier.


“Moon Jongup-imnida” Jongup introduced himself.


“Choi Junhong-imnida, but I prefer it if you call me Zelo”


Girls started screaming to the point that Zelo covered his ears because of too much noise. My eyes automatically made its way to the weird girl, she just stared at everyone and shook her head while she cracked a small smile. I saw her putting some earphones and she even loosened her ponytail to hide it with her hair. What a clever thing to do. She directed her attention to the window and ignored what was happening in the class.


“Go to the available seats at the back” Mrs. Cho said.


We gave her a small bow and one by one, we walked to the seats at the back. Girls tried to catch our attention while we walk. Zelo made a sudden stop which made me bump in to him “What’s up with you maknae?”


“Hyung, she’s the cool girl” Zelo whispered as he points at her. I push him to walk and he quickly took the seat in front of her. Youngjae sat beside Zelo while Himchan, Yongguk and Jongup made themselves comfortable with the other seats in her row. The only seat available is the one beside her.


“Is this seat available” I asked. She didn’t respond. Aha! I forgot she had her earphones on.


“I think it’s available” Youngjae stated as Zelo eagerly nod in agreement. "Isn't it obvious" Youngjae added. 


I tapped her by her shoulder and she slowly removed her earphones and looked at me with glaring eyes. I saw Zelo from the corner of my eyes with a you-are-so-dead-hyung look. I really can’t understand this girl.


“What do you want?” she asked a bit irritated.


“I said is this seat taken?” I repeated.


She glanced at the front of the class and stared at the random guy doing his introductions. “Do you see anyone sitting there?” she said and stared back at me.


I placed my bag in the table and said “No” I could clearly hear Yongguk and Himchan trying to stifle their laughs while Jongup send me a concerned look.


“Then I guess there’s no need to ask something so obvious right?” she said as she raised a brow.  She immediately plugs her earphone back to its place.


“Told yah” Youngjae whispered as he glanced at me.


I gave the weird girl another look and I saw her bury her face in her hands as she whispered “What have I done to deserve this?”


Deserve what? She doesn’t want to be around us? I know she’s a nerd, does this mean nerds really love their books the most that they hated socializing with others? I don’t wanna sound arrogant but even little girls appreciate how handsome we are. I guess I will never understand how wise people thinks, she kinda reminds me of our very own Yoo Youngjae.


Everyone is not paying attention with whoever speaks in front, some are chatting with each other while others busy themselves with their phones. Leader Bang is already dozing off, Himchan is fixing his hair for the nth time, Jongup, being the nice kid he is, has his full attention in the front of the class. Youngjae is reading his book while the maknae is eating some sweets.


“Sunhee” the teacher called for another girl. Ms. Nerd stands from her seat and started walking to the front. I noticed my members stopped their activities and started paying attention with the little introduction exercise of our class.


“It’s her turn” Zelo said a bit excitedly “Sunhee, what a cute name”


“Aigoo!!! Our maknae is growing up so fast, he and his new crush” Himchan said while faking a cry.


“She’s not my crush” Zelo pouted, “I just found it amusing that she can actually talk back to Daehyun hyung matching up with fierce looks”


“Pwahahaha” Yongguk laughed. “His reaction was priceless, it’s such a waste that I didn’t get to take a picture of it as souvenir”


“For a nerd, she’s really a stubborn one” Himchan said.


“I agree, nerds are normally shy and all. They hated attention, they would be spending their precious time with their books but in her case, she had her earphones on the whole time” Jongup said. Is this really Jongup? He sound like…


“Now your talking” Youngjae joined the conversation showing interest in Jongup’s observation.


“Maybe she’s a genius” Jongup finished his deduction.


“I really can’t figure you out sometimes” Youngjae gave Jongup an amused look before he directed his attention back to the front of the class.


“She’s an interesting one” Himchan said, “To think that most of us are watching her”


Our little conversation was distracted when we heard Ms. Nerd starting her introductions.


“Annyeong ha seyo, Park Sunhee-imnida” she gave a small bow and started walking back to her seat.


“Haha that’s it?”” Yongguk chuckled.


Mrs. Cho stopped her and ushered for her to come back to the front.


“Is it just me or did she really gave our teacher a freaking glare?” Zelo said as he faced us “Hyungs!! She’s really cool, I want to be her friend”


I agree with Zelo, in a way, I wanted to know her better. Meeting someone like her who doesn’t care about our looks and acts freely doesn’t happen every day right? We are Kingka’s but we never asked for that title, sometimes we hated it too because others would befriend us with the sole purpose of using us to be famous. If only we could pass it over, we are more than willing to do so.


“Maknae, as much as you want to, Nerds and Kingka’s doesn’t go together, you will put her in a lot of trouble” Youngjae advised.


“I think he’s right” Jongup agreed.


“I’m always right” Youngjae praised himself.


“Remember that time when my cousin visited us?” Himchan murmured.


Yongguk leaned closer “She got bullied by the fangirls, you don’t want that to happen again right?”


“But I think she will be different” the maknae continued still not convinced. He gave me a questioning look “What do you think hyung?”


All eyes snapped at me, I have been listening with their conversation and I really hoped that Zelo didn’t put the spotlight on me, I came up with the safest answer “No comment”


“Whether you like it or not, I’ll be her friend :P” the maknae stuck his tongue out.


