Chapter 5:Encounter



So, i tried to update as soon as I could, and I'm still slow. But i'll try harder in the future ;) I also tried to increase the length of the chapter this time, so i hope you all won't get bored.

I would like to thank all the people who subscribed to my story and left such wonderfu comments. Reading comments makes me feel really nice and i feel very motivated too! 

Thank You for your patience and here it goes...


Luhan had told him that somewhere near the house, a beautiful bunch of white flowers grew. They grew even when it was cold and he had promised to show them to Baekhyun after he had healed completely. Thinking about them would make baekhyun feel nostalgic and think about the time when he was just a kid.

Winter was generally cruel on the inhabitants of the place from where he came. Food was scarce, and no amount of firewood could be enough to warm up everyone in the village. Most trees were covered in snow, their green leaves barely visible underneath all that whiteness. As a kid, Baekhyun was intimated by their height. He often felt that the trees would collapse and crush his tiny body under their heavy weight. And yet, he would venture out into the woods, for that one thing. Somewhere in the forests, grew a flower. The winter honeysuckle, they called it. The small white flowers that grew on the plant, never ceased to fascinate him. Baekhyun and Tao, used to often make crowns out of the flowers and put them on their heads, looking at their reflection in the frozen lake nearby and giggling at how pretty they looked with the halo of white flowers on their heads.

Zitao. It had been a while since baekhyun had seen the friend he had grown up with, but even if he wanted to, he couldn’t really go back. His circumstances did not permit him to return to the place he had once called home.


He had been getting much better. Rapidly so, in fact. Yixing had been really good to him, whipping up all sorts of salves and potions to treat the multiple wounds on his body. He couldn’t really keep track of the time, but a few days had passed since is arrival. Trusting the pack, had so far worked out in his favour. The wolves had been nothing but nice to him. Treating him like a child and doing whatever they could to make him feel better. He had taken a liking to all of them, especially Yixing and his mate Junmyeon, and the deer like boy, Luhan. The omegas had been motherly towards him, while the dominant wolves had been friendly, goofing around and telling him bizarre tales. Jongdae was obviously his favourite, because he had been the one who had saved him from his impending death, and had been like the brother he had always wished for. Jongdae would often visit him, at times with his mate Minseok, at times without him. And then he would tel him all sorts of stories to cheer him up. Story time was Baekhyun’s favourite. Sehun, who was the closest to Baekhyun’s age, had seemed extremely mature for his age, at first. But soon, he had dropped the facade and revealed his true nature of a prankster. He was the clingiest of all the pack members, and had a childish aura around him. It surprised Baekhyun that he had managed to get someone like Luhan. But he hadn’t failed to notice, that with Luhan, Sehun was very gentle and listened to everything he said. He was very mature when it came to his mate.

It made Baekhyun think about himself at times. He was only a few years younger than sehun, and he still had not turned into an adult wolf, leave alone get a mate. But he was used to things like that. The small boy had always been a slow grower. He had been the last baby to walk and had been the last one to turn into his wolf form in his previous pack and the fact that he was still a pup, while everyone around him had grown into strong alphas and betas, or attractive omegas, did not come across as a surprise to him .


But maybe that had been a good thing. The fact that he was a pup, and an omega pup at that, had probably warmed the new pack to him. He felt as though he had known them all their lives and how he wished that, that could have been true. He wondered how things would have been if he had been born in the pack. Things would have been different and maybe, he would have been like Luhan, with his easy smile and twinkling eyes, or maybe like Junmyeon, with his gentle face, and caring nature, or perhaps, even minseok, who seemed powerful despite being an omega, with his strong physique and stern face, but a sweet heart.


It had amazed baekhyun. The way the omegas spoke to the dominant wolves. The way everybody was allowed to do whatever they wanted, with no pressure from the family elders. What had amazed him even more, was the fact that the wolves lived without any family elders. They lived away from them, and had yet remained a pack. Most packs would fall apart under such circumstances, fighting for power or fighting for mates, with no one around to keep them together with wisdom that came from years of surviving in this harsh world. But despite being very young, this pack was tightly knit. They really were a family. Baekhyun thought, that probably this was what they called an emancipated pack.

His previous pack had been nothing like that. But the pup did not want to think about that right now. He’d rather concentrate on the good aspects of his life.


But something puzzled baekhyun. The Alpha. The brunette knew that the pack had an alpha. But somehow, he had never seen anyone. The alpha had never come to visit him and the although he had heard the other wolf mention him a few times, he had yet to come across the man himself. But he was confused. Wasn’t the alpha supposed to take care of all matter related to his pack? Or did this pack not work like that? In all honesty, he was a little scared of encountering the head of the pack. What if he wanted him to be thrown out. He knew that this pack was probably one of his last hopes for survival and all he could do, was to cross his fingers and pray, that he would be let off easily.



