Fine Feathers Make A Fine Bird

Little Bang

Jung Ah’s POV


I groggily opened my eyes and turned off my alarm clock.  It was set at 9 AM so I would have about two hours to prepare for the press conference.

Ugh...  Only three hours of sleep...  I feel awful...

“Hey...  Wait a minute...” I muttered.  “When did I end up back in bed?”

Did Ji Yong carry me to my room?


Psh, yeah right.  He’s about as much of a gentleman as a horse.  Except that would be an insult to horses.


Young Bae’s POV

It was currently 10:50 AM.  We were all sitting around the table eating breakfast in little-kid form again.  It was almost kind of frightening how well we are all starting to adjust to our situation.

“How come Jung Ah isn’t eating breakfast with us?” I asked.

“Psh, you know girls...  It takes them forever to get ready in the mornings,” grumbled Ji Yong as he poured himself some cereal.

“She doesn’t usually take this long though,” Seung Ri commented.

Seung Hyun shifted uneasily in his seat.  “She must be dolling herself up for today’s press conference...  I guess she wants to look good, eheheheh...  Heheheh...”

“Seung Hyun, why are you laughing so weirdly?” Dae Sung asked with a raised eyebrow.  “You sound nervous about something.  It’s not even you going to the press conference.  It’s Jung Ah and Wooyoung.”

I think I saw Seung Hyun’s eyebrow twitch when Wooyoung’s name was mentioned.

Suddenly, the clacking of heels could be heard coming down the hallway.  Wait a minute- heels?

The five of us turned our attention to the direction of the sound and gaped at the sight before us in a mixture of shock and surprise.

Jung Ah...  Jung Ah...  How do I sum it up?  She actually looked kind of...  Hot.

She had done her hair so that it fell in loose curls framing her face.  She was clothed in a figure-fitting navy dress with three-quarter length sleeves.  Jung Ah had even worn smokey eye make up and layers of jewelry to accessorize her outfit.  And of course, she was wearing heels.


“What’s with the silence, guys?” asked Jung Ah, throwing each of us a look of insecurity.  Except there wasn't really anything to be insecure about...  I mean really, damn, her legs...

“W-Why are you dressed so weirdly?!?” Ji Yong finally stammered out, breaking the awkward tension that had formed from our lack of response.

Jung Ah rolled her eyes in retaliation.  “A simple compliment would have been appreciated, Ji Yong.”

“You look...  Nice...” Seung Hyun mumbled as he dropped his spoon under the table.  He seemed to not notice his now-missing eating utensil.  Jung Ah smiled in Seung Hyun’s direction and mouthed a silent thank you.

Seung Ri continued to eat his breakfast, the only one seemingly unaffected by Jung Ah’s sudden transformation.  “It’s almost 11; Wooyoung-sshi is probably going to be here soon.”

Dae Sung wailed, “I can’t believe my cousin’s dressed all fine for a guy...  And she’s revealing so much skin...”

“Dae-Dae, I can take care of myself thank you very much.” Jung Ah smirked.  “Thanks for worrying about me though,” she continued as she ruffled her cousin’s hair.  “Besides, I’m just showing off my legs.”

“Legs are plenty revealing!” Dae Sung argued.

Suddenly, several car horns could be heard outside.  “That’s probably Wooyoung,” Jung Ah stated plainly.  She waved at us.  “I’ll see you all later, take care!”

And with that said, Kang Jung Ah left for the press conference.

Seung Hyun retrieved his spoon from underneath the table, set it gently next to his breakfast, and sat down on the couch, excusing himself from breakfast.

“Are you full already?” I asked him.

“Mhm...  My stomach’s feeling kind of bad now...” Seung Hyun answered with a weak smile.

“Does it have to do with Jung Ah’s press conference?” Seung Ri asked while putting his dishes in the sink.

Seung Hyun stared at the maknae in shock.  “H-How did you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Seung Ri responded with a small smile.

Seung Hyun was quiet for a moment before whispering, “I just can’t shake the feeling that the situation’s only going to get worse at the press conference.”


Jung Ah’s POV

As I approached the large, black van parked mysteriously outside my dorm, Wooyoung stepped out of the vehicle in a sharp suit.  He looked pretty good.

“Hey,” he waved at me.

“Hey,” I waved back.

“You look...  Attractive.” Wooyoung commented in an attempt to strike up conversation.

“Thanks,” I blushed.  “You look pretty good yourself too.”

Suddenly, the van honked.  I didn’t notice it before, but all the 2PM members (minus Nichkhun, still in Thailand I presume) were present in that van.  Jaebum was the one who had honked at us.  “Yah, you two...  Stop standing around and get your butts in the van!  We have a press conference to head to!”

I rolled my eyes and opened the van door to several whistles from the beastly idols.

“DAYUM...  You’re looking FINE today, Jung Ah-sshi!” Junho and Junsu both exclaimed in unison.  I blushed in response and sat down next to Chansung.  Wooyoung got into the van afterwards and closed the door.

“I guess it’s true what they say,” Jaebum smirked while looking through the rearview mirror.  “‘Fine feathers make a fine bird!’”

“Watch it, Jaebum!” I retorted as I punched his arm lightly.

“Che, you call that a punch?  That was a sissy punch.” Jaebum murmured as he backed out of the the dorm parking lot and drove onto a busy road.

