

A/N: Hi guys! I'm compressing the chapters, as you've noticed. Not that I removed some parts, but It annoys me that the chapters were quite short. So I combined Chapter 2 & 3 ;W; Anyway, I'm really trying to write over the few months, but damn it, School's getting drag these days, and I was really affected. I'm really sorry, though, I was really happy that you haven't clicked the Unsubscribe button. Yay! Thank you! Anticipate this story more, will you, guys? Keke. I'm already typing. I'd be updating this week, so yeah, hope you'll read it!

“I’m Home!” Alex slipped out her shoes while Dongho closed the main door of their house. Alex’s mom greeted them from the Kitchen, who waved at them using a ladle. “Hi there.” She untied her apron and went over the Living room to entertain the two.

“How’s my little Dongho?” Alex’s mom ruffled Dongho's hair while Alex showed a disgusting face towards them. “Why? Admit it. Even Aunt Nana could tell that I’m cuter than you.” Nana, Alex’s mom, chuckled after Dongho’s statement.

“Whatever. Uh by the way, Mom-“

“Yes?” Her mom looked at her directly while holding a smile on her face.

“I haven’t asked you this before, but, I have a brother, right? Alex’s Mom bit her lip upon receiving the question. It’s been a lot of years since his son disappeared. They told Alex that her brother died. Nothing more, nothing less. Since that Alex still has a young mind, she had forgotten his brother a long time ago. But to their parents, it’s still a mystery.

“Is that true, Eommoni? Alex Never told me that before. She told me that just now.” Dongho exclaimed, While playing with Kibum, a cat, in particular. Kibum was Dongho's gift to Alex from one of her birthdays, and Alex tought that it was the best gift ever.

“Hmm… Yes. She has. But you know, Alex’s brother already died a long time ago. Don’t bother for it anymore.” She proclaimed, who was trying to hold the smile she wore.

Nana became quiet, which made Alex more curious.

“But how? Mom, I could not recall anything on him. His face, His name… It’s like a hazy vision on me. I-I wanted to visit his grave. And his pictures, Dad told me that you removed it from the photo albums, y-you kept it all. I just don’t get it.”

“Hey. Do not force your mom on things like this. Maybe-”

“Dongho, It’s okay.” Alex and Dongho looked at her, who walked out to get something from a drawer next to them.

“Here. This is the Key to your Brother’s room. If you want to know him still, prove his pictures there. I’m giving you the access.” Her Mom marked who was more relieved than at the same time as ago.

Alex grinned, who was obviously happy despite from the fact that she should have requested this years before. She knows that she has a brother, little did she know, her parents were keeping something from her, from what had happened years ago.

“Thanks Mom! Dongho, Common!” Alex dragged her best friend to God-knows-where, while Nana made a worried face.

It is too complicated, Alex. Too much.

“Kibum-ah, it hurts!”Dongho dropped Kibum down on the stairs, rubbing his scratched arm. “I told you to leave Kibum on his cot. See? Have you listened? No. So it’s your fault.”

“Cats are terrible.” Dongho rolled his eyes and watched Kibum padding downstairs. “Does he really hate me that much?” 

“They just don’t like it when you disturb them in their sleep. And you woke him up. That’s it.” Alex murmured, enough for Dongho to perceive. Though, he’s just so fretful with his arm that he ignored the latter.

“Here we are.” Alex lingered before Dongho, who was still looking at his dented arm. They reached the third floor of their house; well it is a rare chance for Alex to go up there. It was almost near the Attic and she doesn’t like going up around since that their house was basically a two-storey one.

“So you’re brother used to climb up in here just for his room? Silly.” Dongho moved forward into an unfamiliar door and linked his right hand onto the doorknob. “Ani. They moved it here. I think his real room was my room. This room was a spare one so they decided to lock up his things here.”

Dongho formed an “O” from his mouth and tried to scramble the doorknob. “Dork, it won’t open because it is locked. Hello?”

“I know. I was dusting it out for you.”

“You’re just stupid. Now, step aside.”  Alex moved Dongho and started to twirl the key into that room. The lock clicked and finally, the door got opened. Dongho scoffed from the scene. The room was dark, splayed by cob webs and is really grubby. But the stuffs were organized as it is. It was just like room, fiested by roaches and rats.

“Whoa.” Dongho started to go in, while Alex followed slowly. They swatted a few webs covering the entire room and dusted little kits out there. “I think you should hire someone to clean this. This place is really creepy, you know.”

Alex started to create imaginary visions on her mind. She saw the same setting from her dreams. The table, the chair and the exact scene where his brother sits. “There-” Alex pointed a not-so-distant area from the room and walked towards the range.

“This is where I last saw him.”

“You mean, in your dreams.” Dongho wandered his eyes around the place Alex was aiming, and right beside it was a small chest of stuffs. It was almost grey in colour, due to dirt and everything. It was plain though, but there is a padlock.

“Alex, what’s in here?” Dongho proclaimed, while kneeling near into it. Alex placed her eyes on the Chest, and scanned in thoroughly.

“How am I supposed to know?”

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update soon, please author-nim. I need this to survive!
MissCupcakes #2
Update soon ! It's really interesting!
OH DANG O________O <3 this is very interesting! the forward just caught my attention when i read the her lips thing dls;kfja;sldkfjasl;dkfjas;ldkfja;sldkjfa;lskdjf i am intrigued 8DDDDDD ROFL! please update soon ^^