A few days into his stay, he began to smell a new scent. The smell was not as dominant as the alpha’s but it was more powerful than that of the others. It was probably the beta that had returned. He had heard the other pack mates talk about him. They had called him an angry bird and baekhyun had giggled at the nickname. Apparently the beta had thick eyebrows that made him look like he was constantly scowling. He wondered what the second in command was like. Would he ignore his presence like the alpha, or would he be friendly like Jongdae and the others.





He had been staring out of the window, looking at nothing in particular. That had become his pass time whenever there was no one around. That, or reading one of the books that Minseok had given to him. But reading too much hurt his head, and he was often forced to put down the book he was reading. The scenery outside was rather pretty anyway, so he didn’t mind looking at it. Since the house was right in the middle of a forest, the variety of flora and fauna was great. He could see pretty flowers and huge trees from where he sat. During the day, soft sunlight would fall through the window and the pup would bask in its warmth.


He was trying to follow the movements of a beautiful blue butterfly with his eyes, when he heard a knock on his door. The door opened and everyone entered the room. His mood instantly lightened up at the sight. It was always nice to have the wolves around him, especially the whole lot. Things got much more animated and loud when everyone was there, and it made Baekhyun feel as though he belonged with these people.


As everyone shuffled into the room, the pup noticed that they had a stranger with them. At least the man was a stranger to him. He was very tall, towering over the rest of them, and had had a lean built. and then Baekhyun recognized the scent. He was probably the beta. he also noticed the thick, furrowed eyebrows and that ascertained the fact that the man was indeed the Yifan he had heard about.


It was Sehun who walked up to him and gestered towards the tall wolf. “ Baek, this is our angry bird, Yifan. He just came yesterday and was just settling in, so he couldn’t meet you.” the boy blabbered on. He had grown very friendly with Baekhyun in the few days that he had known him for.


The others laughed at the nickname, and began joking around. This was what happened whenever all of them were in the same room. Everybody would talk simultaneously and create a huge ruckus, trying to muffle down whatever anybody else was saying. But amidst all the noise, baekhyun saw that the beta was looking straight at him. They maintained eye contact for a while, and then the man began walking to him.


He sat down at the edge of the bed and gave him a small smile. “ Hi”, he said, and his smile grew.

Baekhyun ducked his head slightly, and replied with a shy hello. the man was intimidating, despite the friendly gesture, and the pup wanted to hide under his covers and just remain there.


“Yah! You’re scaring our little puppy!” Minseok hollered from somewhere, and that induced another round of laughter from the others.


The comment made Baekhyun titter and Yifan’s eyes shot up in surprise, before a smirk replaced the smile on his face.


“ I was just being friendly. Can’t help that my face looks like that now, can I? and look, he liked it. Didn’t you, little one?”


Baekhyun didn’t know how to respond, so he just bit his bottom lip and nodded his head slightly. That earned him a groan from Jongdae. “ Don’t lie baek. We know the guy is scary. He can’t do anything to you, so just admit that you’re scared of him.”


The comment brought on another round of bickering and laughing and shouting and it was almost evening by the time everyone left his room. They had talked and eaten and just joked around. And Baekhyun noticed that Yifan wasn’t the scary guy he thought he was. The tall wolf had been rather friendly with him and had tried to talk to him about a lot of things. At least as many things as he could manage with everyone interfering with everything he had to say and starting a fresh conversation of their own. Since everyone had already told Yifan about his condition and how they had found him, the man had not tried to question him about his origins. He wasn’t suspicious of him, and the omega was grateful for that. He liked this pack, and he hoped that he would be allowed to stay with them, even if it was for a while.








Days passed and things were getting better for Baekhyun. His wounds had healed a great deal and he was able to walk a bit. More like limp for a short distance. He still couldn’t climb stairs or venture outside the house, but he could limp around the ground floor of the house. The play station was in the living room of the ground floor and he would play on it with Sehun, Jongdae or Yifan. Apparently, Yifan was not a regular player, but had only recently started. And even though he was new, he was really good at it. At times, Beakhyun would sit somewhere in the kitchen and watch Yixing or Luhan cook. Cooking was said to be Kyungsoo’s forte, the wolf that the pup had not yet seen. He had heard the others say that they missed his food and that they couldn’t wait for him to get back, and now, he was curious too. Minseok would be out of the house at times, working at the office, so Baekhyun saw a little less of him. But whenever he was around, he would sit by the pup and the two would quietly read a book. Last of all, baekhyun longed to go outside and watch Junmyeon tend to plants. The elder omega would often get him flowers, fresh from his garden and the pup would be delighted about that. Even Yifan would often sit by him, and talk to him about random things. He would try to crack jokes and be funny, but he was just bad at that. But his attempts would make Baekhyun crack up and laugh.



