Sushi and Hamburgers for Lunch

Little Bang

Jung Ah’s POV

“THANKS FOR THE FOOD!” I shouted happily.  I had just finished eating the tray of sushi in front of me.

“Damn, girl...  You eat more than I do.” Jaebum stated in English while poking my tummy.  He soon switched back to Korean.  “It’s a miracle how you fit all that sushi inside your petite body.”

I smacked Jaebum.  “YAH, keep your hands and your comments to yourself!”

“It’s too bad there wasn’t any calamari...” Chansung teased as he helped Wooyoung and Junho put away the trash.

Jaebum pretended to crack his knuckles.  “Don’t push it, maknae...”

Junsu stood up while sighing and walked to his room.

“Well, I think I have overstayed my welcome...” My voice trailed off as Jaebum, Junho, Wooyoung, and Chansung all stared at me wide eyed.

“It’s only, like, 2PM.” Jaebum said in English.  Then he started laughing.  “HA!  It’s 2PM!  The hottest time of the day, baby!” he continued in English.

Junho wacked him in the head.  “SPEAK KOREAN, HYUNG!”

“Uh, yeah, anyways...  Why do you have to leave so early?” Wooyoung asked me.

“Well, I don’t want to make my cousin and the others worry too much.  Speaking of them...” I stared at Wooyoung intently.  “How did you know to call for Big Bang?”

Wooyoung smirked.  “One of those little kids claimed to be Big Bang.  It was the only lead I could go on, so..." He shrugged.  "Yeah...”

Ah...  Mental note to self: Hit Ji Yong when you arrive back at the dorm.

“So tomorrow...  I’ll pick you up at around 11 in the morning at Big Bang’s place, sound cool?” Wooyoung asked me.

“Do I need to dress up or anything?” I frowned.  Personally, I hated wearing dresses and frilly things.  I don’t think I even packed a dress.

Wooyoung looked thoughtful for a moment.  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look presentable for the press conference.  It would give people a better impression of you after all.”

I groaned.  I guess I would have to buy a dress or a skirt on the way back to the dorm...


Seung Ri’s POV

“Not so fast, little boy...”

“Eun Joo-sshi...” Manager-hyung and I grumbled in unison.

“Ah, but I’m not alone.” Eun Joo replied as she took a few steps forward.  She had entered the wine cellar/place-we-were-being-held-captive along with a few men in dark suits, most likely her bodyguards.  She snapped her fingers and, almost as if on cue, a familiar face came out of the shadows.

What the heck?  It’s...

“L-Lee Changmin of 2AM?” I stammered out in disbelief.

“Hello there, it’s nice to see you, Seung Ri.” He responded with a smirk.  He wasn’t alone either.  Im Seulong came out too, along with Jo Kwon.

What on earth is going on?


Ji Yong’s POV

Our doorbell rang.  The four of us quickly did rock-paper-scissors to determine the two members who would go through with the trench coat plan.


Seung Hyun and I had both thrown out rock while Young Bae and Dae Sung had done paper.  Well...  I didn’t really want to do the trench coat plan anyways.  Besides, Dae Sung and Young Bae seemed so excited and child-like at the thought of going through with the idea.  Then again, we were all currently in a child-like state, so...

“Hurry, Young Bae, hurry!” Dae Sung shouted excitedly as he put on some random army boots (When did we get army boots?).  Young Bae put on the trench coat as the doorbell rang again.

“We’re coming, I mean, I'm coming!” shouted out Young Bae as he and Dae Sung ran to the door.  “Ready?” he whispered to Dae Sung.  Dae Sung nodded in response.  Soon, Young Bae had managed to somehow climb onto Dae Sung’s shoulders and was opening the door.  It was quite the spectacle on Seung Hyun’s and my end.

“Uh...  Young Bae?  What on earth are you doing?”

