Hidden Reality


“Good Morning Seoul!” ­Alex flushed a wide grin from her video camera and smiled. She roams it around and saw Dongho waving at her. “Hey Chic.” Alex frowned and turned it off. “What do you want from me, huh?” Dongho leaned closer on Alex and started walking.

“Nothing in particular, but- I do want to pinch you on your cheeeek--” Dongho ran away after he pinched his best friend’s innocent flesh. “You little brat-” Alex gritted her teeth and chased Dongho right away.

“Go chase my Lexie!” Dongho tapped his , held tight of his bag and took a turn into an alley. “And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Alex?” Alex followed his direction while Dongho kept on running. Too bad for him, the turn he made was the most stupid idea he have thought.

“No way out? . Alex’s gonna eat me- uhh Dongho, think!” Dongho ranted out on his mind, getting hopeless. “Dongho! Get back, you tarded puppy face!” Alex’s echoing voice interrupts his mind control.

Dongho roamed his eyes but saw nothing. He looked back; Alex has already stopped from running and was eyeing him, smirking evilly. “You trapped yourself, kiddo.” Dongho gulped while slowly stepping back. Sweat was dripping from her forehead. “Uhm Alex-” Dongho stared at Alex smiling sheepishly.“Yes?” This time, Alex was already walking towards Dongho.

“I-I’m sorry. I really am. Please don’t-” Dongho kneeled in front of her and hugged her best friend’s knees. “Don’t eat me- I’m begging you!” Alex pushed Dongho away from his arms.“What the Dongho, Do I look like a human eater? Now, get up-” Alex pulled Dongho’s collar up until he reached her level. “Look. I’m trying to have a great day, so-” Before Alex could finish her statement, Dongho swiftly released her hand out of his collar and pinched Alex’s other cheek.

Bye Alex! See you at School!” Dongho ran away once again, making Alex more irritated. Alex palmed her cheek and glared angrily from Dongho’s fading figure.

So yeah. And that’s how Alex’s good-turned-bad day started. Thanks to his best friend. Yes, he is. She doesn’t know actually why she’s getting along with that guy, well, that would be her, and Dongho seems right for him. He was always there, even if annoys her so much. She’s getting used into it anyway, and his presence is like a brother. A real one.

Dongho's figure was already out of her sight. “That rat.” Alex heaved a sigh and looked up at the sky. The sun was already high and she could sense that she's going to be late for their first class. “Crap.”  Alex furiously glanced at her wrist watch and got startled. She took a deep breath and started to run over for a shortcut. Only If Dongho doesn’t have to ruin her everyday life, Alex wouldn’t be like this every time. And why does she have to chase him in the first place? Because she's ridiculous. They are ridiculous. Being just the way they were is the basis of their life, and it'll never change. Ever since they got hooked up as bestfriends, from the day Dongho became Alex's neighbor, the were already bounded to ruin each other's life.

Partly, was true.

The school gate was about to close when Alex arrived. She hurriedly entered and passed the boundary while panting hard. “You’re almost late.” Dongho tapped her shoulders and smiled. “As if you have nothing to do with this.”  Alex abruptly shrugged her shoulder to swat Dongho's hand on it, making his eyes go round. “What? Is it my fault that you can’t run as fast as me? Huh?” Alex, who rolled her eyes, ignored the other and started to track down their classroom.

“See you after class, Alex! You hear it Lexie, I called you Alex!” Dongho shouted while Alex walked faster, still trying to ignore his impossible bestfriend.

“Oppa? Oppa! There you are. Come on, I have to show you something.” 

Alex entered a familiar room and walked in.“I’ve been finding you around. Come, I’ll show you something! Faster!” She was pulling his older brother’s shirt from behind. The only thing that you could see from him was his back, the back of his shirt. He was sitting on a chair, not minding his little sister pulling a piece from his clothing. To his side, a tear brimmed from his cheek, and it was the most delicate. 

“Oppa? Why? Are you crying?” Alex moved a little closer to his brother, trying to catch his image. Slowly, a gust of thin air was eating up the person in front of Alex.“Bye.” Was the only word Alex could recall. She rolled her tiny eyes while watching his brother vanishing into air. Alex was taken aback. Why is everything around her turns into black? 

“Oppa? Where did you go? I want to come with you. I’m afraid.”

Tears started to leak from the corner of her eye. She looked around but seeing nothing made her more frightened. She sat down and cuddled herself. 

“Oppa. Take me with you.” 

She looked down, and continued on crying.  Is this darkness? She closes her eyes, but something caught her attention. Beside her is a book resting from the black floor to where she sits. She moved her hand towards the object-


“Alex? Alex? Wake up. Classes are over.” Kiseop shook his classmate’s shoulder and pointed someone from the door. Their classmates were already getting out of the room, and it seems that Alex, had slept in their last class. Ah no, She really did.

“Dongho’s already here.” Kiseop started to gather his things up as Alex opened her eyes and yawned for a bit. “A dream?”  She looked through the door and saw Dongho waiting impatiently. 

“Looks like you got some weird dream.” Kiseop noticed her mumbling something, though; he motioned Alex to get up. “Go get some enough sleep next time, okay?” Alex nodded and smiled at her cute classmate.

“Hey slowpoke, faster!” 

Dongho shouted at her from the door while Alex ignored him after packing up her things. “Bye Kiseop. And oh, By the way, Thanks for the wake up.” She winked over and walked out of the room.

"Yeah yeah. Your drool, wipe it. Haha." Alex put her free hand to unconsciously which made Kiseop grin. "Kidding."

"Oh. Shut up." And they both cracked up.

Dongho greeted her and the both of them started to head out of the school.

“Why are you sleeping in the midst of classes? You haven't changed at all, dork.” 

Dongho started over, while Alex was busy staring at nothing. 

“Hey. Are you listening on me?” 

He tapped Alex on his shoulder and they both stopped from walking. “Dongho, Have I already told you that I have a brother?” Alex looked at him with a serious face. “Oh really?" Dongho pretended that he was interested but at some point, he thinks that her bestfriend's statements was just her hallucinations. Because for years in their entire friendship, Alex had never told him that she has a brother.

"Not yet.” Dongho started to walk again as well as Alex. 

“You know what? I’ve been dreaming of him.” Alex followed up.

“Mom hasn’t told me anything on him. All I know is...” A minute of silence took over. Though, they were still walking out of the blue.

“What?” Dongho broke up the tension.

“I do not know, actually.” Alex sighed, trying to remember something back from her past. She just know it. She had a brother, and there is something wrong from his complete absence from her life.

"You might be delusional or something, Alex.Try taking more hours of sleep next time, Okay?"

Alex bit his lip and thought of something. “Come with me.” Alex dragged Dongho from the direction of their house. “Where are we going?!” Dongho blinked his eyes helplessly, following his best friend.


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update soon, please author-nim. I need this to survive!
MissCupcakes #2
Update soon ! It's really interesting!
OH DANG O________O <3 this is very interesting! the forward just caught my attention when i read the her lips thing dls;kfja;sldkfjasl;dkfjas;ldkfja;sldkjfa;lskdjf i am intrigued 8DDDDDD ROFL! please update soon ^^