I felt my eyebrow twitch.  “A sissy punch?  Excuse me?”

The boys around me began to chorus in unison.  “OOOOOOOH!”

“I wasn’t even trying.  THIS is how much it hurts when I try.” I retaliated by hitting Jaebum with almost everything I could.  Almost.  He was driving after all.




Seung Ri’s POV

After Jung Ah had left for the press conference with 2PM, the rest of us had been sitting idly on the couch watching the television - all the while waiting for the press conference to start.  It was supposed to start at noon and it was currently 11:47 in the morning.

Dae Sung shifted nervously in his seat.  “Ugh, I can’t take this...  I don’t want my cousin showing off her legs on national television!” he groaned.

“If she doesn’t go to press conference, there will be bigger issues at hand.” I stated in an attempt to comfort my hyung.

“But, but...  Did she have to dress herself in a, well, a dress?” Dae Sung cried out, flailing his hands in the air.

“Uh, well...  She’s supposed to look nice for the press, isn’t she?”

“Guys, be quiet!  The press conference is starting!” Seung Hyun shushed us as he brought a finger to his lips.


Jung Ah’s POV

The press conference was scheduled to begin at 12 PM.  However...  It seemed as if the press conference started the second the 2PM members and I pulled in front of the JYP Building.

“Is the purpose of the press conference today to clarify your relationship with this girl?”

“Is she a new JYP trainee?”

“Is she a relative?”

“Has she done plastic surgery?”


I nearly wanted to sock all of them in the jaw.  However, that would probably lead to even bigger problems and I had already caused enough issues for both 2PM and Big Bang.

Before we had come to the press conference, Wooyoung had prepped me on what to do.  Basically, I was to stand there and look pretty – I was not to say anything.  I’m not complaining though; I probably wouldn’t know what to say even if I was able to talk.

In any case, the 2PM members and I were led to a large stage with a long table on it.  We all sat down in the seven chairs labeled with our names, with me sitting in the middle in between Wooyoung and Jaebeom.

I should hit whoever was in charge of the seating arrangements.

I stifled a yawn as the press conference “officially” began.  It began with 2PM introducing themselves, followed by them introducing me as Kang Jung Ah.  And then, they all sat down to answer questions.  The very first question asked by the press was, “Is Wooyoung-sshi currently seeing Jung Ah-sshi?”

“Erm, no, I am not currently seeing anyone at the moment.  Those pictures taken at the amusement park several days ago just happened to be taken the moment I saved this girl from falling down.  I was merely doing what any gentleman would do.” Wooyoung replied politely.

I got to hand it to this guy; he was able to silence the entire press with that statement.  Thank you, Wooyoung!  Is the press conference over now?

“Uh, any more questions?” Wooyoung continued.

“Who is Kang Jung Ah?  Is she just a random fan?  Is she a relative?”

This time, Jaebeom answered.  “She’s a good friend of mine and Taecyeon’s.  She came from America.”

This time there were scattered whispers throughout the press at Jaebeom’s statement.

Uh, friend?  I never even heard of the two of them until a couple days ago.  Ah well, I guess Jaebeom was just trying to get them off of my case.  Maybe he can be nice sometimes.

After an hour of listening to the press ask question after question, I began to grow drowsy.  And then that's when it happened...

I out.

I knew three hours of sleep wasn’t a good idea...


Ji Yong’s POV

On national television, in front of all of Korea...  Dae Sung’s cousin just laid her head on Wooyoung’s shoulder.  The press went wild and began snapping pictures and shouting things pretty much along the lines of, “I KNEW THEY WERE IN A RELATIONSHIP!”

Wooyoung and Jaebeom both turned to look at Jung Ah who had just ruined the entire press conference that was supposed to clear things up.  However, then Wooyoung put his hand on Jung Ah’s forehead.  And that’s when they did another thing that made the press go wild.

Wooyoung carried Jung Ah – bridal style – away from the conference.  He was immediately accompanied by Jaebeom and then by the other 2PM members as well.  And that’s when it hit all of us that Jung Ah must have fainted in the middle of the press conference.

“JUNG AHHHHH!” wailed Dae Sung, biting the corner of a pillow from sheer worry.

Seung Hyun was busy gawking at the screen with his mouth agape.

Seung Ri had begun dialing our manager’s number to find out 2PM’s number so that we could find out more about Jung Ah’s situation.

Young Bae looked over at me.  “Are you okay, Ji Yong?”

“Huh?  Yeah, I am, why?”

“You look kind of irritated.”

Psh, I’m only irritated because Jung Ah screwed up the press conference and made things worse for 2PM.  That’s all.

That’s how I would have responded if my attention wasn’t focused on the television screen.  The press had just followed the 2PM members to their van and were asking questions about Jung Ah.

Why was I feeling so worried about Kang Jung Ah?

Author's Note: Speaking of slow and sporadic updates...  Yeah, um, hi again.  It's been months.  Miss me? /shot  I apologize for the much overdue update; I've been busy with uni applications and school.  I think I'll be returning to my "regular" updating schedule now though.  Thanks for staying subscribed, if you're one of my subscribers.  Thank you for reading, if you're a silent reader.  As always, comments and critiques of any sort are welcome!

P.S. In case it wasn't obvious, I changed my username from sparsile to yeologist for... reasons.  Herp derp.

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />