Angel (1004)


“It’s a sprain and strain, no bones that was cracked , you have to come here again after 3 days, we will see the recovery" Winnie said to Leo who was focus on his crutch.

"How long I should wear this?" He pointed at the cast on his right leg. Actually Leo got a serious injury, but Winnie already give him the medicine to reduced the pain, it was analgetics, plus she also gave him cast and crutch to lessen the activity on his leg, so he will recover in a month if he really do less activity.

"2 months? " she lied, made Leo took a deep breath.

"Manager, how if we go to another doctor?" He whispered to his manager

"You don't believe me, go to find another doctor, they will say the same thing" She wrote the medicine recipe as she shook her head and added "You can recover faster if you reducing your activity"

"She is a new popular doctor in this hospital I heard" The manager whispered to Leo "That's why I bring you here"

"Okay, you can take the medicine out there,,Oh no wait, let me help you " Winnie paused and pressed the bell in my table to call the nurse, when the nurse come in she asked her to take Leo's medicine at pharmacy, so Leo and his manager can wait here.

"Thank you so much, doctor" The manager said, while Leo looking at nowhere.





“Hmm, it’s okay” Jinnie talked to the phone with VIXX manager that told her maybe the filming should be postponed until Leo can walk properly. “Ah, you met her? What did she said?……mmhhh okay it’s better if you follow all of her advice” The manager told what Winnie said.

“Oh hi Leo? How are you?” Leo asked his manager to let him talked to Jinnie

“No, you don’t have to apologize, I will wait until you full recovery, you have to get well super soon” I

“Okay, bye” I hold my phone under my chin

“What was that?” Himchan asked as we entered TS’s office, Yongguk asked me to come, to hear the song he composed and talking about the theme for filming.

“The filming will be postponed until Leo get well” when we was about enter the lift I heard a girls called Himchan, both of us turned around and found SECRET’s member behind

“Himchan, is this her?” asked the girl with blonde hair. I only knew Hyosung because we ever met before

“Sssshhhut up” He gave her a sign “This is Jinnie, the music video director, she also composed a lot of song, Jinnie she is Song Jieun” Himchan introduced both of us as I shake her hand “I know you, Yongguk was featured with you before, right ?”

“ahhh,,yess, nice to meet you Jinnie” she said cutely

“Girls, we are going to met Yongguk so,,,,,” Himchan already pushed me to the lift but Hyosung hold him “No no no, you’ll come with me, we will gonna be MC again in music bank together with Amber tomorrow, and now she’s waiting for us”

“You can go then, I’ll find Yongguk” I nodded at him as a sign I was okay go there alone. I looking for the recording room, Yongguk told me he was there for composing. When I found the room, I heard he was hummed a song while choosing the sounds of instruments “Looks like someone really busy here” I walked closer to him, he took a chair and moved it beside him as he pats the chair for me to sit.

“How‘s the progress?” I asked him and he hand me the papers

“What do you think? The tittle is 1004 (Angel)” he asked while reduced the volume. I read the lyrics


you’re like an angel, who has left me and gone somewhere
I need you

I don’t know how I’m living
After you left me, I’m going crazy
Every day, every night
I can’t even sleep
I’m all alone, drinking away, cry

So I miss you (I think of you) and I need you (every day)
I can still hear your voice
Come back to me (I don’t have anyone) Come back to my side (but you)
You’re like an angel

The reason I live is you
I don’t think I can see you anymore, I think I’m really dying
The person to love me is you
Shine on me in the darkness

Look at me now
Come to me now
(Come back to me, how am I supposed to live?)
Look at me now
Come to me now
(How am I supposed to live without you every day?)


"Gosh, this is so touching, how can you made it uh?" I punched him beside "It's gonna be ballad or? You already put the instrument? Oh no, you guys already recording???" Yongguk hold his laughter as he nodded

"Why don't you tell me, why you let me read this paper first?"

"I want you to know from the first step, okay now listen the song" he pressed play and the song was playing. First it was only an accoustic guitar until Daehyung sang his part and Yongguk said 'I need you' while he lifted his hand up to me, then all the instruments poured together, the beat of the drum, even the rhythm of the guitar, it was beautiful. I smiled at him while nodding my head following the rhythm, Yongguk really know where to put the part of song with the members really appropriately. It's really new style of BAP, but they still held their own characters here.

"It's really cool, you gonna make it as your comeback song?"

"Of course it's cool, I'm Bang Yongguk, you na mean?" He asked with this old style and laughed with me.

"Hahaha, stop that British Yongguk, I wonder how you made this song, who do you think of?"

While he back to focus on the screen he said "You" then he continued to hummed again like he didn't care

"Seriously, you don't tell me if you already like someone, ah I'm upset you don't even tell your bestfriend" I mumbled and looking back to another paper, to read another song "Ah,,really ck"

"I told the truth Jin" Suddenly he stop and turned to me, his face became serious but still warm

"Why why why, why you suddenly you like this " I slap his arm, and grinned widely, but it also turned to expressionless as he started "I like you" he smile a bit and shook his head "Since you always with us during trainee days, but I know at the time you were in love with him, it's was hard at the first, I saw you guys together, but if you wanna know I'm happy if you happy, I smiled because you smiled, I sad if you sad, up until now even you are not with him, I dont want to telling you this, I don't want to breaks our friendship that already like my own family, I don't want you to feel sorry because of me, by the time I learned something that if you're not my destiny then I will love another person more than I love you" He said as he saw my face turned to to feel sorry and added while he pats my arm and smiled "Come on Jin, it's okay, with you always together with me, with us it's already more than just enough, we already look a like a family and I don't want to broke it, maybe I should love you as a friends, best friends, sister, just like family, just like usual.