At the sound of the familiar voice, Seung Hyun and I burst out laughing.  It was Kang Jung Ah, Dae Sung’s cousin, who had been at the door.

“GAH!  WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Dae Sung yelped as he peeked his head out from under the trench coat.  “WHERE’S THE HAMBURGER GUY?”

“You guys haven’t had lunch yet?” Jung Ah frowned as she walked in holding some bags.  Was she out shopping?

I felt my palms ball up into fists.  Did Wooyoung give her gifts?


Seung Hyun’s POV

“You guys haven’t had lunch yet?” asked Jung Ah.  She had just walked in while holding multiple shopping bags.  Did Wooyoung buy them for her?  Dang, they really must be going out!

“Wha-What are the bags for?” I asked coolly.

“Oh these?” Jung Ah raised her hands.  “It turns out I need to dress up a bit more formally than usual tomorrow.”


“Are you going on a date?” Young Bae asked as he jumped off of Dae Sung’s shoulders and closed the door.

“WHAT?  MY LITTLE JUNG AH GOING OUT ON A DATE?!?” Dae Sung yelled as he glared in his cousin's direction.

“Chill out, Dae-Dae!” Jung Ah retorted with a nervous-looking smile.  “I’m not going on a date.  It turns out I didn’t hear Wooyoung correctly on the phone.  He just wants me to clear up the scandal tomorrow at a press conference that’s being held at noon.”

I felt myself relax.  Phew!  It’s not a date that she bought so much clothes for!

As I sat back into the couch, Ji Yong did the same.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang again.

Young Bae’s POV

“Alright, Dae Sung!  Let’s do this thing!  It has to be the hamburger man this time!” I pumped my arm in the air.  The two of us ran cheerfully to the door and I, once again, climbed onto his shoulders while buttoning up the trench coat.  As I opened the door, I was greeted by the smell of-

“HAMBURGERS!” I yelped.

“Uh, is this really the dorm of Big Bang?” asked the confused delivery girl.

“Why yes it is...” I answered back, making my voice significantly lower.  Even our voices were transformed to be childish, aish!

“And just who are you?” she asked as she looked me up and down.

“Why I am...  I am their manager.”

Looking satisfied at my answer, she gave me the food as I paid her and gave her a 15% tip.  After closing the door, I jumped off of Dae Sung’s shoulders.  “THE FOOD IS HERE!”

When Dae Sung and I got to the kitchen table, Seung Hyun and Ji Yong were already seated.  “Let’s dig in!” Dae Sung cheered as he took a bite of his hamburger.

Mmm...  Food is always better when you've work for it!

“Hey...” Jung Ah began as she walked over to the kitchen table.  “Where are Seung Ri and the manager?  They should have been back by now, it’s well over 3 in the afternoon.”

The four of us stopped chewing.  We had forgotten about our previous dilemma concerning Seung Ri not picking up his phone.

Uh... Whoops.

Author's Note: Oh look, 2AM's in this now too XD  Comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated! ^^

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LucidHeart #1
Horreh shet, you updated! <3
OMO LOVE THIS STORY! so cute and fuuny! update soon please!!!!
LucidHeart #3
Yeah leave SEULONG OUT OF THIS AND KILL EUN JOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
LucidHeart #4
W-w-why 2AM.. w-why S-seulong. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! XD<br />
Just what is happening? XD
LucidHeart #5
Sorry manager but no matter how many times my ringtone goes off like that, I would still love it. LOL. XD
@u_karu - Really? Hahaha, it's actually one of my ringtones too XDDD "Hey y~ CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK!" XD
LucidHeart #7
Poor Seung Ri, all tied up :(<br />
But I laughed at the 'CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK' part. XD That's my ringtone too. XD<br />
LucidHeart #8
perirue #9
This is pretty interesting so far! I hope you'll update again soon! :)
LucidHeart #10
I tried to hold back a squeal. XD Sorry, I just love Wooyoung too much. LMFAO. <br />