Ms. Nerd stand beside Mrs. Cho and the teacher put an arm around her. “To those who share the class with Sunhee for the first time, I would like to inform you that she is one of the schools best student maintaining a general average of 92% securing herself the scholarship granted to her. So if you will encounter problems with your homework’s in the future, feel free to approach her okay?”


“Woah!!!! Jongup is right! She’s a genius” Himchan stated.


“Hyung, what do you expect? She’s a nerd” Youngjae rolled his eyes at Himchan.


“You’re just jealous she had a better grade than you.” Yongguk teased.


She gave another bow and made her way back to her sit. It is clearly seen in her fact that she is pissed with what our teacher did. Out of the blue, Zelo stretch his hands and feet at the moment Ms. Nerd passed his table. The next thing we knew, we heard a loud crash followed by a sea of laughter and her forehead is already bleeding. The whole class laughed like their life depended on it which took us B.A.P. by surprise. How can they laugh at someone’s misery like that?


Zelo quickly approached her “Mianhe, I didn’t mean to..” he grabbed her glasses and handed it to her. She wore it and her eyes grew wider as she notices a crack in one of the lenses. Zelo mouthed another apology.


I know I am sitting beside her but I admit, I was shocked with the sudden turn of events that I didn’t know what to do.


“Are you okay?” Himchan approached her and wiped a little blood that’s starting to creep down to her eyes. “I think I should you to the clinic” he tried to help her get up but she struggle and stand up by herself.


“I can manage” she quickly grabbed her things and started walking to the front of the class.


Himchan and Zelo looked at each other, stunned that the apology and help given to her was all neglected.


“Are you alright?” I heard Mrs. Cho asked. She made a sudden stop as she gave our teacher a curt not “I’ll be in the clininc” leaving the whole class in a daze.


It took Mrs. Cho a few minutes before she regained her composure and started discussing random things. As soon as the teacher stepped out of the room, most of the girls crowded around every B.A.P. members. The scene continued until our break. We are very thankful that the fangirls didn’t bother us this time. While the whole class headed to the cafeteria, we decided to pass by the clinic to check up on Ms. Nerd because our maknae keeps on bothering us to do so. She didn’t return to our room, I wonder if she hit her head pretty bad to think that she spent most of her time in the clinic. Upon entering the room, we saw a young looking nurse filling up some forms, Yongguk and I approached her while Zelo and the others walked towards the mini rooms inside the clinic.


“Excuse me, may we ask if a student named…” Yongguk paused “I forgot her name, did a weird looking nerd came here?”


“Hyung all the rooms are vacant” Zelo rushed to us and quickly shot a look at the nurse “Did you sent someone to the hospital this morning?”


The nurse gave us a confused look “Are you talking about Sunhee? Her brother fetched her a little while ago, I advise her to take the rest of the day off, why?”


Zelo grabbed the nurse by her shoulders “Is she okay?!!!”


“Zelo, let go of her” I held back Zelo and gave an apologetic bow to the nurse.


“Yeah she’s alright, are you her friends? Oh thank goodness she has you guys, all these years I thought she’s living her high school life all by herself” We looked at each other, not sure on how to response to that.


“She’s a nice kid, it’s such a waste that she’s a bit of an introvert but she really has a pure heart, she spends most of her time helping out around school, whether be in the library, faculty, student council and here in the clinic. Though she has one simple request of not to let her do extracurricular activities on weekends. Sometimes I wonder how she maintains her grades when she’s always busy”


“A genius” Himchan whispered.


“Mianhe for my sudden outburst” she chuckled. “I guess you already know this things, I really am concern with that kid because she always help me out here that I kind of develop a sister attachment with her even if we barely talk since her ears will always be plugged with her earphones”


“I always tell her to stop doing that” Himchan agreed as if he was really his friend.


“She’s a pretty calm girl too and I wonder what happened to her, do you guys know?”


“What made you say that?” I asked.


She looked at me “After treating the bruise in her forehead, I went out of her room to answer a phone call and when I returned. I saw her screaming in a pillow”


“What did she say?” Jongup asked.


“I barely catch what she said though the few words I understood is that she plans on killing a certain brat” the nurse continued, “I know she’s just joking but it’s quite amusing to see her like that”


The bell of the door suddenly chimed signaling that someone entered the room, another nurse came in view “Hey, I bought our lunch”


Youngjae dragged Zelo who looked like he’s in a state of shock “I guess we have to grab our lunch too.” We bowed at the nursed and left.


As soon as we got outside the clinic, Zelo collapsed in the floor “Omo hyung!!!! She’s going to murder me, I can feel it!”


“Can you please use your brain Zelo, you are a giant male while she is a weak looking girl, what harm can she bring?” Youngjae shook his head feeling disappointed with how our maknae thinks. Jongup tapped the maknae’s shoulder for reassurance and signals him to stand up while Himchan nod and leader Bang gave an okay sign.


I don’t know why but I had this urge to , his panicked look is so funny. “Who knows maybe she knows karate” I shrugged.


Youngjae hit me in the head when I started laughing as horror strikes the maknae’s face “I need to hire a bodyguard”





TADAH!!!! Done with chapter one., i hope everyone enjoys my story haha, i don't have the time to make a poster for my story yet so....i'll just let be. annyeong ^_^


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cheesecakelover2000 #1
Interesting. Looking forward it