Take a Hint

Coffee & Kookies (Hiatus)

We were driving to the mall in groups. There were three cars and they all sit five people, so we were all able to have a seat. I was glad because I soooo didn't want to end up sitting on Luhan's lap, in fact anyone from EXO actually. Seriously, those guys can make girls feel over the top shy and flustered. Sometimes I wonder if they're even human or not. Some of their members joke around and say that they come from EXO planet and have super powers or something like that. They were cute, but they were also weird and funny. 

I rode in a car driven by Chanyeol. In the car was me, Sora, Baekhyun, and Luhan. Something was really odd because all the EXO members made sure that Luhan was in the same car as me. Sora gave me a look that said, See this dongsaeng is awesome and knows what she's talking about. So anyways, Baekhyun rode shot gun while Sora, Luhan, and I were in the back. Sora was being really weird and stretching her legs. Then, I got the hint about why she was doing that. I sat in between her and Luhan and she made sure that happened. She was trying to make me go closer to Luhan. But, nooooo I was not letting her get her way. She was sorta pushing me a little as we were going to the mall. Lohan  was looking out the window. I think he was trying to avoid eye contact. Aww, I think he's flustered by being so close to me. What am I saying? Anyways, Sora finally got her way thanks to Newton. Sorry, for you basic physics people. So basically physics happened, which had to do with the car turning and...... ugh this is boring I'll just explained what happened.

So Sora was pushing me and I was pushing her back because I didn't want to let her get her way. Seriously, I loved this girl but no way was I gonna sit on Luhan's lap. You know, now that I think about it it's also partly Chanyeol's fault. I can actually go on and on about who to blame. Anyways, Chanyeol made a sharp turn and Luhan happened to be facing me at the time. Sora pushed me really hard and I practically fell on Luhan with my arms around him. The worst part was his face and mine were only centimeters apart and I was staring into his beautiful eyes and he was staring back. After a while I quickly regained my posture and said like a million sorry's. Luhan said it was ok smiled showing that he was fine. I sent death glares to Sora and she was smiling mischievous. I think I saw her sticking her tongue at me. That guurrrllll!!!

We finally reached the mall. Well, let's see how they were gonna lay out their plan, assuming they do have a plan. Omg! I still don't know if I'm gonna go on with the plan or not! So, I just decided to rely on something random. "Hey Baekhyun," I said. I just chose Baekhyun because he was the closest one to me and it didn't matter who did it with me. "Let's play rock paper scissors." He looked kinda confused at first. "Ok, sure..." Ok my plan was if I win then I don't go along with the plan and vise versa. Baekhyun and I played three times and yes you guessed it. Baekhyun won 2:1. "Nice playing with you, I guess" he said and went back to Chanyeol. I really stupid aren't l.

I can't believe Sora was right?! Alright, let me explain. When we entered the mall and I have to say it was the biggest mall that I've ever been to. I would also like to give a round of applause to EXO. I'll tell you why. So, Sora was right we did slip up into groups, no let me rephrase, we split up into PAIRS. I just waited to see if they were gonna pair me up with Luhan. Sora winked at me. "So NaHyun," Chanyeol said. "Have you been here before?" "No," I said. "Ok," he said with a mischievous look on his face. "You should go with someone that's really familiar with this place because it's really hard to navigate around here." Ahhhh... so this was how they were gonna put me with Luhan. "Ok," I said. "Who knows this place the best because I'll probably get really lost here." In unison the whole EXO said, yup you guessed it, "Luhan!" So yeah, I gotta say that was pretty smart of them to plan. Ugh! These opals were smart too!?!?

So, Sora went with Chanyeol because it seems that Chanyeol is like the boss of this plan that they were planning. Seems to me that he's gonna fill her in on the plan and explain to her what they're trying to do. Before we all separated and went shopping I said that Sora and I had to go to the bathroom. "Ok, we'll wait" they all said. Sora gave me a look that said, Ahhh, this unnie's stalling again. "Yah, what do you want unnie?" Sora said when we entered the bathroom. "Ok, I've decided to go with plan," I said. "So, when Chanyeol, sorry, if Chanyeol tells you about their plan act like you don't know it so they don't know that we already suspect what they're doing." "Especially, do not tell them that I suspect what they're doing, got it?" I said so Sora can understand. "I'm not a pabo unnie. Of course I won't tell them that." "Ok," I said with relief. "Just one more thing," Sora said. "What?" I said confused. I thought she was the one who wanted to get on with this plan. "Have fun on your date unnie." she said with a huge fan girl-like smile. Again, what's with this girl?!?!

We all said our good byes and parted ways. "Where do you want to go?" Luhan said. "Is there a certain store you would like to go to because I can lead the way there if you want." Omg, he said that shyly! Wow, he like a shy gentleman! What am I saying again? "Oh what about you," I said. "You can choose the first store if there's a store you want to go to, I don't mind." Luhan looked at me and smiled. "You're so cute when you think about other people" he said. "Sometimes I just wanna squeeze you like a teddy bear." At the first comment he made I started a blushing frenzy. When he said the next comment, the blushing frenzy finally took motion. "Oh thanks," I said. "It's just me. I naturally think about others for some reason." It was my turn to speak shyly to him. "You know, when I shop with the guys I normally don't let them win about letting me choose the first store to go to." I was confused at that. "I don't know it's just your voice has a feeling of aegyo in it." he said cracking a smile that turning it into a laugh. I started to laugh. What was this oppa saying? There so wasn't any trace of aegyo in my voice. I only result to aegyo in intense situations. "So, I'm letting you win today" Luhan said. "Oh really," I said. "I think it's because there's a store you want to go to first. What a gentleman you are." I said playfully and laughing. I punched him playfully in the arm and he punched me back. Wow, for some reason I felt more relaxed and comfortable with him. Maybe this sorta date won't be so bad after all. I wonder if he wants me to take a hint. I wonder if he wants me to know that this is a date. I wonder what will happen after this day is over. Wow, I wonder a lot of things about this day. Does Luhan like me and if he does, does he expect me to like him back? Maybe this day will reveal the truth on how we really feel about each other. I still don't know how I feel about him. And I was gonna find out.


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Hilleo #1
Chapter 27: Hahaaa yes
Hilleo #2
Authornim i wonder what will happen to kookie~~
Hilleo #3
Chapter 25: Yahh!!!!! Authornimmmmmm daebakkkk jjinjaaa