Baekhyun’s curiosity increased over the fact that the alpha was never to be seen. Not only had he never visited aBekhyun, he was never in the house. Baekhyun had once timidly asked Luhan about the head of the pack, and the blonde man had just chuckled and told him that lately, the alpha had gone cuckoo and spent most of his time at the office in the city. Apparently he did return at some point in the night, and left early in the morning. Not that it was his place to ask questions, so Baekhyun had let go of the topic. It was probably better this way. For all he knew, the alpha mightnot want him there anymore. He was happy passing his days like this. The pack made him feel safe and protected. Something he had not felt in a very long time.





Time went by and a few more days had passed when, in the middle of the night, the pup felt his stomach grumble. He had eaten a heavy dinner along with the others, but even so, he could feel the pangs of hunger as he lay on his bed. His. That was how he had begun to think of things now. And he didn’t know if it was alright to do so. After all, he was not officially a member of the pack and who knew when he might have to leave the place. It was probably better to be a little detached. He didn’t want to get hurt like that.


Brushing his thoughts aside, he put on a pair of bunny slippers that Junmyeon had got for him, gushing that they would look so cute on the little omega, and proceeded to limp out of his room.

His obvious destination was the kitchen, where he hoped to find some leftover food in the huge refrigerator.


So late in the night, the house seemed eerily quiet. Everyone was sleeping and the usual cacophony of the day had disappeared. He dragged his feet towards the refrigerator when he reached the kitchen and began to scrounge for something to eat. All he found were raw vegetables, a few bottles of beer and juice and some leftover soup. The gang had finished up everything that had been prepared for dinner, and that didn’t surprise him one bit. There were after all 9 of them.


Not in the mood for soup, the omega pup took out a bottle of apple juice and was preparing to pour it into a glass, when the scent suddenly hit him.


Warmth spread in his belly and his pupils dilated. The scent was strong. Stronger than anything he had ever smelled and he knew at that very instant, that the fabled alpha of the pack, was back. The urge to roll over and expose his belly to the dominant wolf was persistant, and Baekhyun wanted to run to the safety of his room as soon as possible.


But before he could take another step towards the said place, his body was harshly shoved against the nearby wall. Strong hands gripped his bony arms and pressed against the hard surface. Scared, Baekhyun closed his eyes and whimpered in pain. This was it. He was going to be killed.


The person who had pinned him down, was breathing deeply, as if struggling to perform the simple task, and Baekhyun waited for the onslaught of sharp fangs on the delicate skin of his throat. For the blood to spill from his neck and for his body to be drained of the life it held.


But nothing happened. The wolf above him kept breathing, while the grip on his arms didn’t loosen a bit.


Scared of what would happen if he moved, the small boy slowly opened his eyes. And then, he gasped. The man above him was much taller than him. Almost as tall as Yifan. And his hair was tousled, a deep black. Veins appeared on his forehead, as he struggled to maintain control, his chest heaving. His lips were parted in a snarl and a small growl escaped his throat.


But his eyes were what Baekhyun couldn’t look away from. The almond eyes pierced right through his soul, and the only thing preventing his legs from buckling under him and making him fall, were the rough, calloused hands of the alpha. The man’s eyes looked so troubled. As though he was going through some great turmoil in his head. The gaze unwavering.


Another whimper from the omega brought the alpha back to his senses, as his eyes suddenly showed realization of the situation they were in. He stared into the blue eyes of the omega for a few more seconds, and just like that, he was gone.


With nothing to support his body anymore, Baekhyun slid to the ground and covered his mouth with his hand. He was recovering from the shock and trying to understand that whatever had happened, was indeed true. The fact that the scent was no longer there, helped him to think clearly. And he could swear, that within the time they had been looking into each others eyes, the Alpha’s eyes had flickered to a deep shade of red, before turning back to their chocolate brown colour. And although Baekhyun didn’t really know the reason behind that, he knew that something was strange. Something has made it hard for the Alpha to keep control over his senses…



Phew. Chanyeol finally met Baekhyun. Now, the interesting part is going to start.  hehehehe

I feel that i didn't write very well this time and that, things weren't explained in detail. But i"ll try to improve upon that.

Do subscribe and comment if you liked the chapter. It makes my day :D  and drop in any suggestions if you like.

Thanks a lot :*




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Chapter 11: Good luck, come back soon *_*
I read the foreword part and chapter 1 of the story, the story is very good <3
I would like to translate your story into Persian (If you let me ^_^)
but you did not continue and your story is not over. I hope your problem is solved and you come back soon.
zo-chan #3
Chapter 11: It's okay, take your time ~
Khanzobaria #4
Chapter 11: Heyy author Nim stay strong.. everything is going to be okayy..
Stay healthy,happy and blessed<3
Chapter 11: Sorry to hear that, but take all the time you need :) I hope life gets better for you :)
laflydoll #6
Chapter 10: i am waiting for the day chanyeol confess tho:(
Chapter 10: Please let something happen between Chanyeol and Baekhyun... Chanbaek needs more screen time...
Btw I'm in love with this plot... ^&^
Silence_soul238 #8
Silence_soul238 #9
Love this
nui_be #10
Chapter 10: Why soo why?