It doesn't really matter for me, because we still there for each other, help each other, love each other like you love the others, it was more warm and beautiful. Maybe it's not something like a woman to man or like dating couple, but I could feel that you have a love for me, for them that can't be replaced with anyone, not even your husband in the future, because it has different place” He said with sincere I could see that from his eyes. He didn’t mean I will love them more than my husband, but it will be different feeling.

“Yongguk……” He wipe away my tears and chuckled “Haha did I told you I don’t like to see you cry right?” He laughed softly with his deep voice, he has this side inside him I know that, but this is the first time I saw in person, never in my life I saw him like this, not even with his exgirlfriend. He pulled me into his arm, I hugged him tightly and laughed because he started it “ahaha why, you really my best man “ sobbed then I mumbled “I love you really really love you” It’s was not the love like other couple had, it was more like best friend, and it can’t be compared to anything else, I love him, I love them. They have their own place in my heart, in my life.

I slapped him in the face made him shocked “Why ??? it’s rare for me to become this sweet and you just slapped me, why” He let out a laughter while pulled me again to hugged him, he rubbed my back soflt and said “Promise me, we will always be together with the boys”.

I nodded and wipe away my tears which still continue to flow “I promise” I said as I hit his back made him laughed even more.

“Listen, I will show you another song, it’s gonna be your favorite because it’s rock, it's really our tatse” he played a song with His voice in the first part.

“aahhhh, I really hate you, hahahaha what’s the name of this song?” I asked him while he still put his arm around my shoulder as I rested my body onto him “BANGX2” he said proudly

“Why you put your name there?” I shouted at him softly

“Wait until you hear the refrain, aahh this impatient woman” he grumbled while pinched the edge of my nose.

“It was Jongup? He try his high note?” I asked him because I heard it’s not Daehyun’s voice and It was good, he nodded “I tried to force him even more, see that? he did”

“Ahhhhh,,,that Hyosung made me coming late, what did I missed?” Himchan entered the room and put the beers in the table “Jinnie, why your eyes swollen ?” He asked and Yongguk pulled me to hide my face in his chest while he laughed, and it made me laugh too as Himchan tried to pulled me to see my face. “Why why why, guys please, Jinnie let me see, ahahahahah Jinnie please” he begged with his cute voice, he noticed that was nothing bad happen from the aura.

“hahahaha,, I don’t want to see you, my face is ugly right now”

"Jin, please look at me or......"

“Hahahaha,, hey hey don’t pulled her” Yongguk warned him while he laughed and still hold me, then Himchan tried to tickle me. We let out a big laughter, we shared our laughed, our jokes and our love.







3 days later…

"Doctor, you still have one patients before the surgery, the patient that was injuried 3 days ago" Said the nurse

"Let him in" 

“Ah, you again Jung Taekwoon. It’s your real name right? How's your leg” Winnie gave him a sign to sit when Leo entered the room with N and his manager

“Wow, you really looks like her, I’m N” He said while sat beside Leo

“Because we are twin” Winnie smiled at him

“When I can throw this cast away?” Leo asked with his flat face.

“You can’t of course, it will be me that can take it off from you, and let me check first” She stood up towards him “Can you walk properly without crutch?”

“I will try” He said quietly as he tried to stood up but Winnie lifted her hand to him, he looks confused and she said after rolled her eyes “Come on, I will help you I have to know the progress”

Leo took her hand and tried to walk one step, but he was limped. “It will be hurt at the first because all this time you use your crutch, try to walk again” Winnie asked him while her hand still hold him, but Leo said nothing, his face didn’t even showed that he was in pain or not when he walked few steps “It’s hurt?” Winnie asked and helped him to sit again

“Of course” He said coldly

“Then why don’t you say it, but your face is doesn’t looks like you were in pain”

“Hahah,,doctor, his face is always like that, you have to wait until he speak or ask him first, if you not, you wouldn’t know anything” N explained

“Ah I see, but Leo when you come to the doctor, you have to tell them everything even though they only asked you one or two questions, they have to know all of your complains so they can made the diagnose” Winnie talked while looked him in the eyes

“Hm” Leo only nodded without even take a glance  

“I will change the cast, you will wear it again one week and have to back here again” Winnie told him the truth now “There’s a possibility you will recover in one or two weeks, still reducing your activity, no dance, no run, no walk to much, but when you sit or lying down try to moving it slowly if not your legs will be stiff” She write another recipe “It’s only vitamin for your muscles there’s a little analgesics, so you can’t feel the pain. I’ll ask the nurse to change your cast, because I had surgery in 5 minutes” She was about to leave the room, but Leo’s question made her turned around.

“Should I still wear this?” He pointed at the crutch, he didn’t like to walked with that.

“Try to walk without them” Winnie said as she saw Leo’s smile for the first time, it’s not wide, not even showed his teeth, only the corners of his lips lifted slightly upward.

But, it’s really sweet.

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chunjoe1004 #1
nice story!
Wow... I liked this.