

When the first clash of thunder was heard, Yunho’s eyes instantly opened. He let out a sigh of relief since he had been quite startled from the sudden noise. He yawned and then scratched his itchy thigh as he looked around the room for any signs of consciousness.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully despite the cries of the sky. It was then Yunho noticed the empty pile on Jaejoong’s bed and he knew it was his cue to get up.

Slowly and silently he got up from the bed, skillfully avoiding Changmin’s long legs which were on his way out. The baby of the group clearly enjoyed stretching in his sleep.

The leader of Dong Bang Shinki squeezed the doorknob, giving a slight push to the right, making it click, meaning he had successfully opened the door without waking up the other members. With one last glance behind, he strode forward and silently closed the door the second he was out of the room.

Yunho tried to be as quiet as possible, the hallway seemingly too long, the creaking sounds as Yunho’s feet padded on the wood sounding way too loud.

The handsome man flinched when he hit his foot by mistake on a corner while he had been making a turn towards the kitchen. It was night after all and Yunho could not see past his nose. Opening the lights was not an option since the other members were always alert, that ‘someone’ might come to their dorm.

When Yunho reached the kitchen, that sight that greeted him was quite breathtaking. How can someone look so attractive while doing nothing? Has he been blinded completely by love? Or was it an angel sitting there in the middle of the kitchen?

Yunho unconsciously his dry lips, his own cheesy thoughts making him anxious. 

Try as he might, Yunho knew deep inside that he could not deny his feelings any longer. Hiding and pretending was not a solution any more. It was time for truth.

Jaejoong did not notice Yunho as he made his way even closer, simply watching and taking in the image of Jaejoong sitting there with closed eyes, just breathing and nothing more. The lighting from outside, a loud booming noise seconds before as a warning, provided him just enough light so he could see the older band mate. 

The raved haired was beautiful and Yunho’s heart thundered in its own unique way inside his chest.  

Okay now that was just stupid, Yunho thought. He was embarrassed, clearly overreacting. This was not some kind of heart wrenching drama for him to be acting so oversensitive and lovesick! This is about Jaejoong and his stupid heart. 

Idiot Jaejoong making him feel this way, say all those stupid, stupid things about love and blurting out a confession like it was nothing.
No, no, no, Yunho’s inner stoic leader-shii screamed in his head.

conscience and logic was all that crossed Yunho’s mind for one last time before he came back to reality and coughed, gaining the attention of a startled Jaejoong.

“You scared me.” Jaejoong whispered, hand on his chest.

Yunho simply gave Jaejoong an apologetic smile, not saying a word fearing his voice would crack just because. He was not sure if the latter even saw it but hoped he did.

“I’ve waited for you.” Jaejoong said, tone serious, glancing down as if inspecting something when in reality all he saw was blackness.

“I am sorry I am late.” Yunho said quietly, the double meaning behind those words making him nervous.

Jaejoong looked up once again, his eyes locking with Yunho’s. They were so awkward and they knew it, best friends were not supposed to be like this…

Jaejoong stood up from the chair he had been sitting and with a few steps he was directly in front of Yunho. No words were needed as their arms found their way towards each other, fingers brushing shyly against each other, their hands intertwining.

Hand in hand, they headed to the leaving room, the couch their final destination.

They sat there in silence, simply staring ahead, now Yunho’s thumb caressing the inside of Jaejoong’s wrist.

Jaejoong’s baby smooth skin felt so good and Yunho wanted nothing more than to leave butterfly kisses across the pale skin.

Jaejoong just sat there, biting his bottom lip, trying to hold back the shivers. 

The world clashing outside was protecting them from their own little demons, the awkward yet familiar atmosphere enveloping them.

“Jaejoongie…” Yunho’s soft voice rang in the air.

“Hmm?” Jaejoong hummed, turning to look at Yunho who was staring at him intently.

What should be done?” When Yunho began to sing, Jaejoong lost it. He watched, rendered speechless as the man he loved for so long sang to him, Confession.

What should I do?...I dare, I dare to love him.”

Hot tears run down Jaejoong’s cheeks, overwhelmed, his love for Yunho intensifying to unknown levels.

To live quietly and pretending to have forgotten

That is a life that is just like death

The criticism of the world and the portrayal of me as a madman

I know of it all

I am afraid of it all but I love you

Where are you?

Can you really hear me?

Then do you know of my poor, bleeding love?

Please forgive me

If you were to punish, I will gladly accept it.” 

Jaejoong tried to hold back the tears, he really did. He was not an emotional kind of wreck person but the man right in front of him made him so.

But, him, please allow me, just him and him only.” Yunho used both hands, each thumb trying to wipe Jaejoong’s now unstoppable tears. 

“Hey, hey, stop it.” Yunho whispered hurriedly, smudging Jaejoong’s rosy cheeks with the beautiful male’s salty watery droplets.

Jaejoong sniffed, grabbing Yunho’s hands and keeping them in place.

“What are you doing, Yunho?” Jaejoong asked, eyes closing, long wet eyelashes fanning his cheeks.

“Accepting your love.” Yunho spoke, bringing Jaejoong close to him.

Jaejoong’s heart started beating rhythmically in his chest. He gave Yunho a glare and dove into the taller male’s squishy chest.

“Took you long enough.” He mumbled sourly, drying his tears by using Yunho’s shirt.

“I am sorry, love.” Yunho said cutely, his voice hushed but still too high pitched for his ‘manly’ appearance.  However his effort for a happier atmosphere was sort lived when Jaejoong who had been gripping his shirt, punched his back hard making Yunho cough.

“Cut the crap, leader-shii. You are talking to me; using ‘aegyo’ won’t work this time.” Jaejoong stopped hugging Yunho and glared at him once again.

“I tried-..” 

“You can still use the new nickname though.” And Yunho smiled at that.

“Now, I want you to do me a favor.” Jaejoong looked up at Yunho. Since that latter hugged him by the waist Jaejoong was slightly shorter because the handsome male was kind of hovering above him.


“I want you to make love to me.” Jaejoong said in all seriousness.

Yunho gaped at Jaejoong, but quickly regained his senses, the urge to protest stronger.

“B-but, but, but…” Yunho was now pouting, trying to change Jaejoong’s mind.

“I am just kidding,” Yunho let out a sigh of relief, “for now.” Jaejoong smirked.

“You are such a bipolar sometimes Jaejoongie, one minute you are crying and the second you are making me uncomfortable.”

“Yes, yes. Now shut up and give me a kiss.” Jaejoong said without further undo, not wanting to hear how weird he is from his now lover too.

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Chapter 1: so sweet n touching!!
I like it! Keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha
They'll make love in no time though,,hahaha
cassio5ever #4
Chapter 1: cuteeeeeee :D it surely brig me emotions too**
Iluvyunjae #5
Chapter 1: “I want you to make love to me.” Jaejoong said in all seriousness.
LOL got my hopes up too fast...nice fic!
SuJuelfcassshawol #6
This story is so sweet I really enjoyed it ^-^